When starts high MMR?

Because it's hidden I can only see my rank but not the MMR, right?
Best Answer
Right, unfortunately you can’t see the MMRs so it’s hard to tell how your rating actually compares to your opponents’. It’s one thing I hope the devs eventually change their mind on and at least show rough MMR buckets instead of the irrelevant Grades they currently show.
I would not count me as High MMR but if I'm playing vs a whole group of rank 1 means that high MMR or it's just random?
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Red Rank 1 just means they’ve played a lot over the last month, not necessarily that they’ve played all that well. There’s a correlation but they could still just be average or above average players in terms of skill. (They’re not literally brand new is all.)
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You should see your own MMR points I mean that can't hurt anyone.
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Ok thanks, it's my goal not to reach rank 1, because it's already sweaty enough. But it would be nice to know the own mmr, yes.
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Your rank isn’t used for matchmaking at all so don’t worry if you are rank 1. In fact if you to rank 1 you get a decent bloodpoint bonus for it!
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Ok, when it happens then it happens. ^^
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As a killer, as soon as you make a forum account, your are High MMR
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You simply should see your actual mmr rank. Problem solved.
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when you stop having fun