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Killers are lazy nowadays



  • Member Posts: 5,623

    True, and lazy Killers do use them, but they don't use those tactics properly and just lose the game. It's like Survivors shifting from looping to ShiftW, both sides are becoming more "lazy" by using tactics that are as efficient as possible

  • Member Posts: 2,752

    I think there's a slight difference. Against certain Killers, holding "w" is the only tactic, because of Killers that completely counter looping, such as The Artist. You have no choice but hold "w" against her. Pyramid Head and Nemesis are 2 other Killers that it's usually better to hold "w" against. (There are lazy survivors just like their are lazy killers, of course.)

    Killers have other choices luckily. There's just a lot of Killers that refuse to learn the more advanced tactics. Let's face it, mind-gaming is an extremely difficult skill to master.

  • Member Posts: 867

    Some survivors still do it (I do when playing survivor) but others seem to do it just because they want to be rescued.

  • Member Posts: 5,623

    That's not entirely true. You will have to tunnel and camp to secure kills if you're playing anything other than Nurse and maybe Blight

  • Member Posts: 2,752
    edited December 2021

    You don't have to at lower MMR. You do at higher MMR. You can choose how you play and MMR will adjust to it.

    If you are really good at mind-gaming and managing time, you can play pretty high level games, even without Nurse and Blight. But it does take a lot of skill.

  • Member Posts: 5,623

    Mindgaming doesn't work when Survivors just hold W, which is always the smart thing to do if they're playing together, which most Survivors do at higher MMR. I also can't choose where I want to be. No matter what, I'm forced to play at "high" MMR just because my Demogorgon is somewhat high, since Killers have a shared MMR stat

  • Member Posts: 6,090

    Then you shouldnt be in high MMR, which honestly, I doubt a lot of you are.

  • Member Posts: 6,870

    Were you by any chance the Mikaela I tunneled for 5 gens and then moried with Rancor yesterday? 🙈

  • Member Posts: 78

    i never understood why killers care about kills in the first place, who cares if all 4 escape, i like the chases and mindgames and scares, who cares about kills

  • Member Posts: 10

    Wrong place to talk about this. Is site is crawling with killer mains who still give excuses to play like that. Don’t listen to them, I understand your argument and they are definitely in the wrong for that

  • Member Posts: 10

    Maybe because they run the killer for those gens? You just dug yourself a hole my guy

  • Member Posts: 1,003

    No, I was playing Leon! And it was against a Wraith, too 😛

  • Member Posts: 2,007

    Because, kids & teens. Just kids & teens.

  • Member Posts: 277

    This is why I don't get why they complain about boons, DH and stuff...killer is so easy to play, even if you don't 4k, you still might be able to pip with no problem. Solo surv on the other hand is suffering a lot by SWF's response of the dev team.

  • Member Posts: 534

    I wonder how many people on this thread who are complaining actually play Killer.

  • Member Posts: 968

    I've completely stopped killing survivors (barring hook miscounting accidents) because I hate gaining MMR since its such a completely miserable experience at high MMR. In all this time that I haven't been killing survivors intentionally I've learned one thing.

    Survivors are the most toxic scum to exist. The only time they act humble for a second is if you completely smash them. So now I main spirit, 8 hook before a single gen is completed, and then just farm for my 29,600 points and negative MMR.

  • Member Posts: 141

    because chasing some ######### who have 3rd person while you are limited to 1st person is not fun

  • Member Posts: 3,024

    Sluzzy which perk can killers use so I can just camp and win?

  • Member Posts: 454

    Do you really blame them? The game doesn't reward killers that play flairly aka hooking after hook.

  • Member Posts: 3,489
    edited December 2021

    What do you mean? Are you avoiding killing them, more or less just farming? Or do you play to kill but don't care if you can't? Because no survivor wants to face a killer who does not want to kill anyone.

    Oh and camping is not about being lazy it's just like playing defensive in football/soccer. A playstyle the viewers and the opponents might hate but you don't do it because you are lazy. You do it because you think you have a better chance of winning the game, or better chance not losing it if you feel the opponents are better than you and your offensive play (chasing) is not good enough.

  • Member Posts: 27

    As a killer main there are a few times where camping is pretty valid. At end game or close to end game, sure. That particular survivor is doing an exploit, sure. That survivor is being a Chad and really pressuring you while the team is useless, also sure. But for the most part the game literally rewards killers to bounce to different targets and chase/hook them. Camping a hooked person skips the hooking part so you actually lose points.

