so i looked at the game rules... Here's what I found

Don't bother reporting people for tunneling or camping.
They don't care. They won't ban someone unless there is a death threat or a hacker. That is it. They won't ban someone for tunneling or camping every hook. Don't waste your time
"They don't ban unless".... should have stopped at "they don't ban".
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no joke. It's stupid
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We already know that camping/tunneling is not a reportable offense. In fact, the devs have made that abundantly clear.
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well hacking might as well not be reported as well since it's still a problem
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but it's dumb
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Did...did you actually think the devs banned for valid tactics just because a few Survivors get angry they lost?
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Why was this not obvious to you already. Camping and Tunneling are in game names for legitimate if somewhat distasteful strategies. It's not like they're cheating.
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and why would that be? The devs seem to be ok with it.
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I thought that if enough people reported someone for tunneling they would actually do something. Or if enough killers reported someone for body blocking
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because all the killers I have played against in the past 2 days just sit at my hook or proxy camp
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Why? Body blocking and camping/tunneling are not exploits or cheating. Why would the devs ban for it?
That would be like expecting the devs to ban people reported for 'They shot me with a shotgun' in Call Of Duty.
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Did you noticed that in those rules, looping, genrushing are the equivalent of tunneling and camping but survivor side ?
If looping a killer for you is not toxic, then why tunneling is ?
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cuz the killer can't do anything about it.
And the survivor can't be unhooked at all
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I can't even loop a killer, and I get very angry when I get looped, so I agree that looping is bad, also genrushing is also not fun.
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But that's not the killer's fault that's the dev team's fault for the balance and the survivor's fault for getting caught cause it's like losing to a player in a fighting game for spamming one move. Yeah, it sucks that you lost that way however it works and they will still do it as long as it's viable.
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Astro, you're giving away just how green your DBD horns really are. DBD is balanced when and only when both survivors and killers play as efficiently and scummy as possible. If them playing scummy is enough to completely trounce you, then you're just not that good. Tunneling and camping and even proxy camping all have their counterplays that you can exercise as a survivor.
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were you actualy reporting for that beforehand?
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The only thing you can really do is use a few perks, and I would have to buy those perks.
It is kind of a pay to win game, which i have not a ton of problems with
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Yes, actually, I would report them, but I see it's useless
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So? That does not make it against the rules, so why would they ban for it?
You did not apply any logic to that chain, no offense. The devs have a pretty clear set of what can be banned or reported for, and never once did they put Camping, tunneling, or body blocking on that list.
Again, to use CoD; I can't shoot back if someone shoots me with a shotgun (hence the term 'Noob Tube'; no aim needed, free kill. I believe it also applies to grenade launchers), but I can't report people for using it, because it's a tactic to get in close and use it because it works.
Like body blocking and camping/tunneling; they are tactics that work, so 'the other side' hates them, because they lose because of said tactics. But not once were they listed as bannable. I'm even sure the report function says they ARE NOT quite clearly.
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But you can be unhooked ive seen plenty of squads swarm a camper and get the unhook
Just like as killer you just take a different path
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sweet, innocent summer child
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Survivor perks are not pay to win at all. Killer perks definitely are. Feel free to let me know what perk you feel is needed to counter these strats that you don't have access to.
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Ok then. Sorry for you but all of that is not bannable.
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maybe the report function is different on pc, but for the dbd (special edition) it says for griefing, not playing correctly, or unsportsmanship.
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And camping/tunneling & bodyblocking are not considered griefing, not playing correctly, or unsportsmanship behavior.
You deciding they were does not mean they were. Again; when you try to report for those things, it explicitly what is not reportable, and I'm pretty sure camping/tunneling & bodyblocking are on the 'Do not report' blurb when you make a report.
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It's useless because it's not a reportable/banable offense. It never has been. Body blocking is reportable. It states as much when you go to report somone.
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The report button descriptions are a source of a lot of confusion and false reports just because they're very vague.
