

  • Faulds
    Faulds Member Posts: 903

    On one of NOED nerf thread, someone came with the idea of giving a totem counter to all survivors (like that you know if your team is doing the objective or if you have to/ it might even give an incentive to other players to do bones). What do you think about it?

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    Yea because most survivors care about being competitive in DBD... (they don't). I wish people cared less about trying to be competitive in this game and cared more about having fun. Its a game that offers scary situations against monsters that can give you jump scares and fear as you try to escape. I'm of the opinion the entire game needs to fundamentally change. The way survivors and killers interact with each other needs to be more fun and scary rather than how well you can turn your character around a pallet.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    I think the idea of totems altogether needs to change. The killer is still doing killer things while those generators aren't being worked on and were busy trying to find totems. Even if we cleanse all 5 guess what? We still have to do 5 generators. Do you know how hard it is to find them on maps like Midwich? Even with the perks and maps we have for totems, it still takes time to find and cleanse them and those generators sure don't repair any faster afterwards.

    How about this. Give survivors more incentives to do them other than removing a killer perk. How about for each totem cleansed survivors repair generators 5% faster that stacks? The blood points aren't enough to really motivate more survivors to do them. I've seen so many survivors just run right past totems not even caring noed could be a thing.

  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,774
  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    They aren't. If gens are going off around you as the killer thats your fault. You literally can see all of the gens on the map. Doing totems often feels like giving the killer more time and freedom to find us before we have the chance to get enough gens done to escape.

  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,774
    edited December 2021

    Most times you lose two gens while you are at your first chase and you want to tell. Me that's not to fast? Even surv mains acknowledge that it'd to fast that's why killers use noed tunneling and camping so much lately plus matchmaking is broken beyond repair so killers often get matched with stronger survs cause there aren't that many of us left. So many killer mains switched to surv cause. Being a killer sucks atm but hey let's just take everything from them cause you are to lazy to do totems let's have fun with 40min surv q time cause there are 10 killer players left

  • Faulds
    Faulds Member Posts: 903

    She obvioulsy doesn't play much killer if she can say that kind of things. You shouldn't bother too much.

  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,774

    I know you're right but I just can stand that this wonderful game is in this state and survs still wanting nerfs for killers

  • Viamont
    Viamont Member Posts: 304

    The problem with generators is that the way the are designed allow survivors to rush them easily from the start, theres topics of people lossing 2 or even 3 generators on the first chase (around i minute of gameplay), and i can belive that. Betwen toolboxes, skillchecks and perks its not imposible to imagine a decent group can make that happen, i have seen people spawn togheter and get done with the first generator in about 20 something seconds. Gens in my opinion need to be changed so there cant be more than 2 people or even 1 per gen, this for starters slows down the speed a little bit. From there whe go on a very complicated point...generator speed related perks (both survivor and killer) are completly removed and made it so gens have a sort of static expected life time OR whe simply rework all to be a bit stronger (killer side) and slightly less strong (survivor side) in order to give killers more wiggle room to play around and feel less preasured to go around.

    Belive me im very aware that a good chunk of killers just go ham on tunneling and camping, i still belive its a simpthom of the gen rush problem (if whe can find a way to make gens less opresive that could potentially help reduce the preasure). One of the best sugestions i have heard around wich leaves the meta somewhat the same with the gen speed, is that ALL gens at the start of the game are blocked for a set amount of time, from an early game perspective this sound like a good choice. Having gens blocked lets say for 1 minute (random number just for example purpouses) would give time to the killer to wander around and "maybe" get its first chase, survivors at this point can use the time to identify generators and tottems, basically a sort of "prep" time for both sides, killer might get a headstart, thats true, but survivors already had free time to set up boons, find generators and get a general idea of the map area and use it to their advantage

    heres the problem with that...killers has always meent to the power role, survivors should be reacting to what the killer does, not the way around (wich is the courent situation). Totems where always meent to be a survivors secondary objective, something extra to do while inside the trial, be for extra BP or to prevent situations to happen (IE hexes). This just on the other hand just proves my point i have said plenty of times, survivors have grown up complacient and lazy, they have varely any objectives to do (repair gens and evade killer) and yes, they should also worry about a potential strong perk, you guys are 4 people vs a single 1, that single 1 cant be everywhere, thats the point of having other things to do.

    Sorry but "do you know how hard its to find them" its a silly excuse, you people have 3rd person vew unlike the killer, your field of vew its superior in every way, its not hard to find them, and this comes from a killer main that constantly sees them in the corner of his eye, but given i dont play hexes i dont care that much unless theres boons on play. Also its funny you say you dont have time to destroy the totems, yet players bless totems like crazy, both blessing and destroying take exactly the same amount of time so no, its not an excuse or a decent argument againts that.

    The game doesnt need anymore speed generators bonuses, they are already crazy fast, if you want an incentive BP should be increased from 1K BP to perhaps 1.5BP, when the last totem its destroyed it could give a 2000BP bonus to all the team, meaning people will get a very chunkly bonus for doing that. Another alternative could be that each time survivors destroy a totem they get a +5% gen speed repair for 10 seconds NON stackable with other totem breaking, this would be a good incentive not only to destroy but also cordinate some more, something survivors need to do, to be fair toug, when a totem its destroyed all survivors are notified with a sound so they know they should get on a gen to use the speed bonus

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    Just a reminder that this perk still needs to be nerfed or removed. As I've said, it grants the killer way too much power and way too much advantage in the end game. Instant down effects in general just make this game very unenjoyable for me.