Unrelenting Rework

Gamerherz Member Posts: 49
edited January 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

Unrelating is probably only used by Newbie’s since it’s a non teachable and helps them out when they’re not good at hitting survivors. I added 1 Simple change which makes it fun to use for newer players instead of just being a bit less cooldown.


  • -Missing a basic attack will apply 3/4/5% Movement speed for 2.5 Seconds 
  • -When missing a Basic attack you will recover 25% faster

Your thoughts ?


  • Zolfo16
    Zolfo16 Member Posts: 479

    Unrelenting IMHO is good the way it is.

    Otherwise you will have killers that can trigger an undetectable and miss on purpouse to have a boost of speed.

    Like demo with a mushroom, teleport to a portal near a gen, appear, miss on purpouse, check the gen, if you find a surv you'll have also the speed boost.

  • Gamerherz
    Gamerherz Member Posts: 49

    You need to consider that this is only 2.5% which obviously could be adjusted. And with demo making noise when swinging it’s not really that bad. And there’s still the penalty for missing a hit, it’s only decreased by 25% and I doubt killers will be running around swinging all game just to get 5% movement speed when the get a penalty each time. And since they basic attack it can’t stack with play with your food. It can be used with mad grit, agitation but for that you’ll have to get a survivor first, then you’ll have to be lucky that there are any survivors around, if so they just can use lockers etc. And in the end you used 3 perks for that. So i think it’s a fine change

  • Zolfo16
    Zolfo16 Member Posts: 479

    Nono it is not about the 2.5 s.

    You seem not understanding that 5% bonus in speed is pretty significant. It is more than the noed speed boost.

    It is one stack of PWYF at command, it is the difference between hitting and missing often.

    The clown need to use a bottle and waiting 2.5 seconds to have a 10 percent boost, missing a swing is much faster for a looping situation.

    With Freddy it is a mini snare but you do not need the surv is asleep or he steps on any trap.

    It is like coofee grind effect but triggered much faster and you do not even need to use a trap.

    I can continue....

  • Gamerherz
    Gamerherz Member Posts: 49

    Still you have to swing and get through the penalty of that and the animation itself. And at a loop you can still play around that as survivor. Trapper has a yellow addon which gives him 5% for 5 seconds after setting a trap. If he uses a setting speed addon it will be around the same time as swinging and missing. So I don’t know why you think it’s such a huge thing. Noed gives you 4% for potentially the rest of the game which insta down. Which basically can give you free kills, and I think it’s way more value to get an Insta down with potential kill than swinging to get 5% for 2.5 Seconds.

  • Zolfo16
    Zolfo16 Member Posts: 479

    The point is: unrelenting should be a beginner perk in order to diminish the penalty for a failed swing. Do you want to raise that bonus? Ok, we can talk.

    But if you put a speed bonus the people will run the perk for the secondary effect instead the primary.

  • Gamerherz
    Gamerherz Member Posts: 49

    thats the point of it. Make it more attracting to players. It definetly wont break the game. For beginners it will be fun to use and they get the missed swing cooldown. And more expierienced players will use it in builds, but it 100% wont be a meta perk. The point is making it more used and interesting

  • Zolfo16
    Zolfo16 Member Posts: 479

    I dunno. I am never a big fan of making easy simple perks more complex.

  • Gamerherz
    Gamerherz Member Posts: 49

    Complex? Whats complex about a speed buff for 2.5 seconds. The Effects are simple so i dont get why it would be complex

  • Zolfo16
    Zolfo16 Member Posts: 479

    Perks that do one thing are simple, like lethal pursuer.

    Perks that do several things are more complex.

    Ok, there are perks way more complex than the unrelenting you proposed but still is making an easy basekit perk for beginners more complicate.

    Not a huge fan, but maybe i am wrong, it may be.