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  • RainehDaze
    RainehDaze Member Posts: 2,573

    Well yeah, they're not doing gens. So what are they actually doing? There has to be some sort of word to describe when you're not playing to win, but are instead playing to do something to the other side whilst also denying them any victory, exciting chase, or use of their powers.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    How are they denying you the "victory"?

    So if someone is denying chase etc, they're a bully. So the "valid" camping "strat" is also bullying? Or is it just bullying when the survivors do it?

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Can you quote me on that?

    Anyway, its just like Spirit vs Iron Will + Shadow Step. One was considered OP and totally unfair, while the other one is considered fine. But both are effectively the same thing.

    Or NOED and Adrenaline. One is considered a cheap perk, that gives free kills, while the other one is considered absolutely fine.

    Or Undying and Boons...

  • WeirdlyBearded
    WeirdlyBearded Member Posts: 147

    100% agree. Why hasn't it been hook balanced instead of kill balanced? This makes so much sense!!

  • RainehDaze
    RainehDaze Member Posts: 2,573

    I'm talking about when Survivors clearly have the upper hand and could just win the game right out, if the team sat down on the gens and left. But they're not doing gens. They're also not running from the killer, just hopping into the first locker they can see so a buddy can get a flashlight save. But they're not throwing either, because all their actions are still taken to avoid being hooked, with all that coordination.

    What are they doing, then? They're not trying to win, but they're not letting themselves lose, either. They're doing something, so what is it?

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    The Devs and us players do need to shake up the "meta" for better (or worse)

    For example:

    Why do Killers use Corrupt- Cause Maps are an issue

    Why do Killers use Ruin- Cause Gens can be done fast

    Why do Killers use Pop- Cause Ruin doesn't last that long and Gens can be done fast

    Why do Killers use Undying- Cause Ruin doesn't last that long

    Why do Killers use BBQ and Chilli- Cause Aura reading is good (and cause BP is hard to get)

    Why do Survivors use Borrowed Time- Cause Killers come back to the hook

    Why do Survivors use Dead Hard- Cause avoiding a hit is good

    Why do Survivors use Iron Will- Cause sound is useful

    Why do Survivors use Decisive Strike- Cause Killers can and will Tunnel (not saying that all Killers do)

    Why do Survivors use We're Gonna Live Forever- Cause BP is hard to get

    Why do Survivors use Boon: Circle of Healing- Cause it's free heals for the team (and forces the Killer to pay attention to it)

    SBMMR reinforces the "sweaty" games we all face... and also proves that this game needs a real ranked/ unranked mode

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759
    edited December 2021

    Look in the mirror.

    The game is getting horrible to play at good ranks and the boons removed entire playstyles. while the map updates made them more survivor sided in many cases.

  • Jago
    Jago Member Posts: 1,742

    You know what usually comes with an MMR system ?

    Balance and changes on a regular basis.

    That will never happen kekw.

  • CluelessWanderer
    CluelessWanderer Member Posts: 939

    I'm an Old and I have a job and a mortgage, so I've only ever played this game casually. I was optimistic about the SBMM when they were hyping it up. After implementation? Good God. The game hasn't been as fun. As others have said, it's made most games sweaty. Idk if it's due to the change in the matchmaking, but under the old Rank system, I got a lot more Killers who would goof around sometimes. Or give the last survivor the hatch/the door. I'm not saying this is required of course, but it was nice sometimes to have a bit of comraderie as two people playing the same game. Now? I've had a lot of incidents where the Killers will carry me to the hatch, pretend to give it to me and slam it in my face. Same with the door. They encourage you to open it, only to grab you and hook you. I'm not someone who has bad manners when I play (I just play normally. I don't *click click* or T-bag or anything) so I find that just childish, and now I don't even bother trying to goof around with Killers anymore. I miss it.

    As others have said, the camping/tunneling at 4-5 gens has increased a lot. I go into a match expecting a camping Killer now, and it just results in crap Bloodpoints for everyone.

    At least under the old Rank system you had something to try for. It was kind of fun to challenge myself to reach Rank 1. And the Rank reset wasn't as defeating as the new Grade reset. I don't even try to get to Iridescent Rank now. What's the point? I'll just go back to zero in a few weeks anyways and have to start all over again. I just hate it.

    Then I learned the SBMM is based around escapes which does nothing but encourage selfish game play. So if I'm not selfish, and risk myself to save a team mate, next match I'll be stuck with utter potatoes.