    That being said, the community needs a great deal of work. IMO everyone “could have fun” with the proper mindset and play style. If survivors are rocking all meta perks and are communicating via discord or another VC then it makes the killers really step their game up. But what’s the point in playing like an esports team if you aren’t in one? Is playing all sweaty really fun? Or is playing only to win the only way either side can have fun? I dunno I beg to differ on all that. Fun is relative and you can get enjoyment from individual moments and not the final outcome of a match.

  • Member Posts: 2,340

    It's lucky we have so many people here willing to tell everyone the One True Way to play killer. Don't want people thinking they have the choice to play how they like within the game's rules or anything.

    And speaking of high mmr/low mmr. Anyone else catch the thread about the newbie killer who was getting matched with 1k hour plus surv teams on her literal first day playing the game? When the survivor queue gets long enough the game still throws mmr right out the window, so good luck trying to stay low.

  • Member Posts: 3,904

    So you want to dictate how others play and when they don’t conform to what you want, you feel justified (even proud about) being a toxic ass.

    I’m afraid the problem here is you and all players like you.

    A post like this just advertises that you lack the emotional maturity to play games with others.

  • Member Posts: 139

    You need to play killer and you will understand why killers do it when I solo q as survivor and get proxied , not camped there two different things I understand why🤷🏻‍♂️ Often when a killer downs a survivor in one chase more likely there be 3 gens left in one chase that what I noticed from optimal survivors play 🤷🏻‍♂️

  • Member Posts: 8

    Imagine just outing yourself as being terrible at the game like that

  • Member Posts: 1,224

    I agree it is lazy. Camping is the first thing new killers do and is effective at killing but not in blood points. I would much rather give it my all chasing them all in turn, get brutal killer with 28-32k BP with BBQ on top and fast forward the blood web grind for my trouble.

    I still 4k plenty but it is not my measure of victory.

    I do understand that others do not care about BP and only consider the sound of the sacrifice the victory. It is a sweet sound.

  • Member Posts: 503

    Imagine not having the ability to detect sarcasm and thinking somebody cares about how well I play the game.

  • Member Posts: 4,125
    edited December 2021

    Tbf if I have a game where I just want to go for chases, the game ends in like 5min and survivors write then "ez gg baby killer".

    So ye I switch then to a mean gameplay and 4k slug or proxy camp or tunnel and then everyones crys that the killer actually kills, its more of a double hypocriticism. Killers want to chase but you survivors dont give them the time to do it, so there is nothing else to do for us simple as that.

    If you want to get chased then dont smash those gens like there is no tomorrow.

  • Member Posts: 4,125

    True, thats also a weird thing, why do survivors think ppl care about how they think you played xD

  • Member Posts: 1,021

    It's the only viable way to play killer nowadays, heck I'll even bring NOED every single game since there is no way I can prevent all gens from getting done if the survivors aren't just plain trolling. As long as the game remains extremely survivor sided (I'm looking at you, Circle of Healing) there's literally no point in spreading damage if survivors can heal up right away, and all it takes is a single person bringing that perk. It gets far worse once everyone has it.

    Either nerf survivors or prepare for more tunneling and camping. You only have to blame yourself for ruining the game.

  • Member Posts: 123

    This is exactly how 75% of all solo que matches end up playing out, it's demoralizing.

  • Member Posts: 11

    I just had this happen where bubba just hook one person babysits throughout the whole game and on to the next. Don’t killers get points other ways as well like damaging gens putting out totems etc? Isn’t that boring to just never have to move and basically put your controller or mouse down and stare every time someone is on the hook I mean mind as well.

  • Member Posts: 960

    Maybe because the game shits on you for that with both less BP and a you lose moniker at the ending. As well as since it's dbd of course survivors have to rub salt in the wounds to act like people who should be banned from online games.

  • Member Posts: 5,762

    Imagine actually chasing survivors when that's the most time inefficient way to play.

  • Member Posts: 115

    Yup and they're playing themselves by doing so, forcing higher MMR to go against better survivors. Not only that, but they're forcing lower MMR on survivors who should have high MMR. I play solos and my MMR is super low because I escape...on a good day, 1/15 games maybe...if even that, then get put against mid-low MMR killers who literally cannot touch me. MMR goes back up, get tunneled and camped again...MMR goes back down...steam roll the killer again....wash, rinse, repeat.

  • Member Posts: 732

    Its the way the games meant to be played. Boosts MMR either way. Just ask Patrick.

  • Member Posts: 2,358

    So what? As soon as you sacrifice someone, you become mr spread hooks evenly? At that point, just tunnel everyone out

  • Member Posts: 5,762

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