PLEASE do something about "missed skillchecks" when i just want to leave the gen



  • R1ch4rd_N1x0n
    R1ch4rd_N1x0n Member Posts: 1,731

    While I understand your point, we don't need any Survivor buffs, and I very much agree, I do not think leaving this in the game is the right thing to do. Call it a buff, whatever, but I still think it needs to be changed. Survivors should be nerfed in other ways as even with this they're still OP.

  • AngyKiller
    AngyKiller Member Posts: 1,838

    Why? Why does it need to be changed? What reason is there to change it other than 'Survivors don't like it'?

    Want to leave a gen? Wait for the next skillcheck, hit it, and THEN leave.

    If you HAVE to leave a gen ASAP:

    1. Either you failed to use your time efficiently (IE: Stayed on a gen too long, now have to save someone before 2nd hook).
    2. Or the Killer is chasing you off the gen, which means the gen popping is like a small reward for the Killer pressuring you.

    I cannot think of a single reason to change it other than 'Survivors sad 😥' or 'Because Survivors don't want the lost progress'. Because, as I stated above; there's a way to prevent the gen from popping, or you failed to make the best use of your time. None of which is unfair or OP or broken or unintended.

  • R1ch4rd_N1x0n
    R1ch4rd_N1x0n Member Posts: 1,731
    edited January 2022

    Dude. Because you're losing unnecessary progression that you had no control over, it's legit not fair and not the purpose of the explosion. The explosion is supposed to punish you for failing or attempting to avoid the skill check, not punish you for getting off a gen (that's what Ruin is for.) As for the Killer chasing you off the gen, that one is true, but it happens in many other scenarios as well, such as getting off to heal someone, do a Totem or chest you noticed, to go hide because the Killer is approaching, etc. It's stupid because you're giving your position away and losing some progress over something that wasn't even your fault. THAT is why it needs to be changed. I really don't see why you don't understand other than just you don't play Survivor and don't know.

    Again, Survivors do need to be nerfed, I do very much agree with that, but this is something that needs to be changed in the Survivors favor, because it's literally a random, unnecessary explosion you couldn't have stopped and it's just stupid.

  • AngyKiller
    AngyKiller Member Posts: 1,838

    Dude. Because you're losing unnecessary progression that you had no control over

    Except you DO have control over it; hit a skillcheck and THEN leave. No explosion.

    it's legit not fair and not the purpose of the explosion.

    Except I maintain that it is: If the Killer chases you off a gen if you leave the gen too early, or if you fail a skillcheck; it explodes. All 3 are intended. The only ones saying 'It's not intended' are those demanding it be changed because of how they THINK it's supposed to work.

    but it happens in many other scenarios as well, such as getting off to heal someone

    Pop a skillcheck, then leave to heal them.

    do a Totem or chest you noticed

    Pop a skillcheck, then leave to do the totem or chest.

    to go hide because the Killer is approaching

    This falls under 'The Killer chased/pressured you off the gen' and thus is a reward for the Killer.

    It's stupid because you're giving your position away and losing some progress over something that wasn't even your fault.

    It's stupid that you're taking away what could be seen as a Killer reward (being chased/pressed off the gen), or a punishment for hasty Survivors (again; you can DO A SKILL CHECK BEFORE SAFELY LEAVING THE GENERATOR) just to give them hand-holding buffs.

    because it's literally a random, unnecessary explosion you couldn't have stopped

    Again; you can stop it by DOING A SKILLCHECK BEFORE LEAVING THE GENERATOR SAFELY. Thus; not random, and not uncontrolled, and not 'unintended'.

    I maintain it is purposeful. But I'd really like it if @MandyTalk or @not_Queen could actually let us know.

  • R1ch4rd_N1x0n
    R1ch4rd_N1x0n Member Posts: 1,731
    edited January 2022

    1. You can't be serious. Skill checks don't always appear when you want, bub. You could sit there for 30 seconds and not get one. Waiting for one first isn't a reasonable option.
    2. Well you're wrong, it is not the purpose.
    3. See number 1.
    4. See number 1.
    5. No it doesn't. They didn't find you, you're trying to hide so they don't.
    6. RNG is their reward? Uh no. The Killer has no control over it. See number 1.
    7. See number 1.
  • AngyKiller
    AngyKiller Member Posts: 1,838

    Oh yes; I'm wrong just because you decided it's <x> so you can demand a Survivor buff. Sure. Whatever you say.

    You're entire argument is 'I'm right because I said so' mixed in with by 'Random is unfair for Survivors'. Whatever.

    Decide what you want, but don't be disappointed when it's not changed because that's literally how it works, why it works, and Survivors don't deserve a random buff under the bullshit lie 'quality of life'.

    It's an unneeded buff for Survivors who want the game to hold their hand and prevent them from losing progress because they were too lazy to hit a skillcheck first. End of story. Your 'But it's not FAIR' means jack squat.

    It's intended, so deal with it, because I've torn apart every argument you've made until you decided 'I said you're wrong' is a valid reason. Enjoy screaming into the wind about how unfair it is that Survivors can lose progress for being lazy.

  • R1ch4rd_N1x0n
    R1ch4rd_N1x0n Member Posts: 1,731
    edited January 2022

    Because I am right. The explosion is for punishing failed or cancelled skill checks, not for random unnecessary explosions when you were only trying to stop. Trying to stop repairing to go save or heal my friend is me being lazy? Yeah okay, makes plenty of sense. It's not intended and you know it, you're just an overly biased Killer main. End of story.

