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Thoughts on my Freddy addon rework? (Long post)

SKILL CHECK ADDONS: My reasoning here was that as good survivors rarely fail skills, this addon should greatly punish those that do. It would also open up possibility for impossible skill check Freddy builds. In exchange for the buffed numbers, I removed the aura reading ability. The aura reading ability is unhelpful to you as a killer anyway because when survivors fail skill checks you already know their location.

Wool shirt: Survivors inside the Dream World suffer from the following effects:

  • Increases the Regression penalty of failed Repairing and Healing Skill Checks  by +4 %.

Rework: Survivors inside the Dream World suffer from the following effects:

  • Increases the Regression penalty of failed Skill Checks  by +5 %.

Green dress: Survivors inside the Dream World suffer from the following effects:

  • Increases the Regression penalty of failed Repairing and Healing Skill Checks by +4 %.
  • The Auras of Survivors failing these Skill Checks are revealed for 3 seconds.

Rework: Survivors inside the Dream World suffer from the following effects:

  • Increases the Regression penalty of failed Skill Checks  by +7.5 %.

Blue dress: Survivors inside the Dream World suffer from the following effects:

  • Increases the Regression penalty of failed Repairing and Healing Skill Checks by +4 %.
  • The Auras of Survivors failing these Skill Checks are revealed for 4 seconds.

Rework: Survivors inside the Dream World suffer from the following effects:

  • Increases the Regression penalty of failed Skill Checks  by +10 %.

DREAM PALLET ADDONS: My reasoning here was that as survivors normally get hit after dropping a dream pallet, the aura reading is quite useless and the killer would benefit from other things like more dream pallets or the fun and useful ability to choose between pallets and snares whenever necessary.

Garden rake: Replaces Dream Snares with Dream Pallets. Grants 7 Dream Tokens.

Rework: None needed, this addon fun and balanced for brown rarity, even if dream pallets are arguably not as powerful as dream snares.

Prototype claws: Replaces Dream Snares with Dream Pallets. Grants 7 Dream Tokens.The Auras of Survivors interacting with Dream Pallets are revealed for 4 seconds.

Rework: Replaces Dream Snares with Dream Pallets. Grants 10 Dream Tokens.

Paint thinner: Replaces Dream Snares with Dream Pallets. Grants 7 Dream Tokens.The Auras of Survivors interacting with Dream Pallets are revealed for 6 seconds.

Rework: You can alternate between Dream Snares and Dream Pallets. Grants 7 Dream Tokens.

EFFECT ADDONS: All the effects that these current addons inflict are useless by themselves and are weakened even further by their short timers. I figured that more useful status effects and longer durations would make people actually want to run these addons.

Sheep block: Survivors interacting with a Dream Trap suffer from the Blindness Status Effect for 30 seconds.

Rework: Survivors interacting with a Dream Trap suffer from the Blindness Status Effect for 90 seconds.

Cat block: Survivors interacting with a Dream Trap suffer from the Haemorrhage Status Effect for 60 seconds.

Rework: Injured survivors interacting with a Dream Trap suffer from the Haemorrhage and Mangled Status Effects until healed.

Unicorn block: Survivors interacting with a Dream Trap suffer from the Blindness Status Effect for 60 seconds.

Rework: Injured survivors interacting with a Dream Trap suffer from the Broken Status Effect for 60 seconds.

"Z" block: Survivors interacting with a Dream Trap suffer from the Haemorrhage Status Effect for 60 seconds. If the survivor is healthy, they will bleed for the duration of the Haemorrhage Status Effect.

Rework: Survivors interacting with a Dream Trap suffer from the Exhausted Status Effect for 30 seconds.

NOISE ADDONS: Since the rework to these addons, they've been very mediocre, survivors are not hard to track and these addons don't help very much at all. I honestly don't think -5% is a very big debuff, just enough to make a difference, and I don't know why they were nerfed. My swing chains rework idea incorporates all the noise addons but I still don't think it's viable of being a useful addon so I added the -2.5% action speed for good measure.

Outdoor rope: Survivors inside the Dream World suffer from the following effects:

  • Generator repair noises can be heard from an additional 8 metres away.

Rework: Survivors inside the Dream World suffer from the following effects:

  • -2.5% repair, healing and cleansing speeds.

Jump rope: Increases the volume of Survivors' Grunts of Pain by +50 %, if they are the Dream World.

Rework: Survivors inside the Dream World suffer from the following effects:

  • -5% repair, healing and cleansing speeds.

Swing chains: Survivors inside the Dream World suffer from the following effects:

  • The Footstep noises of Survivors are 50 % louder.

Rework: Survivors inside the Dream World suffer from the following effects:

  • -2.5% repair, healing and cleansing speeds.
  • Increases the audible range of Generator repair noises by +8 metres.
  • The volume of Survivors' Grunts of Pain is 50% louder.
  • The Footstep noises of Survivors are 50% louder.

IRIDESCENT ADDONS: The black box addon was completely fine and balanced before it was nerfed but I have another solution if it is believed that it was too annoying or unfair to the obsession. There isn't much to say about the red paint brush apart from the fact that it is balanced.

Red paint brush: Causes all Survivors to start the Trial inside the Dream World. Survivors are unable to wake themselves up by failing Skill Checks.

Rework: No rework required, this addon fun and worthy of being an iridescent.

Black box: Recently opened Exit Gates are blocked for 15 seconds for survivors in the dream world.

Rework: Creates an obsession. The obsession suffers from the following effects:

  • The obsession falls asleep 15% faster passively.
  • The obsession cannot escape through the exit gates or open the hatch while asleep.

COOL DOWN ADDONS: There isn't much to say about these addons, they're mostly balanced. They might just benefit from a slight numbers buff but it would be more trouble than it's worth.

Nancy's sketch: Reduces the Cool-down duration of Dream Projection by -2 % for each Survivor inside the Dream World.

Rework: No rework required.

Nancy's masterpiece: Reduces the Cool-down duration of Dream Projection by -3 % for each Survivor inside the Dream World.

Rework: No rework required.

STEALTH ADDONS: The class photo addon is detrimental addon when the nightmare is unable to cancel dream projection. It is not good enough to trigger such a harsh side effect and works just fine without it.

Class photo: Causes every generator to spew blood while channelling Dream Projection and suppresses the Husk. The Nightmare is unable to cancel Dream Projection once initiated.

Rework: Causes every generator to spew blood while channelling Dream Projection and suppresses the Husk.

Pill bottle: Reduces the Distance range at which awake Survivors see The Nightmare intermittently to 12 to 24 metres. The Nightmare is invisible to awake Survivors beyond 24 metres and when he is carrying another Survivor.

Rework: No rework needed.

BP ADDONS: I feel like the bp gained from this addon is very little considering what it does and it should be increased.

Kids's drawing: Gain an extra 200 Bloodpoints in the Deviousness Category when a Survivor triggers a Dream Snare. Reduces the Movement Speed penalty of triggered Dream Snares by -10 %.

Rework: Gain an extra 100% Bonus to all Bloodpoint gains at the end of a match. When a Survivor triggers a Dream Snare, reduces the Movement Speed penalty of triggered Dream Snare by -10 %. Stacks with other bloodpoint offerings, perks and addons.