Boon Totems need tokens

Totems don't have real counterplay currently. Snuffing totems isn't worth the time, if I see one and I just happen to not be in a chase, sure I'll snuff it otherwise what's the point? That boon isn't gonna stay down, it'll be relit asap. Might even move to another totem.
Finding boons isn't necessarily all that easy either. Sure they make noise and are bright blue, but they're still hidden and I've got to go out of my way to find and snuff it. Often times just because I hear one I don't necessarily know where it's exactly at, especially annoying on 2 story maps or when the boon is on top of some structure.
I like boons as a concept, I just want to feel like I have counterplay against them. When I do find and snuff one it should cost the survivor more. And no, time spent relighting it isn't enough. I want it to cost a token. And I want survivors to have to play according to the boon to get another token.
Survivors start the trial with 1 token. This means regardless you can make a boon pre-emptively if you want to. Though there's a risk that the killer finds and snuff it before you get any real use from the boon. But don't worry you just need another token. How do you get one?
Circle of Healing = Healing the health state of a survivor grants 1 token.
Shadowstep = Remaining in the killers terror radius while not in a chase grants a token after 30 seconds.
Exponential = Taking a protection hit grants 1 token.
Boons will still stack. Though if you create a CoH boon using a token but don't have any tokens for your shadowstep then the boon will only apply CoH.
Boons would still technically be infinite, and still be very strong perks that effect the entire team. But at the very least killers would know that when they snuff one they're actually costing the survivor a token at the very least. And denying that boon for a more significant amount of time, granted the survivor doesn't have another token ready to use.
The boon in my opinion must be equal to hex. In the other words - they can't be infinite. It must be risk to pick 1-2 boon perks, that will affect the whole team. But if you don't [lace it correctly - you lost it for game. Like hex
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It seems to me that they should be temporary for 60 seconds, for example, so that the survivors extend his life by approaching and touching again, say 6 seconds, and if they do not have time, then bless him again.
The second reason why they should be temporary is survivor challenges that break totems.