Pinheads chains need to not cause interruption

This is an issue. This whole build on Pinhead requires survivors to do objectives such as totems, boxes, heals, unhooks. However they can't do those objectives because of how absurd pinheads power is.

Lets say at the start of the game you find out the killer has ruin, cool no biggy you'll just find it right? Well if you add into the mix that half the maps in the game have insane hidden totem spots (RPD, Dead Dawg, Lerys, Meat Plant, etc) you're going to be having quite the time looking for those totems without perks like small game or detectives. Lets say you do have does perks (which I had detectives) by the time you do your gen, get caught up in the chase, and say have a survivor looking for totems and one for the box, the chains have already started. (Don't even get me started with smaller maps and how easy it is to find survivors)

Soo by this time the chains are going and going they're stopping chases, stopping gens, stopping totems, whatever. Someone finds the box cool, but by the time that happens uh oh Pinheads been looking for it the whole time, not only can the person with the box not do it because of chains but they're getting chased as well and the chains prevent loops and slows down the survivor in chase.

So cool the survivor goes down everyone screams and the box resets, its a reset of about maybe 3 seconds. However, that still doesnt garuntee enough time to do anything why? Because not only is ruin degressing gens, someones going for a save, some people have to heal, still have to look for totems and even when you do them theyre extremely slowed so theres not enough time to actually do them and it turns into an endless cycle. Also not being able to do the totems activates devour cause all you can really do is unhook seeing as thats one of the only things you can actually complete without the chains consistently stopping you.

Anyway my point is, most of the people in this match disconnected and I don't blame them why? Because perk combos on killers that do absolutely wayy too much already is not fun and it's a huge problem. Why does Pinheads power have to stop you from doing anything? My suggestion to this is instead of stopping you from doing anything maybe make it so that the more chains you have on you just slows you down instead of interrupts you, or have it where the person whos found the box does consistently get interrupted while doing it, or have it where if the person with the box goes down all the survivors scream and add a longer cooldown to find the box before the chains start to appear? (Personally I don't think any of this would hurt too much since you can already see chains on survivors from a mile away so you can easily spot them) There's absolutely so many other things that could happen and it's not just for Pinhead.

The last 8 killers that have released have all been ranged killers in some way, shape, or form and I don't want to get into specifically but I really think a lot of things need to be looked at with some of these more stronger killers to tune them down a bit it honestly doesn't take much. I don't want them weak otherwise that's not fun either but having slight adjustments can put them in better places which for the majority helps the experience of everyone.


  • Ripley
    Ripley Member Posts: 867

    Solving the box before chain hunt should be your priority. Don't leave it to someone else to do it.

  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,745

    Just played Pinhead - most survs are smart and always do the box when you pick someone up.

  • RayneC
    RayneC Member Posts: 10

    I just want to reply to some of these, so the whole point of not making killers weaker is because at its base alot of killers are already stronger than others which is why they're highly played, the whole reason some of these killers need nerfs is because when you add things in game with perks to buff lower tier killers youre only making stronger killers even more stronger there's no even playing field here. Im also not saying every killer needs to be the same but they shouldn't be so drastically skill capped differently, its much more fun dying to players who can mind game loops and play well then killers who just range 24/7. (And yes thats MY opinion)

    Doing the box should be priority yes, but then what do you do when you just get hunted down everytime you have the box? Several players already have memorized the starting points of where the box spawns so even if you say its priority the chances of a pinhead getting there before you are still pretty good and again once he has it it doesn't matter you're chances of being already chained is high.

    Also these are just suggestions, I'm glad that Stormy agrees that it should stop interacting with the box itself, i think that's a good change honestly. I also just want to say that a lot of suggestions made shouldn't be taken super personally everyone in the game wants to have a good experience and play the game for fun, I'm not saying pinhead needs to be complete ######### im just saying that when theres perk combos like these which feel impossible things need to be looked it.

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910

    ???? Pinhead needs buffs, not nerfs. He needs to not break his own chains. Get better.

  • AngyKiller
    AngyKiller Member Posts: 1,838

    I just want to reply to some of these, so the whole point of not making killers weaker is because at its base alot of killers are already stronger than others which is why they're highly played

    'I want Pinhead nerfed because he's not crap.'

    the whole reason some of these killers need nerfs is because when you add things in game with perks to buff lower tier killers youre only making stronger killers even more stronger there's no even playing field here.

    'I want strong Killers nerfed because weak Killers get buffs.'

    Nothing in Pinhead's power set is Op or even 'strong', so your logic is a bit lacking.

  • RayneC
    RayneC Member Posts: 10

    Literally, all half of you are doing is just assuming I want the killer nerfed for no apparent reason, but that's cool cause no one ever really listens, looking through this you can tell who actually gets the genuine concern and gives valuable input (like adults) and who doesn't so thanks to those who actually have something to input <3

  • Trwth
    Trwth Member Posts: 921

    Sorry for all of the spam, but removing chain interruptions would remove a lot of utility of it. If anything, I think MORE Killer powers should inflict Incapacitated (Clown's bottles, Trickster's knives, Nemesis's tentacle, just to name a few). Sorry that you're getting swarmed for speaking your mind, but I have to agree with everyone else that removing chain interrupts would just take away too much of Pinhead's utility and make getting chained too little of a threat.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,226
    edited January 2022

    The problem is that you're proposing taking away the one part of Pinhead's power that actually does anything. People are going to be upset about that because removing the interruption essentially makes Chain Hunts worthless. You can hear where survivors are a little better and they might be occasionally hindered in chase. That's it, that's the power. Nobody would even really have to do the box anymore. And his manual chains are also much less useful because they can no longer be used to stall from a distance (chiefly, stopping the box holder and preventing a gen from popping.)

    Can its synergies be extreme? Yes. It's a unique power. But "make it not function" is not the solution. Perhaps specific interactions should be looked at - for instance, the chains targeting the box holder are a problem because it can make the box too difficult to solve, especially in time before Pinhead manually walks over to your location and makes it impossible. Or perhaps there could be a timer where the chain hunt automatically ends, or the interrupts stop working, after too long a period of time in Chain Hunt. But preventing it from interrupting at all... no. There's a reason you're supposed to keep on top of the box. You also can, as a team, bodyblock a survivor that's trying to do an objective and soak up most chains that are coming to them if you end up in a dire situation.

  • RayneC
    RayneC Member Posts: 10

    I appreciate your response. My main claim for this is about the box holder getting interrupted the rest were just suggestions to expand on further for a discussion (which most people seemed to not understand or didn't want to actually discuss) but yeah I totally get what you mean, also as for team play I 100% agree I think that in a swf environment it could be less of an issue however majority of the community isn't Swf so it continues to be an issue for solo queue players. Also that's what I meant as well by not making killers weak to the point of no value and I'm glad you brought up this part "You can hear where survivors are a little better and they might be occasionally hindered in chase. That's it, that's the power. Nobody would even really have to do the box anymore." because I do agree after your explanation that the other suggestions I made were probably not the best so thanks for that!