Developer update: My thoughts on this

Hoodied Member Posts: 12,994
edited January 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

I won't talk about leatherface's masks being removed as well, cause I honestly am not wanting to talk about that but I am happy for those who got the mask removed due to the reason explained

However I am mainly here about the changes, and how they all seemed very.....very random

Blight got another add-on buff, which is nice seeing bad add-ons for killers being buffed, if it wasn't for the fact that Alchem ring is literally an add-on with big rewards and no downside at all, thats been left untouched for a long time outside of the add-on giving a cooldown reduction that was tiny being removed...almost a year ago.

Bubba got tweaked which I am surprised by, cause tbh I thought he was already good enough but hey my input probably doesn't mean much on this anyways (EDIT: Was confused on if it was movement speed increase or decrease mb)

Clown got 2 add-ons nerfed which I am not surprised by but...only 1 of them really was complained about the other I never saw complaints about (Red Head's was the iri head of clown, glad to see a nerf for it)

Pig got buffed (I atleast hope so as I am bad at remembering add-ons after my break)

Now Twins is what made me honestly question if this midchapter was a new years joke or not as WHY DID TWINS GET NERFED, her buffed add-ons are basically either situational (Victor is usually not kicked when he is idle but when he misses a pounce) and for real...a blindness add-on buff, and to compensate lets nerf 3 add-ons for these two buffs. It seems so random to nerf twins who is already a killer who is unfun to face and play at the same time, ya'll making all 4 Twins mains hurt

Huntress got an add-on buff to an undetectable I guess but Undetectable on Huntress lmao

And the Oni add-on that was buffed needs a rework not a buff lmao

Now onto the perks

Boil Over is still not gonna be a great perk...however only on its own will it be bad (Can we please just rework this perk to fit with her other 3 perks, its such an outlier) but with a build it can be problematic, not really helping when RPD has a spot that this could potentially result in an infinite due to no hook spawn being near the library

Distortion got buffed but I hope that because they looked into this perk they atleast fixed the bug with shadowstep and distortion

Remember Me and Wake Up are gonna be good in builds now so thats nice

Gear Head I'll need to watch people play with it

Power Struggle usable now is nice and I am totally doing Power Struggle Game

Buckle Up's buff isn't gonna change the usage rate cause i'm pretty sure all the perk does is let solo players know if someone is close to being fully recovered or not

" It was originally toned down because it was too strong" Coup De Grace was strong in the PTB cause it affected Demo and Pig's dash attacks lmao and even then it punished them so it wasn't really strong in the first place, just revert the nerf and give it the option to select if your next lunge is a Coup lunge or not

Furtive Chase I actually had to open the wiki so I remembered what it did lmao, and to say that IDK how the Furtive buff will really impact the perk means alot, cause idk what Furtive will do when you have reduced heart beat in the chase besides how survivors won't really be tense if they are being chased so they'll probably be able to focus better (IDK I tend to focus less on the gen and more on my surroundings when its a heart beat killer and I can heart the heartbeat)

Dead Mans being buffed is nice

TLDR: This patch looks pretty boring and bland from the dev notes, hopefully the PTB has more than this like they have said in the comments of several posts cause god this update looks pretty bad now after we were hyped by Part 1, only good part is the bubba mask removal


  • legrosporc69
    legrosporc69 Applicant Posts: 250

    Bubba got nerf the addon that were good on him got nerf by 2%. So you you use your chainsaw instead of gaining 4% movement speed you will only get 2% movement speed that a huge nerf. The buff he receive are on tantrum addon honestly i dont think you want to go in tantrum unless the survivor jump in a locker in front of you

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 12,994

    Ohh I thought that meant he got a speed reduction of 2 percent not increase mb

  • Hero_awesome
    Hero_awesome Member Posts: 301

    Laughable feels bad for killer yet ANOTER nail in the coffin.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 12,994

    I don't think its a nail until we see the full patch notes, if the full patch notes are worse (As tbh the cooldown changes could hopefully be compensating for a cooldown change on twins or atleast something, these are only dev notes afterall) then yes it would be a nail in the coffin

  • Hero_awesome
    Hero_awesome Member Posts: 301

    They moved u to feedback and suggestions. Mime got moved as well. Preety sure it's to silence any resistance.

  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,031

    All four of Cannibals addons were buffed. Those were decreases in the decreases in speed. He had an addon combo called Burger King Bubba because chainsawing speed was reduced by such a drastic amount with those two combined. It literally says in the notes that they reduced the movement speed penalty.

    The iridescent buffs included in these notes are being heavily downplayed. Oni, Nemesis, Pig and Twins has drastic increases in their viability. Players might actually start using them now.

    Buffs that OP called ‘nice’ (ie Dead Mans Switch) were significant. Furtive Chase can be used by all stealth killers and will be impactful with some imagination. Some players already determined that DMS will be OP with Artist.

  • ays12151
    ays12151 Member Posts: 561

    Bubba need change a Carburetor Tunning Guide because currently this addon is bugged and decreases movement speed by 40% (slower than survivor when 1 Charge). Now maybe it will be fix and good with another Iri Addon.

    Now (after buff) this addon give you 7.50s Chainsaw Sweep (no needs press tokens) and decreases movement speed by 2.00% (was 4 or 4.35%). It's very good change.

    Depth Guage Rake is still very weak addon, but nice little buff.

    Iridescent Flesh : This change is amazing in my opinion because Survivor see you used maybe 2 or 3 tokens and Think it will be 6 or 7 second Tantrum. Now with this addon will be 5.00 seconds.

    Long Guide Bar still useless (the same THE GREASE)

  • Rizzo
    Rizzo Member, Administrator, Mod Posts: 17,390

    We already explained you that the posts have been moved to correct sections, not for some kind of conspiracy theory, it's not like Feedback is a secret section only you and other 3 people can see.

  • gilgamer
    gilgamer Member Posts: 2,209

    Its just such a boring and lazy update. It almost feels like they announced the bubba mask thing, something that will be extremely easy, and something they knew would be highly praised by most people(though I don't see why they got rid of the other 3) just to shift the convo around this mid chapter to that instead of the stunning lack of content in this patch.