Oni should get some love


If you asked me a year ago I would of said Oni was the perfect killer, however due to power creep I think he could use a few buffs and some quality of life improvements.

Add ons: Oni has great add ons with the exception of his Iri add ons and one purple. Make his bloody glove function how the text reads (it currently doesn't work as the description says.) His Iri crest should be a 32m range with a reduced cooldown on missed attacks during Wrath. Finally is his purple add on (I forget it's name) the one that makes him lose less power after downing someone in Wrath, this one is a simple buff, give it the same effects the Ink Lion has with reducing activation and deactivation.

Now on to the meat and potatoes, his base kit: let him break pallets as quickly as Bubba/Billy during Wrath, reduce his activation and deactivation by 0.5s, reduce the amount of power he loses after downing someone with Wrath and make his passive generation of Wrath happen twice as fast (his green add on base kit basically.)

I realize Oni is far from the worst off killer (rip slinger) but he is my favorite and as my favorite I advocate for him! These are all minor number changes to his base kit and nothing crazy strong, just minor things here and there that I think would help him in the current boon:fckyourhitandrun meta. But then again lets be real, they probably wont do any of this, it's mostly just me fantasizing about buffs I would like to see.


  • TeabaggingGhostface
    TeabaggingGhostface Member Posts: 3,108

    If iri crest made survivors within 32m scream upon activation as well as missed attacks, id be happy