Behaviour should sell the option to play mini games in the lobby

slunder Member Posts: 247
edited December 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

The queue times can be quite long and boring in dead by daylight. There is nothing to do. But what if Behaviour released mini-games you could play while in the lobby? Their access could be gained by buying it with real world money.

Since everyone needs to go through the queue, nobody would be unable to benefit from buying it: for dlcs, there are already a lot of survivors and killers, so a lot of people are not interested in buying them.

In addition, the effort required to create mini-games would be much smaller than the one necessary to add a killer, a survivor and a map. Let's take a look at some things that could be done and why they would require little effort:

Survivor pack of mini games:

1) The survivor needs to cleanse all totems on the map. The maps are already made, just give the survivors the option to play on one (alone) to find totems (no items or perks). There could be a timer (like egc) or a leaderbord to make it more interesting.

2) A skill check training mini game: the survivor would have to do random skill checks (like an overcharge one, an silent skill check, etc). It would be very easy to implement considering the mechanics are already here.

3) A find the hatch to escape before the egc timer runs out mini-game. You have a map generated on the survivor's computer and the survivor needs to find the hatch before egc runs out (no perks or items).

The survivor pack could be sold for 10$ or something like that.

Killer pack of mini games:

1) Find the hidden survivors (survivors are hidden in random places on the map).

2) Snipe mini-game: you are a huntress and AI survivors run randomly far away from you: your goal is to hit them and you cannot move, you can just throw hatchets.

3) The trap mini game: you see AI survivors move from a far away distance: they will repeat a moving pattern and you need to place a trap at the place they will step: you need to do so before they get to close.

4) We could create a mini game for the pig. Basically, she sees all the auras of different the AI survivors: they all have a different color. After 4 seconds, she has to place the right helmet to each survivor (each helmet would have a different color).

This kit could also be sold for 10$.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    My queue times are quite fast it wouldnt benefit me but I'd like to see something like they had in deathgarden, where you could actually do more things while waiting in the lobby, just walk around and whatever else.

  • apathyinc
    apathyinc Member Posts: 503

    They should reactivate Deathgarden as a lobby mini game.

  • A_Skinny_Legend
    A_Skinny_Legend Member Posts: 919

    Just play some mobile game or whatever.

  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,745

    Please no, stuff is already expensive enough.

  • Yatol
    Yatol Member Posts: 1,960

    or you could just alt tab, the game suports it.

  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,745

    Or have a browser window open and read the forums while you wait.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    I’m not against a minigame. 🤷‍♂️ Reminds me of back in the day the original Everquest MMO had a tetris minigame you could play while sailing on a boat. (This was before they added teleports between zones, way back in olden times!)

  • Tekno_Badger
    Tekno_Badger Member Posts: 526

    You forget bhvr cant code. Game runs poorly as is