We 100% NEED Built-in anti-tunnel

Either make decisive strike basekit or something because the amount of killers that just turbo-tunnel and follow you for 12 seconds after an unhook for a free kill is getting on my nerve. Just played a game where the same teammate farmed me twice and I went from a 1 and a half minute chase for the first hook only to have the killer get the second and third hook stage after 30 seconds. WE NEED BUILT IN ANTI-TUNNEL.
No. We don't.
53 -
this is a killer forum. You know it, don’t you?
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He got lost. Just give it some time, Sluzzy will take him away.
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To be fair, the teammate who farmed you is the one to be blamed for that. Should the killer really be punished for taking the obviously best option when it's presented to them by bad plays from the survivor team?
Granted, it's still a problem, but it's important to understand why, and where it comes from.
46 -
This sounds like "your team-mate" issue...
DS is 100% not perk to become basekit, if it would be basekit you would have to nerf it hard and disable locker for it.
20 -
Or atleast let me hold shift when on a hook so I can't get unhooked by idiot teammates. I hate that I can NEVER solo-queue, I HAVE to play with 3 other sweaty players with meta perks so the killer doesn't just just turbo-tunnel 1 poor soul.
6 -
well, ds is a reference to that scene in halloween where Laurie stabs Myers in the eye, so I don't we should make it basekit. Also, it seems like that was your teammate's fault for unhooking you in front of the killer with no bt and not taking a hit
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I'd be on board with that first part. Might cause some griefing issues, but it'd certainly be better than punishing the killer because the survivors played badly.
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Let me see if I can explain this.
'Tunneling' doesn't exist. What you are describing is just the meta.
The way this game works, for the most part (excepting endgame builds etc.) is by The Rule of 3. If only 3 survivors remain alive by the time 3 gens are done, the killer usually gets at least a 3k.
If there are more than 3 survivors alive at 3 gens, the killer usually gets a 0-1k. DbD, by it's very nature, is snowbally.
Once you get into even intermediate MMRs, you'll see that trying to 2 hook everyone before killing is a near guaranteed way to get teabagged all the way to the exit by 4 survivors. The killer absolutely has to try to delete someone as soon as possible, so that they don't just get bum-rushed on the final gens and can effectively contest the gates. And when a chance comes to down someone - they need to take it.
Now, as per your case:
- Why are you complaining about killers, when it was one of your own teammates that did you dirty? The killer was doing what they should do. I'd probably have given you a break if you had a silly/trolly teammate - but I'm under no obligation whatsoever to do so.
- 'Built in anti-tunnel' would be ridiculous. You'd have to substantially increase gen times or buff the pants off almost every killer in the game to compensate. Again, if 4 survivors are alive on the last few gens, you've lost.
- If you are worried about being tunneled, you have multiple anti-tunnel perks at your disposal.
- If a killer is able to follow you for 12 seconds after an unhook, you've been massively outplayed.
I get that you had a frustrating match, but again - one of your teammates let you down. Complain about that, if you have to complain about something.
Whatever happened to Sluzzy?
Haven't seen her since a red shut down one of her threads.
19 -
Alot of killers tunnel because of gen speeds and they're playing lower tier killers, they chase a survivor 2-3 gens pop on first hook and then they feel pressured to start taking people out, if all the weaker killers with little to no map pressure had a built in way to get across the map faster you would see alot less tunneling and that's the general complaint they have is they feel forced to play blight, spirit, nurse etc... Just to be able to compete at top level
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Blame your farming team mate.
Don't want to be a "typical killer" but..... It's how it is
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I understand that it's frustrating when it happens, but your teammate needs to A) not farm you and B) block for you. If you have BT, that usually buys you enough time to make it to something unless RNG has been really unkind to you. And again, teammates need to be aware of what's happening in that scenario and not save and vacate the premises.
3 -
We HAVE built-in antitunnel already, it's called teammates.
Whenever you're on death hook or beiing tunneled while others weren't hooked at all, they're supposed to go out of their way to help you, even get downed for you just so surviovrs as a team don't lose a player and it doesn't change into 3v1.
Blame teammates for beiing terrible at assisting you and do your best to help your teammates when they're getting tunneled.
You're part of a team, cooperation is essential and helping each other against tunnelers is huge part of that.
14 -
I'm down for built in anti-tunnel, after we get the game properly balanced to where it isn't necessary
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Why? The best way to win is to tunnel out a weak link.
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Exactly this.
When one side is following a meta that can be unfun for the other side - stop and ask yourself why.
I'd love to have to 'tunnel' less, but as things stand - 2 hooking everyone before finishing them is something I can only afford to do in games where I'm already firmly in control.
If I try to do that in most games, I'm just going to lose.
7 -
You do realize built in anti tunnel would need a killer compensation right? Like a slowdown base kit.
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Solo Queue is pretty easy on my end.
If the killer is following you for 12s to wait out BT and you can't do anything with that time/go down like a sack of potatoes, you may want to re-evaluate your gameplay - same if you're constantly the first to die in solo queue.
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Bad save is on your teammate, killers just take the opportunities they're given.
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This won't help. As long as gens fly by, we'll just tunnel harder to win.
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I tried it with huntress today. Trying to get 2 hooks before sacrifices.
