Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Pig's RBT is too luck based, I propose a change

I'm sure we've all been there on either side of the game where half of your power is gone in the middle of the match or as survivor when you simply die because you didn't search the right box first. I suggest a change that would move the design to a more thematic power to the Jigsaw series as well as encourage healthier game-play from both sides.


  • Member Posts: 336

    I do like the idea, but I'd suggest a few changes.

    Traps are active as soon as they are put on but the timer is halted in all the normal cases it is now: while in the dying state, while on the hook, while in chase. I don't know if I agree with 120 seconds in that case, maybe 140? 150 does seem a bit long for most maps and 130 just seems... awkward.

    Each Jigsaw box can only be used once, deactivating the trap and resetting the timer to the max value but now can't be used by any Survivor. to deactivate their trap. We up the number of boxes to 8, giving every Survivor two uses, or more if they want to be greedy or others have already died. Or maybe instead of upping the number of boxes it is made so that any box will work for deactivating your trap but you can only ever use each box once. This would give every Survivor four times they can deactivate their traps but would also allow The Pig to try and zone people out of boxes they haven't used yet to get that sweet head pop.

    Any deactivated trap (re)activates when a generator is finished. I don't like the unhook part of the idea, as that seems a bit too punishing and would disincentivize going for saves once everyone has a hat on. But you can't not do gens so it is a good means of activating the traps. And because a trap is active when first put it on The Pig doesn't have to worry about a trap being useless when the gens are all done and not everyone has a hat yet.

    In addition to Face Mask and Slow-Release Toxin being changed to read "in an active Reverse Bear Trap" I'd also change Utility Blades to match, but NOT Rusty Attachments. Most of the time someone in an active trap won't let themselves get healed unless they are RIGHT NEXT to a box to search so the Mangled would be pretty useless if attached the the trap being active. The same isn't quite true of Haemorrhage though.

    Rules Set No.2 is changed to read "Disables the Survivors' ability to see the Auras of Jigsaw Boxes while their Reverse Bear Trap is not active." Because it is active when first put on they'll be able to see the Auras right away and will have to remember where the unused boxes are after turning off the trap for the first time. But even so someone else might use a box in the time between them turning off their trap and it getting turned back on again if we went with the 8 box option.

    Jigsaw's Annotated Plan looses the extra RBT and gains a new the second ability, the old second one becoming the new first one. The new second ability is "Each time a Generator is completed the maximum Death Timer of all Reverse Bear Traps is reduced by -10 seconds." This would apply to ones currently on people's heads and ones sill being carried by the The Pig. If we went with the 140 second timer than that'd make the timer be the now base 150 timer (because the current third ability of the add-on is still there) but it drops down to just 100 seconds if all five gens get done. The add-ons wouldn't "double hit" any traps that had been active before the gen was finished, the first ability just taking off the 10 seconds they now don't have from the max going down, but the new lower max would apply to the traps that are now active from the gen being done.

    Your suggested change to Jigsaw's Sketch.

    Video Tape specifically says "with deactivated Reverse Bear Traps installed." to avoid any confusion over the now active-on-placement effect from The Pig putting a hat on. And explicitly says "The Pig starts the trial with no Reverse Bear Traps." because it really should already say that to not make people think they get eight traps.

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