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Feedback and Suggestions

Circle of Healing is fine



  • Member Posts: 2,986
  • Member Posts: 3,611

    No, it's too strong.

    A perk that can cover half the map (not to mention can phase to the second floor of any two story map), A free medkit for everyone, Extra healing speed (that stacks with medkits and co-op healing), prevents pressure for the killer and it counters many killer powers (Legion and Oni are prime examples of this). Not to mention, COH is basically 3 perks in one (We're Gonna Live Forever, Self Care, We'll Make It). That's why it's such a problem and why it keeps getting complained about. Because it's game breaking.

  • Member Posts: 735

    You can try simple experiement:

    Get a map where bones are in killer shack. Bless it with CoH.

    survivors and killer only do chases in the area around shack.

    How long will it take to get 4 slugs.

    Snuffing/reblessing is allowed. Also healing and reviving.

  • Member Posts: 5,598

    Lets not forget that COH isn't effected by Sloppy and Coulrophobia... Unless I missed something

    And any of the Anti-healing addons

  • Member Posts: 132

    Ah, classic. I don't have a problem with it, so nobody else should have a problem with it.

    Room temperature IQ.

  • Applicant Posts: 343

    CoH can be fine when only one person brings it on a flat or predominately flat map.

    On the game/rpd they become significantly more of a problem due to their vertical range.

    If two people have coh it becomes more of a problem due to the coverage and your overall inability to actually turn it off. If three or four have it it's essentially always on and covering wide chunks of the map.

    If three or more people have it on the game/rpd killer is in for a bad time unless the survivors are massively incompetent.

    That's the issue. The power it provides ranges from "fine" to "######### off with that" and it's a massive difference with each additional CoH.

    This is then compounded by really bad arguments. The argument that CoH is good for killer because "well thats 14 seconds!" Are weak. It's not a lot of time and unless you run killer directly by it or blessed in front of them that time will be earned back with intrest.

  • Member Posts: 2,986

    It's not really a problem if they make it not stack with med kits or other healing perks. I don't really have any problems with it as killer, but I do understand that it can be unfun to go against for others.

  • Member Posts: 8,077

    The 'safe zone' it creates can be frustrating, but to my mind a boon in a structure where it both covers a huge amount of the map and is basically a lose/lose (if you snuff it, the time you lose doing so is almost as bad as the healing/aura concealment itself) is the major problem.

    It's quite amazing how basically all the Fog Whisperers, survivor or killer, agree that boons - particularly CoH - need changes, and are even pretty close to agreement on what those changes should be. And yet...nothing.

  • Applicant Posts: 45

    You lost me at "It's unhealthy for the meta" but the same BT/DS/DH is fine, right?

  • Member Posts: 2,885

    Or like me I set up the 3 Gen lock and make the game last 1+Hours because its I hit them all they run I kick a gen back down to zero they come back and rinse and repeat till either they make a mistake and I get Ks or they DC and I get the Quiter Bonus......strange when the Survivors that stay say they are reporting me for holding the game hostage......

  • Member Posts: 2,885

    Here is the thing they need to keep it from stacking with medkits and other perks but also they need to nerf the range afaim for Boons in general to keep the over half the map is a boon zone.

  • Member Posts: 1,046

    I would agree with others to nerf it, but considering how many licenced characters with useless perks we have I say let it be the way it is!

  • Member Posts: 533

    What on Earth is this garbage logic? You can't be serious?

  • Member Posts: 1,911

    Can we tag this post as answered please with this above statement perfectly encapsulates the power of the effect and clarifies time wise why coh is oppressive. Even without the obnoxious upper level spawns that can occur.

  • Applicant Posts: 1,285

    Boons by themselves were a terrible idea. By definition a single Boon can give an extra perk to everyone in the team, taking 16 perks up to 19. So Boon perks they are either going to be useless or very niche (Shadowstep, Exponential) or ridiculously overtuned (COH).

    Also they are incredibly boring to face as killer, because you just keep stepping on them over and over and over and over and over again, extremely annoying. It's the killer equivalent of having to mend every minute against Legion, but worse because at least Legion is only one out of 26 killers. When I hear 3 thunders in the first minute of the match on a map like Haddonfield or Disturbed Ward I can't help but think that's going to be an extremely boring match.

  • Member Posts: 331

    I'd say it actually benefits Legion. Legion is great at injuring people and now survivors will actually waste time healing with him which is less time spent on generators.

