I'm surprised something like this is not implemented by now, but I would like to suggest a party system for the game! My friends and I find it slightly annoying that you are required to reinvite each other game after game to play together again as survivors, and a party system that keeps everyone grouped together would make for a great QOL change for the game. I hope the devs see this and consider it, thank you in advance. What do you guys think?
By god, it's beautiful. I think I'm gonna cry...
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Yeah I'm going to go ahead a third on this one, I'm always a little disappointed in the rare cases I play with other people that I have to set up a new lobby every time, just make it so the first person to leave the match starts the new lobby automatically and have everyone auto join it when they die (or just give a "Play with same team"/"go Solo" button on the results screen).
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Since the game is based off of Peer to Peer connections parties aren't possible becuase of the way it works
That's what I've read at least