The amount of times where I've seen someone go on about how bodyblocking is totally bannable and they point to the report dialog description as proof is... way too high. Because that one doesn't mention that the only bannable bodyblocking is to straight up block someone in a corner and keeping them there.
EDIT: And the whole edge case where you can block someone at endgame to kill them with EGC, but blocking someone early match and keeping them there for that purpose is undesirable gameplay to such a degree that it's actually bannable.
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Oh, derp. I assumed they meant 'body blocking' with BT, not 'I trap you' body blocking, given how they also thought camping & slugging were reportable.
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Those...are part of valid tactics, if anything you're just irritating them for reporting people playing fair
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I'd probably get very puzzled looks? I'm not sure what you're trying to say here.
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They should ban for tunneling and camping. They should also ban survivors for blinding at pallets and using dead hard.
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Yeah the dev said multiple of time that reporting for that is not a bannable offence. Anyway i never saw someone get ban in that game and so i dont think the report button work XD
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Unfortunately toxicity is allowed here as well, which was a good point to make. I wish there was more to be done for tunneling/camping, too. I feel like that would require some serious changes though
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this is a satire post right
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I absolutely love how you complain about cheating when the word Astro is in your name (only people that watch baseball will get the joke)
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I need to disappoint you, but they do not even ban for death wishing or threats. I reported the player at customer support with a proof with screenshot showing the death wish against me and my mom on post-game chat. I got my answer 28th december, they said they will handle that and to this day he didn't get any punishment. As well as I know death wishing is perma bannable so if BHVR wants to fight with the hate speech they're really need to do something about it and start finally banning these people.
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Well it already coincides with what I can only describe as Behavior's willing acceptance of all form of toxicity in game
as long as it doesn't hurt certain groups of people...
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Yes, let people death wish all of other people and their families, because it doesn't certainly hurt them!
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I don't watch baseball but my friend is a fan of them so this made me chuckle. 😂
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My username should explain it all. 😁
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Oh yeah I knew you would understand it lol. Seems like you’re more of a fan than I am. I’m just a casual that hates the Astros with a passion so yeah lmao.
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I've actually run a fantasy baseball league for close to 30 years now (THAT'S definitely dating my age, if nothing else, lol). I've been a huge baseball fan since I was a little kid. My Sox looked like we had a shot at making the World Series this year, but the Astros got in the way, unfortunately -- so no love for them here either.
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As long as devs do not give us a thumbs down option to simply indicate the player being a generic c*nt, I will use the Unsportsmanlike Conduct button even if its just to lower frustration.
I do not want to be matched up against players who dont have good sportsmanship. Being able to like/dislike a user and have an algoritm try to avoid being matched up with and against similar players through it's best efforts would make the overal experience so much better(its gonna be impossible to avoid all of them, but reducing the consistency of aggrivating opponents/teammates on a single day is all I ask).
Right now, rating the post-game match is the only thing that I know has a significant effect, reporting certain players also has somewhat of an effect when it's actually bannable, even though we never recieve feedback for it(which would also be nice, knowing a player got banned through your efforts gives you reason to keep reporting players who did the exact same thing), but giving a player a thumbs up? No reason to do so.
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You know this isn't actually real right?
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In case anyone is wondering why legitimate reports take so long to resolve, it may be related to the sheer amount of reports they get for things that aren't reportable, but still give people the sads.
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yes, fun fact: dont bother reporting hackers, the system has no way to check that.
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Can you imagine if this was real?
Ok i can hook the survivor in the middle of my 3 gen. But i might get banned by hovering around it so let me find another hook. Cause choosing that hook might ban me.
Ok survivor got unhooked let's go for the unhooker. Ow no the previously hooked one is bodyblocking and i can't hit them cause i might get banned.
I get it, actually being camped and tunneled sucks. But both concepts are so vague and so many people are using them as excuses for their own bad play means it would be a complete mess trying to ban people for it.