Map Offerings.

Playing as a killer i see this quite often that group of SWFs bring a map offering to a map that they know very well and know how to abuse well with boons and loops.
So i've been wondering why are these offerings a thing in this game? What purpose do they serve but to send a killer to a map where they might be in disadvantage. Why not remove them all together?
Make it fair for everyone when the maps are random and no one gets the upper hand just because they burn an offering. Sure there is an offering to prevent this but i personally don't want to burn 1 in every match just to prevent possible map offering.
For killers mostly only Mirror Michaels use this for their build.
I think they can easily make MAp offering purple.
I mean. THEY SHOULD ENTIRELY REWORK THE OFFERING, many of them are outdated and garbage!
I would like to talk about all the offering that make no sense but the post will become a book.
The map offering are strong, and probably the most impactful ones, more than a mori! They should be purple!
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Sorry, i am writing from phone, every time i wrote OFFERING i meant OFFERINGS