Self healing change concept?

furret534 Member Posts: 77
edited December 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

I was just randomly thinking about ways to make circle of healing less broken and realized that circle of healing isn't busted, it's the fact that self healing has no penalties. So I came up with this random idea that I wanted to share.

Each time you are healed, you incur a stackable 50% debuff to self healing speeds for the rest of the trial. (This is to avoid self healing to 99% and then having someone finish the heal, as this would simply make SWF more difficult to deal with otherwise.)

Self care rework: You can heal yourself at 50% the normal speed without a medkit. Self healing speed can not go below 50%. You now incur a 35/30/25% debuff to self healing when healed instead of 50%.

It's just a rough idea that I think could be expanded upon.

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