  • Member Posts: 960

    Remove the stacks and make the range only 8 to 16 m for COH, give boons limited uses or limit how many a person can equip the fact that if more than one person has a boon and can cover almost full map range or in indoor map cases multiple floors with them is kinda ridiculous.

  • Member Posts: 960
    edited January 2022

    How is COH fine when you can have almost instant healing due to the stacks?

    Along with boons being able to overtake hexes and not being able to be completely removed like hexes

  • Member Posts: 5,211

    Legion's entire thing is wounding survivors and then going to other survivors to wound them, eventually coming back to finish off the survivor they originally wounded (or sticking with whatever poor bastard got tagged last and taking them down). But if survivors can just keep becoming unwounded, Legion has to just ignore his own power and be a standard M1 killer even more than he already is. Instead of having 4 survivors wounded that he can come back to finish off (or force them to try to find one another so they can heal up), he has one survivor downed and three others that can just heal themselves at their leisure and the cycle starts all over again.

    CoH has the same kind of issue with all M1 killers but Legion is a M1 killer whose powers are designed to spread around the damage to multiple survivors. CoH directly counters the "spread the damage out" tactic.

    Time is never in the killers favor in this game unless the survivors are absolutely incompetent at the game (which to be fair, there are a LOT of incompetent survivors in the game) and CoH against Legion does nothing but give the survivors more time.

  • Member Posts: 259

    PyramidHead and Demo players should just see black screen constantly. Also a Trapper using welder's mask should be immune to flashlights.

  • Member Posts: 5,762

    It would be fine even if one or two more nerfs hit it, this game is like that.

  • Member Posts: 115

    Imo all boons should have a token count of 2 meaning it can be activated twice then its gone. This plays into the risk reward aspect of totem perks

  • Member Posts: 2,446

    Ok, so... Legion can work that way. Get everyone injured then pick them off with various perks that can give you free hits. However, they don't have to work that way.

    Think about this. Legion frenzy stabs a Survivor. They run off, mend, heal with CoH, then get back into the game. But then here Legion comes again. Mend, heal, back to gens. Repeat this several more times. Each loop of healing back up wastes 28 seconds not including time to travel to the boon. That's a lot of time to take a Survivor off of Gens for a fairly minimal time investment on the part of the Legion. If Legion can chain stabs multiple times and the Survivors insist on healing every time, they can slow the game to an absolute crawl. Will they be able to snowball if the Survivors do that? Well, no, but that can easily give them all the time in the world to get their M1 downs. This style of Legion is a whole hell of a lot more grindy and slow but it can work and can work in spite of CoH.

    Because Legion usually only commits ~5-8s per injury and puts Deep Wounds on Survivors, they can actually turn CoH's strength against itself. CoH is great against most M1 killers because it can easily take them 15s to attain that injury... which is only 1s less that CoH's self healing speed. For that reason, Legion is actually still doing pretty well in the CoH meta while most M1 killers are floundering. Leigon isn't probably running the same builds anymore... seriously don't run Thana without Legion Pin anymore... just don't... but they're still functioning.

  • Member Posts: 218

    I agree with the sentiment, but Legion is not countered by boons. Legion mostly counters CoH, because healing against them is useless

    But instead, it counters Oni, Hag, Twins, Wraith, pretty much every other killer and player who wanted to use hit n run strategy which was so fun to play and to play against :'))

  • Member Posts: 244

    By itself not that bad but with other survivors help healing you takes no time at all. Ya let's just heal infront of the killer for trollololols.

  • Member Posts: 308

    Idk if breaking would be ok for killers if they have for example noed or plaything, but I'd be ok with replacing Boons into Hexes. Since Survivors can do that as many times as they want, why can't killer Hex perks do that?

    The stacking is a joke that it still works. I would not give speed healing of others definitely. I played against blight on the game. I took CoH and Exponential. 3 people were downed. Before he even picked up any survivor, we were all recovered and before blight hit anyone, we were already healed. Yeah, pretty much disgusting thing.

    The range generally still is insane IMO. 24 meters is for one totem and I find many plays where I witness at least 3 people blessing totems. It covers the whole map.

    Last but not least i think, I don't see a lot of shadow step but a slight thing I found. You still lose distortion tokens within range of shadow step.

  • Member Posts: 302

    CoH shouldn't exist at all. It's old undying levels of unfun and unfair. But it's fine because there's 4x the number of survivors defending it than killers complaining.

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