Killer perks and powers needs changing

No one escapes death: The hex totem's aura will be revealed to survivors when they are within 28 metre range after the exit gates were powered.
The Cannibal - Bubba's Chainsaw sweep: Adds a little strafting recoil effect at each chainsaw slash when using it.
The Wraith - Wailing bell: Movement speed while uncloaking was reduced from 1.6m/s to 1.5m/s and the speed boost after uncloaking is reduced from 6.9m/s to 6.6 m/s.
The Shape - Evil Within: Increased the amount of stalk points required for the evil capacity to reach to the next tier.
The Spirit - Yamaoka's Haunting: Takes 1.5 seconds to reappear after phase-walking.
The Blight - Blighted corruption:
The Trickster - Showstopper: increased maximum Laceration from 6 Blade Hits to 7 Blade Hits.
The Artist - Birds of torment: Increases Dire Crows recharge time from 1 dire crows is 6 seconds, and 5 dire crows is 20 seconds.
Corrupted intervention: Reduced generator block duration from 80/100/120 seconds to 60/80/100 seconds.
Hex: Pentimento: Reduced Repair, Healing, Recovery and Gate opening speeds was reduced from 20/25/30% to 15/20/25%.
Killer perks and powers need changing? Nah, more like you, a subpar survivor, just got stomped and now crying over here.
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The noed is fine as it is you can prevent it from even activating in the first place plus survs already have enough perks to find totems.
Wraith is fine as he is I think.
Since showstopper only activates when. You actually hit survs he would get hurt from hitting survs instead of getting rewarded.
Gens are to fast anyway if anything corrupt should be longer or block one additional Gen.
Pentimento is hard to even use atm cause of the boon meta no one actually cleanses totems so you often don't get to use it
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For killers it would be nice to don't rise like a fkn rocket in mmr you have two or three games that are good and I don't talk about 4k stomp and then your mmr says: well time to face the 3k+ hour survs for the next 20 games cause you rise like a rocket but fall like a helium ballon
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Noed: Do bones. With Boons becoming meta, you should be learning totem spawns.
Bubba: He's fine as he is. A bit too good at facecamping, maybe, but otherwise perfectly balanced.
Wraith - we're nerfing Wraith now? Seriously?
Myers - This guy needs help, not nerfs. Especially since this'll make his abysmal early game worse.
Spirit - So what's even the point of her power?
Blight - .... you forgot something.
Trickster - oddly, I'm on board with this... if he's made 115%. Otherwise, no. He needs help.
Artist - how do you even have 5? And getting those through walls hits is already difficult if the survs are repelling. No need to make it worse.
Corrupt - Why?
Pentimento - again, why?
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This has to be a troll post right?
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You are main surv for sure for say that...
Try to play Killer and then come here to say same.
I play between roles and with survs never have problems like Killer, is easy and full of free second chance perks, maps are full of broken loops, pallets and vaulting.
Some killers power are ok, other need to be buffed because many killers sucks.
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Or you could git gud and not try to nerf stuff that doesn't need nerfs
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Did you... did you just proposed to nerf Myers' base kit?
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There is SO no way you're not trolling. This is.. legitimately adorable, how ignorant you are of not only the game, but even if this is a joke, how irony and sarcasm work.