What’s a Killer you are very good with?

ManOMaker Member Posts: 284
edited December 2021 in General Discussions

Who is it?

Why did you choose them?

How many hours d you think you have with them?

What percentile of killer do you think you are with that kller?



  • woundcowboy
    woundcowboy Member Posts: 1,994


    -I was tired of being looped

    -Tough to say, but I would guess 1000 hours or so.

    -I am in the top percentile of killers.

  • Ghouled_Mojo
    Ghouled_Mojo Member Posts: 2,287

    I do good with Nemesis usually.

    just a random discovery of how he works.

    no idea on hours.

    probably 65-75 percent.

    I doubt it’s high MMR.

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,866


    She’s my type of killer, always has been and always will be.

    Probably 300-400 of my 1300.

    25-30 I guess?

  • TheGentlemen
    TheGentlemen Member Posts: 198

    Ghostface I suppose

    I like the stealth playstyle but it's hard to perform well at high MMR if I make one mistake.

    Most of my hours are on Ghostface, and he was my very first prestige 3, so he's mainly who I play.

  • SudoK7
    SudoK7 Member Posts: 68


    Because I love her design, Her humming, and Her power.

    Around 150-200.

    Probably 60-70. I spent more time on survivor.

  • DeliciousFood
    DeliciousFood Member Posts: 464


    Resident Evil fan and he's just rewarding for a decent amount of skill.

    Unsure of the hours, probably 70 overall.

    I get high MMR with no slowdown, so I think I'm in higher brackets. Couldn't give you a number.

  • slendermansmoom
    slendermansmoom Member Posts: 544

    Doctor cuz his power is fun to use and hiding is nonexistent plus he can stop chases if done right in like 2 seconds because vaulting and dropping pallets? what's that.

    i have about 200 hours on doc which is more then any other killer.

    hmm doctor being used at high ranks let me read my notes. hmm


  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,601

    Freddy, old version in particular.

    Long time ANOES fan who bought his DLC together with the base game back in 2018.

    Most of my hours, that is for sure.

    If this concerns MMR, I do not know. Left the game prior to its introduction.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    I don’t know hours or relative percentile ratings, but I think I tend to do well with Doctor? 🤷‍♂️ Probably because his ability doesn’t require regular practice to use and I just play whatever killer I have a daily mission for so I don’t really main anyone in particular.

  • Chordyceps
    Chordyceps Member Posts: 1,706

    Demogorgon, his shred is an ability that's a lot of fun and immensely satisfying to get good at.

    I dont know exactly how many hours I have in Demo, cause in general I try to spread out my hours amongst the killers somewhat evenly.

    I don't know what percentile I'm in, but I feel like there's a decent chance that I'm in the upper pecentile of demo. Maybe it's just because my survivor MMR isnt too high, but I feel like most Demos I play against don't really seem to know how to use shred to its full potential.

  • Komi
    Komi Member Posts: 364

    The Clown

    I decided I would try to git gud with what was called at the time, "the worst killer", a time when throwing bottles still slowed you down. It was also good for helping me learn to play killer since I was still new at the time and losing didn't hurt since I was playing Clown of all killers.

    Hard to narrow how long I've played them, but likely near the hundred mark, as Clown is my only P3 killer. As for percentile, maybe 5%? I like to think everyone has a Clown phase that ends with them maining someone else eventually, if not for Clown I would be a Nemmy main, but alas, I'm still tossing bottles

  • ManOMaker
    ManOMaker Member Posts: 284

    If you left the game since before MMR, then why do you stay on the forums?

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,240


    I like the aesthetic and gameplay

    No idea. I had 25k blink hits last time I checked my stats

    Percentile? Probably up there for public matches but it's hard to say. We can't see our MMR. Definitely average to below average for comp. I struggled mightily against top teams on Nurse but could 4k round 1 teams.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531


    Because funny fat man throwing farts

    About 300 ish

    Probabaly 0.1 because there are 2 clown mains in existence

  • Sakurra
    Sakurra Member Posts: 1,046

    I would say The Executioner because most of time I can shot them through walls just using prediction.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,601

    I have my mission to bring Old Freddy back and I won't leave the Forums until it is done.

    Or until I die trying.

  • Lx_malice
    Lx_malice Member Posts: 1,417

    Nurse. I chose her because she is the hardest killer in the game to learn (even more so on console) and I was up for the challenge. Idk how many hours I have on her exclusively, but I know it's gotta be upwards of 750 hours being that I have about 1500 hours and she easily accounts for me playing her at least half my games. As for percentile idk. Probably like top 10% if we're just looking at the handful of console nurses that exist. Otherwise at least top 50% for the fact that I know that I kill more than 43% of survivors or whatever the stats say is her average.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546


    -My first Killer that I played

    -800 to 900 hours

    -In the middle (self confidence isn't my strong suit)

  • pizzaduffyhp90
    pizzaduffyhp90 Member Posts: 901
    edited December 2021


    1st killer I played

    Not sure the hours but probably over a thousand

    I honestly don't know I'm either really good for awhile and than I really suck with him

  • Labrac
    Labrac Applicant Posts: 1,285


    I used to main Huntress, mained her for 3 years but since MMR + map reworks shadow nerfing her, I simply couldn't deal anymore and had to go for a stronger one. I always liked playing Nurse but was never that good with her, but now I'm fully dedicated to her.

