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This game has very serious balance problems (A brand new player's feed back)

I just picked up dead by daylight maybe 8ish days ago for free on Epic, at first I was playing survivor with my friends but I found it to be kinda easy, don't get me wrong when I was against very good or very lucky killers I got destroyed but most matches were very uneventful... so I got bored and started playing as killer. That was a mistake, I was immediately curb-stomped by nearly every survivor. Not only would the survivors out play me at every single turn they would also mock me and grief me while doing so. I have had matches where an entire team of survivors followed me around the entire match disabling every hook I tried to use, and 1 million and a half other infuriatingly embarrassing defeats.

 After it became painfully clear to me that I needed to improve I began searching the internet for advice and, with the help of various different tips, tricks and Analysis videos done by an array of very high rank killers... I did end up getting much much better. 

 However, despite now winning at least a bit less then a quarter of my matches, sometimes even getting a clean sweep and killing every survivor... every single match felt like a complete war of attrition.

I'm supposed to be playing the role of a slasher style killer from a horror film but none of the survivors fear me, they just follow me around and grief me and mocked me the entire time.

The only way it becomes possible to win a match as killer is to spend hours upon hours upon hours of researching the meta and game play theory of this game, and then when you actually get into a match you have to perform perfectly... you can't make any mistakes, you have to be on high alert and have a thousand yard stare like you're suffering from crippling post-traumatic stress disorder.

 Due to the idea if you lose even a single second of proper time management the survivors can pull ahead of you by a mile, for a killer to win they have to play near-perfectly and you're under huge pressure to perform at literally every single second, playing this game even when you win as killer becomes an incredibly frustrating and stressful experience, even when I kill all 4 survivors I feel worse than I did when the match started.

 Winning at this game is like trying to win an argument against a psychopath, you can't truly win because the survivors aren't playing the game, they're playing YOU.... sure you killed them all but at what cost? Your mental health?

 I'm making this post to explain how I feel and to explain my subjective experiences with the game in hopes that the devs may see this and, in the interest of making their own game less stressful to play... buff The Killers, all you would have to do to fix this problem is to give the killers a 2% speed boost in all of their animations.... or perhaps make it possible to kill survivors through more methods then just hooking them (it's very frustrating to hit the same survivor 4 to 8 times with a deadly weapon only for them to still be alive). There may be other solutions to this problem but as long as this problem persists I unfortunately can't enjoy playing your game... it stresses me out even when I win... winning as killer doesn't feel like winning it feels like you just barely survived.... Which is how someone escaping a killer should feel not the killer themselves.

 I am convinced that if hell is a real place then every serial killer who's ever died is living out an experience identical to playing dead by daylight as a killer... Having to hunt down seemingly immortal people who no matter how many times you hit them with your hammer, knife, Axe or whatever just refuse to die and also spend the entire time mocking you is no doubt a killers truest hell.


  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    Welcome to DbD, this is the daily life of a Killer main

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294

    "Winning at this game is like trying to win an argument against a psychopath, you can't truly win because the survivors aren't playing the game, they're playing YOU.... sure you killed them all but at what cost? Your mental health?"

    Damn, this hurts to read... but true

  • NoOneKnowsNova
    NoOneKnowsNova Member Posts: 2,785

    Isnt this game supposed to be really killer sided if you're a new player? Sure if you're an amazing player then yeh itll be survivor sided, but 8 days in? Unless your friends are all amazing playere who carried you completely I guess...

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294
    edited December 2021

    What have friends to do with this?

    Problem is MMR, before it was actually hard to stay as rank 20, so you can bully new players.

    Right now, when you gain MMR only by escaping? It's easy to stay low, so it's possible for him to play against way better players he is not supposed to play against.

    MMR just makes seal clubbing really easy to do.

    Also before match-making was based on highest rank in SWF, now it is average MMR.

  • ApathyAndAgony
    ApathyAndAgony Member Posts: 2
    edited December 2021

    Me and all my friends were entirely new to the game and we still won a little over half of all the matches when we play survivor. Usually when we lost it was a case of our own inexperience and making dumb mistakes. However as long as we were smart and fast we seemed almost guaranteed to win unless we were up against a killer who was very good at the game.

    As survivor I made it to the bronze ranks by the end of our first session and so did one of my other friends.... as killer I couldn't even make it to white rank 3 until I started researching the meta to see how the top players play

    Post edited by ApathyAndAgony on
  • JawsIsTheNextKiller
    JawsIsTheNextKiller Member Posts: 3,360

    You have been playing this game for a couple of weeks and think you understand the balance better than the devs who have been working on the game for years do?

    Guess what? You do.

  • Lochnload_exe
    Lochnload_exe Member Posts: 1,360

    This just in, player that hasn't even been playing for two weeks realizes the game takes skill, acts like it takes 1000's of hours to win but says they have won when they themselves don't have 1000's of hours, more at 6.

    seriously though lol the people acting like this is facts are the exact people that just want the game easier, not more balanced. It is a PvP game with a skillset no other game really matches. Improve and get better, if you looked up long time killer players and advice I'm sure you saw the fact that they weren't acting like it was the most stressful game they have ever played, experience makes the game easier and no one ever said killer was easy, in a 1v4 game the 1 will always be harder. I don't know where this mindset of "you win every match and it is a piece of cake" came from.

  • Cropsy
    Cropsy Member Posts: 15

    I've been playing since launch. OP is spot on. And regardless of how those who rely on logical fallacies respond, one's experience or lack of experience with dbd doesn't negate the reality that it's much easier to be successful in dbd as a survivor than killer, or the reality that there is much less pressure involved in that success as a survivor than a killer.

    Survivors have so much range for how to play the game. And there are separate categories that broad range of options can exist in. You have A) independent skills B) having three more survivors in the match as supports to help you C) perks that aren't just perks but also grant new abilities. Combine all three of those and survivors are stacked. Meanwhile, killer is so limited and slow in what they can do. And, correct me if I'm wrong, I don't think killers have perks that create new abilities like dead hard, flashbangs, or boons that they can equip to any character they want?

    Really, what OP has to say is why I joined this forum today. For a while now, I mainly play survivor. Which is a bummer because I'm a horror movie fan. I want to be playing killer but this game has sucked for killers for a while now. Anyway, I played several matches as a killer today. I think MMR gave me one easy match for a killer I never played before, which was honestly too easy. Outside of that it was a really steep increase in difficulty to the point that it's something other than difficult--it's near impossible--and the matches were the opposite of fun.

    That downer, stressful intensity OP was sharing about, where you're getting clowned in a match and feel like you have no options to compete, that doesn't happen as a survivor. Survivors can always compete and it's no big if the individual player dies because the game keeps going without them. Killer can be getting screwed over but is still responsible for the game. There is no dbd without a killer. Though I've started putting down that responsibility and alt-tabbing to watch a show while I wait for the survivors to teabag their way to the exit. Playing this game as killer is lame and not fun.