Give the twins love

This continued absence of any healthy change(s) to them shouldn't be ignored.
C'mon BHVR, we know you don't like them. This is evident by the lack of attention given to them, poor changes made toward them, and even... lacking cosmetics. Where's their anniversary/birthday celebration?
Even if this isn't the case, where's the update that'll push them to a better position than where they are now? I wonder why there's so few Twins mains out there hmmm.
There's so much potential that can be done for them, but please, give them a second chance. Hopefully, our voices can be heard and not just for the sake of us Twins mains, but for the entire community. They already got oppressed and hated by society in their lore, we don't need to be a part of that in our reality.
Thanks to @PixelBush and the other few Twins mains for inspiring me.
I miss playing twins. It's pretty obvious they got people's money for her and then nerfed her into the ground so no one plays her.
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In honour of the cause I will become a twins main until they get another cosmetic. You have my sickle!
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Twins is fun to play when they work. Because they don't work, they're stressful, and yet survivors are the ones complaining when they go against them. All the cooldowns, the slow animations, the kick opportunities. It's just too much power in the survivors' hands and not the killer's.
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They need some serious quality of life buffs and also new skin(s)!
With every recent patch they were nerfed (dead hard fix = worst for the Victor, CoH and now new Boon as well).
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Dear Twins players, please stand near the Deathslinger, sorry sit next to him, as he can't stand now.
Victor is so easily countered by Dead Hard, survivor hear sound, presses the button and then stomps. By the time Charlotte woke up and gets there, survivor already gone and healed...
So Twins was turned into M1 killer with longest to cast and use map recon.
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I feel bad for you Twins mains. Vixotr (yes, that's how I call him) has to be one of the scariest things in the game, and one of the funniest too. Seeing him running after you is terrifying. Hope they get some QOL buffs or anything
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*Sad victor cries*
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It's really sad to see the state of The Twins because when things go well they're really fun to play but it's so rare to not run into some kind of game-breaking big and promptly lose because of it.
I'm convinced it's a Nurse case where they don't know how to make reasonable balancing decisions so they choose to just let the bugs balance it for them.
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Not a fan of the Twins but I hate seeing killers in these awful conditions. I hope they get some love too.
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Its strange that they decided to punish successful hits instead of missed ones... at least it would be more logical to have 5 seconds stun when you miss, and 3 seconds cooldown when you hit successfully.
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Fun killer to play and great idea but pretty dead. It's super rare to play against them but they do deserve some love and I hope devs get this feedback.
Twins needs love but love can also lead to real life š
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Agree! Devs please consider..
- Not stunning victor on successful pounce.
- Shortening his stomp window.
- Adding Killer Instinct to a dormant Charlotte.
- Greatly reducing the wake up speeds, or increasing charlottes speed the further she is from a deployed victor.
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When I started dbd the twins just came out but I was only playing surv and even then I saw them once I saw the last week again and I knew it could only be the second time cause the game still told me in loading screen that I will face the twins.
I love the idea of the twins I would love to speed around with Victor but I won't pay anything to get a killer that basicly lost as soon as you pick him.
The funny thing is when ever I talk about the twins to others the only thing I hear is how they hate them cause they only camp.... Well what could be the reason for that.? Sure there entire playstyle makes it easy to camp but that's true for Bubba and hag to but these two are actually playable
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Remove Victor's vulnerability after a successful pounce, and let him snuff boon totems. However, he should also have a longer respawn time after being crushed. Six seconds is a joke.
I would also like Charlotte to actually have something unique about her. The killer right now is Victor, not The Twins. So give her a 2% haste when Victor is detached (since she's not carrying him around).
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I appreciate your participation!
Raise the sickles!
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They have counters and many aspects that make them clunky to play as. It's annoying as hell.
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Yup. Every patch just adds more dust and pain toward Charlotte and Victor.
We sit in solidarity!
They have so much potential and have captured a lot of people's hearts, but BHVR's continued neglect for them is mind-boggling.
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YES! Also give Victor some clothes and a Car
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Dude. Turn Charlotte into the car, and have Victor drive her around. When he gets out, his animation can have him use a little keychain to make Charlotte make a "beep beep" noise like he's arming the car alarm.
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I appreciate the support!
Our efforts must be heard!
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Wait how did I barely see this haha. I'll give you credit on that statement lmao.