Why are you giving survivors communication?? (DEV UPDATE)

I know this is a future mechanic with no date yet, but I think it's important to voice opinions in time.

So, let's all do a bit of memory. Why BHVR hasn't added voice chat to DBD? Why don't we have Kindred as a base kit yet? Why were they so afraid of giving comunication to survivors? They wanted to keep the game "scary" by not letting you know what everyone else is doing.

Now let's read this year's first Dev update again. They are adding little icons to survivors portraits so everyone know what everyone else is doing. They are literally contradicting themselves doing this. WHY? Instead of making SWF groups something more bearable you're giving them more tools. They even aknowledge this by saying "This is something that can already be easily conveyed with a quick callout over voice chat" but yeah voice chat would totally be a lot of information.

I don't want to be another "killer good survivor bad" type of guy, but BHVR is always thinking of how to make survivor gameplay more fun. Which is understandable if they're supposed to be 4/5 of the total players. But we're having a massive lack of killers, extremely long queue times, and the few killers playing are camping/tunneling because they're just not having fun. What is being done to make killer gameplay fun? Addon updates.

This is just annoying at this point. I really hope one day there's zero killers playing so you realize what is happening to the game.


  • AnObserver
    AnObserver Member Posts: 747
    edited January 2022

    But I do agree that it is a bit disheartening that the Dev update seems to imply that Killers are not going to receive any changes with core Killer gameplay at all.

  • Mekochi
    Mekochi Member Posts: 942

    The said the feature isn't set in stone as it's in the early stages, they're still unsure on whether they'll actually add it or not and the reason they had this idea in the first place is to balance around solo queue. If you have played solo queue before, you'll also know it's an absolute nightmare. They had to find something that won't benefit a SWF to an extreme amount to where the killer has no chance of winning, because if they put killers on the same tier as a SWF then solo queue would suffer more. So that's why this idea is in play.

    Forgive me if I misunderstood your post, but again, this is still in the early sarge's, there's a possibility the idea will be scrapped all together without seeing the light of day.

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,025

    Balancing solos around SWF will allow the devs to balance the game without worrying about killers being too strong against solos while still being powerful enough to withstand SWF. It's a great change.

  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,774

    I get your point the original idea behind not knowing what the other do was great and all but there is no way to do anything against swf being stronger other then giving solos more info and that way they can balance killers better because survivors can't beat the old horse of as a solo its impossible to beat killer x