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Can we stop with the ranged killers please.

Just as the title says.

We have bird Lady who has trap ranged.

Pinhead with a chain ranged

Nemesis with a Short range ranged attack

Trickster with a gimmick knife ranged

And finally twins with a jumping ranged attack.

That's 5 killers , 5 consecutive chapter with ranged killers.

Can the next chapter maybe have a stealth killer or another trap killer that's not ranged.

I'm just getting bored with the same concept being just applied differently.


  • AhoyWolf
    AhoyWolf Member Posts: 4,096

    Well, Hag is a really good trap killer and a great killer in general, but only like 3 people play her.

  • vacaman
    vacaman Member Posts: 1,140

    I agree, bring in more charging killer like Demo or Blight, those are the most fun

  • Risky12
    Risky12 Member Posts: 56

    I do see where you're coming from, I do...

    All I'm saying is I would just like to see a non ranged killer for the next chapter.

    The killer doesn't necessarily have to be stealth or a trap killer. It could be a speed killer like vacaman stated.

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    I wouldn't say Twins is ranged. It's like saying Demo is ranged, same with Nemesis. They're antiloop Killers, not ranged

  • Risky12
    Risky12 Member Posts: 56

    Their power was built around anti loop yes, but their special attacks are still ranged. They all stand afar and charge an ability. The twins imo are ranged because Victor has to charge is attack and jumps from far away to hurt them.

    I guess I should clarify how I see ranged attacks so you can see where I'm coming from.

    All special abilities that can attack a survivor outside a killers m1 lunge range. That's how I see it as. I mean no disrespect towards you.

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    No disrespect taken, we just see things differently, there's nothing wrong with that

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    I’d love to see more non-ranged killers, I tend to like playing them more than the ranged ones.

    • One killer suggestion I’ve made is a Medusa which passively inflicts conditions on survivors who look at her. So as you have her in your field of view you build up a token counter, and the more tokens you build up the worse the effect, such as being Hindered or Blinded or Oblivious or Exposed, etc, depending on how many tokens you have. Not looking at her for a bit allows the counter to regress. I think it would be a cool mechanism to have a basic attack killer that survivors don’t want to actively watch while they’re running or hiding from.
    • The next killer is almost certainly going to be licensed is my guess since we’re about due for another licensed killer. Generally speaking movie killers don’t use ranged attacks (e.g. Pig, Ghostface, Michael, Freddy) so odds are pretty good the next one likewise will be melee range or close range attacks.
  • Fnatic47
    Fnatic47 Member Posts: 396

    I am still waiting for a Predator or Alien Xenomorhp Chapter...