    I'd say 300 of my 2300. I still play a lot of variety.

    I really don't know. I won majority of my games with her, like 90% win rate, so I like to think I'm good.

  • Bennett_They1Them
    Bennett_They1Them Member Posts: 2,513

    Who is it? Twins

    Why did you choose them? I always have fun playing as them, even though they need some serious QoL changes.

    How many hours do you think you have with them? I'm not sure how many hours I have on DBD (maybe a hundred or so). but around 10% of my time playing has been on Twins.

    What percentile of killer do you think you are with that killer? I usually 4k.

  • solidhex
    solidhex Member Posts: 889


    • i played survivor for around 50 hours first, then tried out killer. I always liked his bell, his look and i generally like sneaky, elegant powers. I mained Spirit after hitting a wall at rank 12 (like 1.5 years ago) and then switched back to Wraith when i was sitting in red ranks
    • i have 2.5k in total but more than half of it should be survivor. maybe 500-700 alone with Wraith.
    • from what i've seen when playing against other Wraith's i think upper 25% at least, maybe higher. He just sucks against really good survivors who use ressources efficiently and know how to play against him. But before MMR i always won around 3 to 4 out of 5 games.
  • Kira4Evr
    Kira4Evr Member Posts: 2,025
    1. I guess I'm good with Nurse and Huntress
    2. Because they are the only fun killers IMO
    3. Maybe 500h of my 1,500h
    4. I dunno what you mean

  • ManOMaker
    ManOMaker Member Posts: 284

    4.Like compared to the entire player base, how good are you?

  • ManOMaker
    ManOMaker Member Posts: 284
  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082
    edited December 2021


    Very versatile does a bit of everything

    Shreds pallets

    Counters Hold W



    Console have a few hundred hours understand most loops and hit-boxes

    Normally 2k without gen perks

  • Neamy
    Neamy Member Posts: 359

    Went from deathslinger to pinhead...

  • sadakiyo
    sadakiyo Member Posts: 281

    Every killer

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,900

    Mikey Myers is my main.

    I am a huge Halloween fan so I instantly gravitated to Michael. I love the versatility of builds and play styles that come with him. Spooky Myers, tombstone Myers, scream for Myers, vault master Myers etc.

    No idea what my percentile is with him. I usually do well with him so it's probably reasonably high.

  • Tr1nity
    Tr1nity Member Posts: 5,047

    The Executioner.

    Easily the best killer in the entire game and anyone who disagrees is wrong on a morale level.

  • trevorj91
    trevorj91 Member Posts: 30


    I randomly decided to start liking him once I found out he wasn't going to be purchasable anymore and starting spamming him.

    I've probably got only 50-60 hours on him due to how late I started playing him.

    I feel like I'm in the top 10% mostly because normally terrible maps like Haddonfield and Badham rarely prevent me from a 3-4k against obviously high mmr swfs.

    I once 4k'd against a high mmr 4-man swf in under 6 minutes (they still finished 4 gens) with about 10 hook actions on Haddonfield thanks to STBFL. Probably the best feeling at the end of the game when all 4 challenged me to a 1v1 in end game chat.

  • TheDarkTyrant
    TheDarkTyrant Member Posts: 2,074


    I'm forced to

    The majority of the time I've been playing since his launch

  • sadakiyo
    sadakiyo Member Posts: 281

    yeah but if i take a long break from the game then i need to study them again

  • Exor
    Exor Member Posts: 256
    edited December 2021

    -Blight because I enjoy both his fast movement, flexibility in chases and as an extra, being able to be silly with slams.

    -Probably around 700-800? Hard to tell but during his PTB/after his release I played him almost exclusively for a few months just because I enjoyed him so much.

    -At one point I was the player with the 4. most Blighted Rush hits, although that number dropped a lot once I started to play other killers again and then took a break for a few months. Last time I checked I was currently in the top 70, although its been a few weeks.

  • lkalin91
    lkalin91 Member Posts: 150


    I like challenging myself by playing 'worst' killer that lot of people say

    Not sure in total I got 3+ k hours, mostly survivor, but when playing killer I often gravitate to clown because I don't stress if I win or lose most of the time because I'm playing clown, and I know odds are often stacked against me

    It's funny running cursed skins and throwing bottles everywhere, and once you get good with bottles you get really good at cutting chases short

    Since nobody plays clown, I'd say I'm above average at least at him, if I run good build I can 3, 4k consistently at mid-high mmr

  • Nemmy_Wemmy
    Nemmy_Wemmy Member Posts: 800


    Huge fan of the Resident Evil series, used to be a Myers main it's what I got the game for years ago but I mained him for a year then kinda shortly mained half the cast here and there, when nemmy came out hard mained him and I've been away and not played for awhile and I come back and apparently alot of people hate him now? Haha oh well.