As you said urself, i could see the unhooking…which could lead to easy tunneling, but after 2nd hook, I slugged her and focus on the rest.
3 hooks = 2 gens (haddon fields or we is map called)
end game: 7 hooks 0K.
If you get instant unhook and be suprised that killer focuses wounded before rescuer…well, think again or do some fair play killer matches :)
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Until gens are reworked also
1 -
dude. tunnelling is a strategy. Accept it and move on. If you get tunnelled suck it up, I know it sucks but gens are so unbelievably busted that killers have to slug, tunnel, camp etc.
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I don't think we do.
DS itself wasn't even an anti-tunnel perk until early-2019.
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yeah. before then it was (and actually still is) just an extra health state.
4 -
To all the killers who say tunneling is a strategy and often a must: maybe then you should face weaker survivors who you are able to defeat without tunneling. Didn't you think about that?
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Do Bones
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Players were way worse back then
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I prefer to say it was an "anti-momentum" perk.
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Fine - then we also need built-in anti-gen rush. Make Corrupt Intervention basekit
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Before than it was an anti killer perk
Or so i've heard, anyway.
0 -
That would be great but unfortunately the devs band-aid fix balancing problems with perks. Anti-tunneling perks and probably survivors in general would be overpowered. Same for the idea of built-in gen slowdown. Just wouldn't work unless we deleted/reworked most of the strong perks from both sides.
1 -
Did you even think about this insanely entitled, weak-minded statement before you wrote it?
Go take a moment to re-read it. Twice if you have to. Then if you honestly come back here and stand by your statement above, I'll know to ignore you from now on.
go on. I'll wait.
5 -
When I first started playing DBD, DS had this effect:
I've seen people use it to make the killer waste a huge amount of time, and I've seen people use it and then get downed a few seconds later.
Its actual strength relied heavily on its user.
Though, I guess this is the same for every perk.
1 -
Then we need the option to hold shift and prevent an unhook just like we can prevent a heal. We can't help what mouthbreathers we get paired with unless you *always* play with 3 friends. And we all know how much you don't want us to always play with three friends.
3 -
No we definitely don't. If anything tunnel is 100% necessary to lock in a kill or 2. If you are just the unlucky one for the match that gets it well.... try again next game bc I totally get why killers tunnel when 3 gens pop in the first 2 1/2 minutes of the match and you have like 2 hooks maybe 3. Lmao.
Gens are broken. Play killer more. Get an idea of how the typical killer match goes and you'll be a little more patient about getting tunneled.
It's not fun, we know, but blame the devs not the killers for trying to pressure the survivors down to 3 as early as possible to get somewhat of a actual chance at keeping up.
2 -
It's weird. Survivors tell me chases are the one fun thing in DBD and that sitting on gens isn't fun. Yet when a killer gives them chases an entire game and doesn't leave them alone to sit on gens, survivors get mad. Why is this?
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No, we need survivors that are aware of the rules of the game.
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I always use BT. Every match because of tunneling killers. I think the penalty for hook proximity could be higher. If you want to camp the hook maybe you could just play the Hag and draw those things everywhere.
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Sure, you won't see any objections here.
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I'll ask two simple questions...
1) Do you believe a survivor is entitled to three hooks?
2) Do you believe that after an unhook, a survivor should have some guaranteed time where the killer leaves them alone. Time that could be used as guaranteed generator repair time?
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Agreed. But doing so should make it so you cannot be unhooked by any means for some time period; say, six seconds.
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I'd be down for anti tunnel if survivors had to do 6 gens instead.
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I'll take the bait- isn't it? OP says they were farmed, so the killer in that scenario is right on top of them and their teammate ran away. Why would the killer take the chase on the (presumably) healthy survivor they can't see, over the injured survivor they can see?
I probably wouldn't, personally, but there's no denying that it's obviously the right choice to down the unhooked survivor if you want to win. Why isn't it on the teammate who farmed?
Post edited by Rizzo on5 -
Do bones.
2 -
Yeah, that sounds about right.
It was worth a shot though!
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Survivors objective: Generators
Killers objective: Survivors
The only difference between the two is one whines more and is harder to do.
If you wanna be tunneled less, the game pacing issues need to be resolved without using bandaid perk fixes like this game has done for 5 years. Considering the devs took 5 years to change the hatch mechanic, I don't think they're capable of any changing any core mechanics for the better (not in the next decade anyway).
2 -
The only way we can get built-in anti-tunnel is if it works 100% perfectly, isn't abusable, and buffs killers to compensate.
To make this more sense for the game, it could be, "The Entity finds it unamusing if the killer constantly goes for one survivor, giving the survivor the ability to escape their grasp if they get picked up soon after being unhooked. Try to go for other survivors!"
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I feel like we need another perk for tunneling. DS is not enough in my opinion.
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So many people claiming you have to tunnel to win. If you have to tunnel to win you're either bad, or outmatched. I'm not saying you have to two hook before killing someone, but you hardly need to tunnel either.
As for the OP's example, yeah that's on your teammates. You can't blame the killer for taking advantage of their bad plays. Personally I prefer to punish the idiot who made the bad play instead of the victim of it. Unfortunately you can't expect everyone to do that.