Multi-knock downs

Something really needs to be done about killers knocking survivors down and not hooking them, running off rinsing and repeating until all survivors are down, then going for easy hooks. Combine that with the tunneling and camping craze combined with most killers now seeming to bring BBQ,Corrupt and No Way Out.

Over the last two days the majority of matches has gone this way and at times It's getting the point where I am spending more time in the lobby than actually in a match.

It's all fine and well saying 'get good' or whatever but this style of gameplay has no skill to it. I don't even understand how killers could possibly enjoy these matches. I know unbroken could help in this situation but only marginally against this play style if you're trying to play the game fairly as a survivor and unhook, heal etc. Plus, I don't want to waste a perk slot I'll potentially never get time to use.

Matches, when I can get into them at the moment are starting to become absolute tedium.

There are some great killers out here who I have had great matches with that ive come away from feeling good - even if I ended up being sacrificed. But they seem to be on a break at he moment! Rant over lol.


  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992

    You gotta be on a really incompetent team of survivors if you’re allowing the killer to slug all four survivors at once. Slugs should be crawling away from hooks and chases to safe places to be healed. Recovery is secondary when your team is in danger of all being slugged.

    Run Tenacity and/or Unbreakable on top of that if needed.

  • jajay119
    jajay119 Member Posts: 1,168

    At first I was inclined to agree but as it's progressed I do not. Killers are planning this style. They're tunneling one survivor, hooking them, camping then slugging both the unhooker and the unhookee. Not to mention there running BBQ/Tinkerer/No Way Out consistently to add a layer of control on top of it. I've even tried avoiding playing altruistically and doing gens but by the time you get to one gen left it's pretty much just me and one other person so either way it's not going to go well. I go to heal, I get slugged. I stay on the gen - I get found, chased and slugged.

    Were it the odd match I wouldn't even be phased by it. It happens. But it's the fact that it's happening for the vast majority of matches I'm playing at the moment. I play on series X and Solo Q . I'm gold grade at the moment nearly irridescant so I wouldn't consider myself a particularly bad survivor. I try to play fairly and respectfully of both survivors and killers so I don't want to waste a perk spot by bringing in Unbreakable et al.

    I don't know what i expect to happen to fix it (well l, I do - nothing). But it's just, imo, getting a bit out of control. I appreciate killers find it hard sometimes but that's why I stopped running boons and perks like Kindred/Deliverance etc. I appreciate killers don't know that and others aren't doing it too, obvously but this style of play cannot be enjoyable for these killers? Especially considering there are some pretty good ones out there even when there are boons etc on the map and still come out well.

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    If you get use out of a perk, then it is not a wasted slot.

  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992

    Camping is a complete separate issue than slugging. You said only slugging and not hooking in your original post. I do agree camping needs to be nerfed, and/or better perks to counter it.

  • jajay119
    jajay119 Member Posts: 1,168

    That's the point: with this play style I wouldn't get use out of it. I'd be injured and one hit would sent me back down. The likelihood of me getting up, getting to someone and healing enough to salvage anything is quite remote possibly. I just feel there could be a better way than forcing a preemptive perk. I get others don't feel it's as much of an issue. Maybe it's an Xbox playerbase thing. I don't know but it's been ruining experiences for a few days now.

  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992

    If you're really being slugged that hard and just left on your own (i.e. killer doesn't hover over you), you'd be quite surprised how many times Tenacity comes in clutch. Even without Unbreakable. Try one or both of them out.