    Honestly probably not alot. Like probably give or take 100 hrs...considerably less than my other killers mostly because I was starting to get burnt out with the time it took for buffs/nerfs, hacker problems, the grind....and I'm very against MMR in dbd but that's my own problem.

    No idea, when I played I was very very accurate with his tentacle this I disliked using stbfl which at the time, and even now everyone suggests using that on him but I've always been against that suggestion because for me I always go for tentacle hits. But ig now top 50% (bro I'm rusty lolol) before maybe top 15-20% if I'm being realistic. Can always be better etc. Plus I cared more so about BP (hooks rather than confirmed kills) bc I like hoarding addons or getting my other chars p3 all perks.

    Ya know all I ever see you talk about here is spirit this, spirit that...shesh so annoyin...jk haha it's cute how much you talk about and love that character. Actually I'd love to know what build you run on her. Like perks/addons hell what outfit you rock on her? I used to run a mix of different things like the schoolgirl outfit and geisha hair. Also liked to cosplay the ring girl, I called it that anyways, with the white kimono and and the head from I think the Greek armor spirit outfit.

  • BabuDweet
    BabuDweet Member Posts: 556
    edited December 2021


    Her playstyle and power always really interested me.

    At least 1-1.3k hours

    If I'm playing her consistently and a lot? I'd say like a good 30% at least.

    Post edited by BabuDweet on
  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,763

    Pyramid Head.

    I was playing him during the 5th anniversary because Silent Hill just came out, and it turns out he's a lot of fun (for me)- the skillshots through the walls make me happy in a way words cannot describe and of I manage more than 3 in a game I've basically won the decade.

    I'd say around 500-700 by now? Definitely slowed down on my dbd played recently because lord knows I need a break.

    Unironically I'd say about top 10% at the minimum, both because I do genuinely think I'm that good when I play seriously (read as, am not throwing the game for through the wall trickshots) and there just aren't many pyramid head players out there.

    I wish there was a stats board so I'd know if this was completely unfounded or not.

  • Bartlaus
    Bartlaus Member Posts: 1,026

    Ive played every killer a long time.

    I guess the most time Ive spended on Wraith, Nurse (before her nerf), Daddy Myers, Old Freddy and Doctor

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623


    Stranger Things Fan and Shred is amazing

    Idk, around 70h maybe

    Usually 2k with Corrupt as my only slowdown

  • MrDardon
    MrDardon Member Posts: 3,937

    The Executioner.

    Played him before his "nerf" last year and A LOT after his "nerf".

    The reason I started using him a lot is that I really liked his power. (I played him from time to time until I really started loving him).

    Shooting trough walls, predicting where Survivors path.

    Baiting to lead a shot but then shooting towards the original position so Survivors run back into my shot.

    Doing flick shots and more.

    I also love his M1 post hit animation, idk... it feels really satisfying to hit someone with the big knife and the sound it makes when he hits it on the ground after the animation ends. His big knife feels devestating. (No ambiguity intended)

    Hours. I don't know, but it would be quite a lot by now.

    Percentigewise, I don't really care. I play for fun. I could statistically be the worst PH, as long as I have fun hitting really good PotD's, I am happy.

  • MrDardon
    MrDardon Member Posts: 3,937
    edited December 2021

    It used to be play Billy in the old old old days (2016), then Myers for a long time, then I played everyone for variety and still do now, but PH is my favourite.

    And yeah, he is quite rare, so I always get in a good mood when I face one.

  • FreddysMain
    FreddysMain Member Posts: 289

    I main Freddy and I am very good with him.

    I have always been a fan of Freddy since I was a child and like the remake movie so I always wanted to play as Freddy in a game.

    Hours? not sure I started playing again this year.. I would say around 400 hours. I am not sure because I play other killers too now and I also play a lot of survivor now too even though I do main killer.

    Percentile I do not know at all.. I mean there are not many Freddy players now so I am definitely one of those that play him a lot and you will find me no doubt in lobbies.

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,866

    In terms of builds, this is what I've been running lately on her and it's pretty fun. Plaything and Pentimento are a great combo and paired with Retribution makes it even more fun. Also I just love the Scourge Hook. Add ons, I usually put on whatever but I like the charge speed add ons the best along with speed or recovery. Haven't been using the new add ons she got lately.

    In terms of skins, this one in the photo is the one I've been using exclusively lately. I really love it. Honestly, I think it's mainly her head piece that I'm digging, not sure why, but I just adore it.

  • Vampwire
    Vampwire Member Posts: 709


    I love silent hill and adore his concept as a character

    Probably around 100?

    No clue