Flashlights should not counter killer powers

Why is this a thing? The ability to sabotage Trapper's traps was removed but flashlights can counter Artist and Hag's powers? I find it a little ridiculous.
Killers powers should not be affected by an item in the game.
You forgot wraith.
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Trapper have limited supply of traps.
Hag gets new ones over time.
Sabotage and flashlight are a little bit different. If you are able to jam bear trap and lose your item... that would make you happy?
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agreed. Or... just run franklins
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I am all for making the ability to remove hag traps basekit without a flashlight.
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Yes, Wraith too.
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And Nurse
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No dude, hag has suffered enough from CoH
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I think y’all never really noticed how prevalent this is. With flashlights:
Wraith gets stunned out of his cloak.
Nurse cannot blink.
Michael cannot stalk.
Hag’s traps get destroyed.
Spirit’s husk gets destroyed, knocking her out of phasing.
Legion gets knocked out of frenzy.
Ghostface can’t stalk. (Not that he would be able to anyhow.)
Nemesis’ zombies get stunned.
Artist’s crows get destroyed.
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Flashlights already have limited utility, charges, and are hard countered by Lightborn. These interactions are fine.
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And yet Survivor Mains will try to tell you flashlights are the weakest item in the game and need a buff.
I assume this conclusion was reached immediately after sniffing glue.
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I have grown very fond of Flashlights lately. I bring one every chance I can..........OP is right though. Also I will add the crouching over PH/Hag I find that just ridiculous.
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Yes such limited utility that Clicky Click brigades can abuse the heck out of them, they can blind killers through a boarded up window in the killer shack, they can blind when the survivor is standing at a 90° angle of the killer and behind a LoS blocker. So yes very limited utility.
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You mentioned one utility... blinding.
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I’m a killer main and I think flashlights are weaker overall than toolkits and medkits. Those impact matches much more often than flashlights, assuming the killer is aware enough to look at a wall when picking someone up and look away when a flashlight is aimed at them.
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Do you guys really want killers to have no counter?
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For some uses of powers?
Actually, yes.
Yes, I do.
A good "counter" should be learning to avoid Killers and not expecting every Killer to have some power you can easily workaround. This is why there are like 3 viable killers at high MMR.
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Eh. I like it. It's thematic and gives flashlights a consistent use.
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No offense but every killer already has counters. No need for Wraith, Hag, PH to have extra counters. Crouching over trails/traps is ridiculous. I don't see how not wanting Flashlights to counter powers leads to killer has no counter.
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traps/trails triggering when crouched would be kinda OP though especially when unhooking survivors.
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They just need to make it to where you can't place them around hooked survivors like most other things in the game has that restriction. PH already has a range from basement, hooks, and stairs. You can't crouch over snares (thank god) and it's not OP. I think everyone would prefer Hag not to be able to trap hooks and in return no crouching.
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Devs need to get a bit of creative here. For me flash light should just make pickup save and thats it
And then make basement chest spawn a unit item that according to killer, which is counter Killer's power. Limited number of use depends on the power.
Of course Killer should get a buff in some way