Do not loose a pip when being tunnelled

As annoying as it is a lot of killers tunnel survivors which cause the survivor not to be able to get anything done on the game in order to gain points or PIPs. I believe that if a survivor is hooked twice before any other survivor has been hooked then that player shouldn’t loose or gain a PIP to their rank. Who else agrees
Depipping doesn't even matter and you can't go down in grades and grades don't affect matchmaking. This is such a non-issue.
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Just a plain bad idea
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The thing with every anti tunnel post here is how should the game decide if you hard tunneld someone of hook (wich is nasty but sometimes killers need to) or you just had bad luck like the killer comes to the hook and only sees scratch marks going in two directions I can only follow one it just happened I followed the freshly unhook one should I turn my back to you and accept it as lost time time that killers often don't have nearly enough of
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I might have agreed with this before, when your matchmaking was based off of your pips. But at this point, pips don't matter at all, so all problems with the emblem system have become non-issues.
Besides, you can depip, but you can't actually move down in rank. A long string of bad matches can't damage your ranking and a long string of good matches will carry you upwards like normal.
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Try not Gen Rush and Killers won t tunnel or camp that much easy... You survivors have always a second chance to escape (Dead Hard, Loop Pallets, DS and more...) So don t cry if killers tunnel or camp. Try play Killer and you will see the pain and maybe just maybe you will understand why killers tunnel and camp..