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My suggestion for your problem with swf

So I have noticed a lot of posts about how unfun is playing against swf, not to mention they are trying to bully players. My suggestion for this is: the same way we can turn off crossplay, why we can not turn off swf? If you understand what I mean. Let us choose if we want to play against swf (as killer) or with swf (as survivor).


  • VinoTintoArg
    VinoTintoArg Member Posts: 13

    I really like the idea, nobody wants to play against sfw anymore xD

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,059
    edited December 2021

    The issue with this is that most killers would turn SWF off. Which is understandable, because basically all abusive or blatantly unfair killer matches come from SWFs and many players want to avoid dealing with that... but SWF queues would take ages as a result, and BHVR's never going to do that because SWF is too popular and the survivor playerbase would risk collapse if you could no longer play with your friends. The killers that would enable SWFs in their queues would always get matched with SWFs as a result (too much traffic to funnel through too few valves) and I guarantee their builds would be sweaty as hell. And most SWFs aren't bullies or even especially good at the game, so this would punish a lot of players who haven't actually contributed to the issue.

  • Tekno_Badger
    Tekno_Badger Member Posts: 526

    Because literally every killer will do this. The devs just need to properly balance the game

  • Sakurra
    Sakurra Member Posts: 1,046
  • Tekno_Badger
    Tekno_Badger Member Posts: 526

    Ok great, that's not my problem. Quit asking for changes that destroy the already horrible game balance

  • Sakurra
    Sakurra Member Posts: 1,046
    edited December 2021

    First of all, did you even read my post??? I asked nothing. Second, I have no issues with swf. Third, that was my suggestion for YOUR problem. The ones that are complaining about swf. And in the end, you are disrespectful because I said "I'm bored about this topic balance the game" which is impossible? lmao. Stop commenting to posts if you are going to say things like "quit asking" when I didn't even asked a thing. You embarrassed yourself with your reply.

    Or maybe you are looking for a fight and nobody wants to argue with you? That's so sad. What a waste of time to talk with you bleh lol

  • NoOneKnowsNova
    NoOneKnowsNova Member Posts: 2,785

    As many people have mentioned in threads similar to this, some people just want to play with their friends and this punishes such. Furthermore, not every swf is a sweat squad and amazing teams can be 4 well coordinated solos. Additionally, its unfun playing against good players in any game. It's something that comes a long with it. Mics don't suddenly make 4 bad players good.

  • Dream_Whisper
    Dream_Whisper Member Posts: 746

    SWF are not really the glaring issues; despite the fact that they have the ability to used 3rd party communication to communicate and perform amazing.

    I say buff Solo Ques, and give them some form of Communication Wheel to at least be compensate enough to communicate with their team.

    And once we see Survivors be more efficient and better at the game, as a a sweat or not; then the Devs should look into Fixing the huge imbalances in Map Designs, Meta Perks over majority of weak to awful perks in the game, and buffing Killer's in general to meet the 1v4 power role.

  • Cropsy
    Cropsy Member Posts: 15

    I include SWF in my posts here about balance but I wouldn't be interested in turning off SWF matches as a killer. The problem is not the coordination of SWF. The problem is these tend to be the matches where as a killer you really feel the lack of balance in the game being pushed to their extremes. If those balance issues weren't a thing, there's nothing to be pushing. SWF just reveals the brokenness of the game. It's not something I want to see people punished for.

    And especially because I play SWF all the time. When I play SWF, we are not that entitled e-sports wannabe, teabagging group. No one in my group even knows how to do the 360 flick that's pervasive now--or for however long it has. Playing with friends is the main thing keeping me in this game. Ideally, it'd be the killer role that keeps me in the game, except that hasn't been fun in a long time. First it wasn't fun because it took ten minutes to find a match as a killer, and now it's not fun because the killer game itself is rarely fun.

    I'd rather just see the game fixed with updates to the core game that fix balance and stopping with all the perks that solely exist to counter and then be countered later by more perks.

    And when I play with friends and they use BT, it feels cheap every time. Even when I'm benefiting from it, it's obviously too much and a pure entitlement perk.

  • Adjatha
    Adjatha Member Posts: 1,814

    Make SWF 3+ go against bot killers that scale in difficulty based on MMR. Then the game can be balanced for solo queue because killer players will never get more than 2 people on a team in their games. Boom: faster queues AND the killer doesn't have to deal with 4-man teams body blocking and unavoidable flashlight locker blinds.

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    So punish people for playing with friends?

  • Sakurra
    Sakurra Member Posts: 1,046

    Nah I'm not interested about an answer. I just suggested it for the one complaining about swf. It's not like I care.

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    Because noone would want to play against SWF, which means infinite queues for people trying to play with friends

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911

    Doesn't other games do this. In hunt if you play with your friends, your team mmr increases as opposed to playing with a random who is similar to your skill level but lacks the comms advantage.

    It actually makes the games much more competitive and fun. At the end of the day dbds problems in my opinion isn't a skill level issue its just a lack of comeback mechanics.

    Ya you have noed for killer's and ya the dev teams messed with perks that ramps up survivor power based on missing teammates. But every decent game has some sort of mechanic baseline that gives a player hope to claw back a win. Whether it be shutdown gold in league, headshots in shooters.

    If your behind as either survivor as killer you are screwed bar hatch which is at best a band aid and perks that consume build slots. Rotating game modes would allow experimentation with new mechanics at zero risk. So you can't even argue it would break the game. I have ideas though admitadly risky.