After the match, reveal solos and SWF

Reveal solos and SWFs on the end game scoreboard after the match. I want to know who was what.
Was it Killer vs 4 solos?
Killer vs two two-man SWFs?
Killer vs 4 man SWF?
Killer vs 3 man SWF and a poor solo?
Im surpirsed they still have not done this...
I like this idea.
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I think we should see who's playing in SWF as the killer in lobby. Thanks to this we could quit and find a new bunch of survivors until they're solos.
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Would be funny if the same people ranting about SWF are just complaining about randoms
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And people stomping solos would be actually killing swf. Either way its a feature I would like to see in game
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Nah they won't do that because then people will realize how much more they are playing against SWF and complain about it. I'm all for it but behavior probably knows too well that would go sour for them.
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This would only be acceptable if there would be a penalty for Lobbydodging. Otherwise Killers would just dodge Lobbies until they get a Lobby of 4 Solos which they can stomp.
I would be for it, however, BHVR will probably not do it. You already get a lot of toxicity when playing in an SWF, would probably increase even more when Killers can actually see that.
And well, players who claim they only lose against SWFs (like some popular Streamers) will lose their excuse for losing if they cannot assume that every team they face is some 4 man SWF.
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At the same time sweaty killers can look at it and maybe theyll think "oh wow, it was 4 solos - so i didnt need to tryhard, tunnel and camp"
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That info will always come too late. Players who were going to ease up when they were dominating already have the chance to do so in game.
In any case, I don't see this happening; BHVR's pretty squirrely about anything to do with SWFs and realistically, I mainly see this feature being used to confirm accusations and hurl abuse. As nice as it would be to know, we're probably better off without it.
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You raised a white flag with one post. Ok.
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Remember - It’s not a swf if you win the trial.
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I'm serious. Any killer who actually cares about pulling back the throttle when they don't need to go overkill can see when a match is falling apart for survivors and give them a chance to reset, or otherwise ease up for a bit. Whether or not it's a SWF isn't that relevant at that point, and you can probably assume it's solos if you have 6 hooks at 4 gens and everyone still up is running around like a headless chicken.
If they don't care about going overkill, then there's no reason for them to care posthumously that they're facing solos. And if they're the type of player who adjusts their build in the lobby depending on whether they think they're going against strong players or weak ones, learning that they were mistaken after the fact doesn't change anything.
My assumptions on how this would be used are based on how this community views and treats SWFs. And I say that as someone who thinks comms SWFs are unfair and is very frustrated that BHVR refuses to address the power imbalance they create. You already get players yelling about why everything under the sun is the reason they lost and also why the other player should die choking on a walnut; confirming SWF, something many killer players actively dislike, just paints a target on people's backs and invites vitriol. I don't think the benefit this provides is worth the drawback.
Literally the best use of this I can think of is discerning which players were affiliated with a cheater, and cheaters shouldn't even exist.
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Is this feedback or a suggestion?
If so - it goes in feedback and suggestions.
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They don't even tell us what platform people were playing on, but you think they might give us this? lol
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I don't see why not. Would genuinely be nice to compliment a whole squad of solos that destroyed me.
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Reveal solos and SWF
That is giving a suggestion for how to change the game.
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Thats just the name of my topic ^^
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Ok what is the main purpose of this thread?
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TBH i don't see any downsides to revealing after the match
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Not necessary IMO. Would only encourage lobby dodging.
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SWF reveal after the match on end game scoreboard would only encourage lobby dodging? Raise your hand if you didnt read the post xD
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Em honey, people are doing that even without the in-game system that tell you who is in SWF. Just look into their steam profile - friends and if the players with the same nickname in game are also in their friendlist that means they're SWF. If they have private profile they also for 99% are in SWF. Besides if you want to implement penalty for dodging a lobby then have waiting for +30 minutes or even longer for a game as survivor. Or maybe you would prefer to bully a bot killer? :)
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I do not understand, what is this information for?
I played against SWF and 4 of them escaped. this information will not help me in the next game if i have nothing to do about it.
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They don't want to because "it wouldn't change the result of the game and probably wouldn't make you feel any better anyway." Same excuses for why they don't do anything about abusive survivor behavior, language, or gameplay. Why make quality of life changes for killers when you can focus on hammering down anybody who hasn't been nerfed lately?
In any events, SWF of 2, 2, or4 players accounts for over half the matches, as of the stats from, like one to two years ago. I don't think they've released any new stats, but I would be shocked if that number wasn't up to 2/3rds by now.
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Yeah, would be nice if you would not call me "Honey". First of all, I am not your "Honey" and second it is pretty disrespectful to call people like that when you dont know them.
But, yeah, it is even bad enough that Killers can already stalk profiles, this should not be possible. There is already enough cherrypicking done by Killers to get the easiest games, so it should not be enforced anymore by showing SWF in the Lobby.
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What's wrong with honey? Well, anyway
It's good that killer can see survivors profile, because I don't want literally anyone to get games where SWF are dominating over killers. That shouldn't be even a thing. But well this is supposed to be fun for survivors so meh
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LOL you GET a lot of toxicity while being in a SWF? Hahaha, SWFs generate like 95% of the toxicity, BM, and hate in this game
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Suggestion: Include a “chain link” icon under the survivors in a premade group while in lobby. This way the killer can see swf groups before entering a game but not have info of which survivors are friends with whom.
I honestly don’t see harm in it from a killer or survivor side besides maybe survivor ques going up bc of killer lobby dodging. Which I would think bhvr cares about more than killer satisfaction as the minority.
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so you just want ez mode?
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More lika balanced mode
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4 solos isn’t balanced. Not saying a 4 man SWF is either but they need to buff solo so they can’t stand a chance to a decent killer.
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I also would prefer buffing solo players. There already were a lot of proposed changes from community to make them better to play as, but devs ignored it. Base kindred, HUD changes etc. all of those stuff crossed out.
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We've been asking for this for years.
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"EZ" reminds me of Propnight xDDD
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it is balanced if solos aren't stupid.