  • AngyKiller
    AngyKiller Member Posts: 1,838

    You're not right. You ASSUME you're right based on nothing more than wanting it to be your reasoning so you can demand a change. Sorry you can't accept that it's working as intended.

  • R1ch4rd_N1x0n
    R1ch4rd_N1x0n Member Posts: 1,731

    No, I know I'm right. If it was intended, it would be mentioned as such in tutorials. Sorry that you can't accept that it isn't intended because you're a biased Killer main because the game is so "Survivor sided" (which it is) to where you have to call unintended things that hurt Survivors "features" just because Killers are too weak.

  • AngyKiller
    AngyKiller Member Posts: 1,838

    Rofl. Sure. It's not intended because it's not in the tutorial, and I'm biased. 👌 I had no clue you had such insight into the developer's minds!

    Sorry you can't accept being wrong. It's intended. You can either deal with it or scream into the wind about how you're right because you said so. And sorry you must demand buffs to Survivors simply because they want them, like spoiled toddlers. Good luck demanding BS, unneeded buffs.

  • R1ch4rd_N1x0n
    R1ch4rd_N1x0n Member Posts: 1,731
    edited January 2022

    The explosion is described as a punishment for failing a skill check, not a punishment for stopping a repair to do something else.

    You're the one who can't accept that you're wrong. You're here saying that I'm claiming you're wrong because "I said so" when you're doing the exact same thing. You are wrong. Period. The explosion is not meant to do this. Get over it and stop playing off unintended features that you couldn't win without "intended." I'm done arguing with you dude, it's pointless, overly biased Killer mains like you who can't deal with being incorrect aren't worth arguing with. Bye.

  • AngyKiller
    AngyKiller Member Posts: 1,838

    You're here saying that I'm claiming you're wrong because "I said so" when you're doing the exact same thing

    Here's the thing; I'm using my brain to realize this is how the game has worked since launch and thus; it's more than likely intended.

    I'm also not using bullshit like 'quality of life' as an excuse for a blatant Survivor buff.

    You're the one who can't accept that you're wrong.

    Except I've given valid reasoning for my counter-arguments until you devolved into 'NOOOO! I'm right because I said sooooo!' ranting and whining.

    You are wrong. Period.

    Except I'm not. Period. 😘

    The explosion is not meant to do this.

    Says the person with no facts or actual logic to back up their claims. Just 'Because I said so'.

    Get over it

    I'm not the one who has to get over being wrong, because I'm not the one who's wrong. Sorry.

    stop playing off unintended features that you couldn't win without "intended."

    Rofl. 'could not win without', the usual Survivor bullshit 'You need this crutch!' baby-rant when y'all are countered by actual facts and logic.

    Also; it's intended. You crying otherwise does not make you right just because you scream really loud. Suck it up.

  • BirdSpirit
    BirdSpirit Member Posts: 186

    Ok fine I said the gen will not progress lol. Which means exactly that the gen would not progress.

    Stuff in games don't need to make sense. We don't question why survivors can be totally fine with some rubbing after being impaled through a lung. There just needs to be smooth gameplay that doesn't introduce things a player cannot react to and then punish them for it.

  • Torsti56
    Torsti56 Member Posts: 259
    edited January 2022

    Did you know that it might take over 40 seconds to not get a single skill check. Do you suggest that survivor needs to be locked in animation and just wait.

    Here's an example. Meg is repairing gen and Nea is coming there injured asking for healing. Well Meg lets go and same time skill check appears. Is that really killer playing right when he doesn't have anything to do with it.

    I've seen that many killers want jigsaw boxes to not be random based. How this is any different to it?

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    They fixed auto fail skillchecks on medkits, when you get them while your medkit just depleted, so it should somehow be possible to fix them on gens as well. The skillcheck should just auto-fail when you leave the gen when the skillcheck is already visible

  • BirdSpirit
    BirdSpirit Member Posts: 186

    Skill checks are random and can come up one after another.

    Whether it is intended or not, it's a frustrating 'feature' that punishes for something a player had no control over.

    Honestly I think if they just give a 1 or 2 millisecond window in which the gen doesn't explode it should be ok. Something not fast enough to purposely avoid.

  • AngyKiller
    AngyKiller Member Posts: 1,838

    I oppose it because it's a stupid change that directly buffs Survivor gen repair times while using the bullshit lie 'quality of life' to hide that fact.. Though it's clear Survivor mains will cry and whinge and pout about how unfair it is that gens pop when they leave them.

    Because how DARE anything in this game actually work against Survivors! May as well remove gen popping all together! All it does is punished NEW Survivors! Let's try to get those gen times down below 5 minutes! Maybe, if you cry hard enough, you can double repair speeds and ALSO claim it's 'quality of life'! Because it's unfair that Killers can kill people! Survivors should only leave the match when they want too! 🙃

    Gen popping is intended until a dev says otherwise. But that won't stop Survivors from stomping their feet, pouting, and then saying evil 'Killer mains' are opposing 'unintended' mechanic changes because they want to win with cheap mechanics! 😥

  • Toybasher
    Toybasher Member Posts: 921

    Yeah, they should be swapped with how Overcharge works.

    IIRC, Overcharge was supposed to have some potential for punishing gen-tappers who do it to halt regression. Since, even if they tap the gen, they still get the skillcheck and theoretically would set it off (Exploding the gen, and doing some instant regression.) Well, since the skill-check doesn't auto-fail when you let go, survivors can do stuff like this:

    I definitely think overcharge should insta-fail if you let go. Would it make Overcharge good on anything other than impossible skillcheck doctor? Not really, but it would take it from a D tier perk to a low B tier perk, (You now have a slight "Counter" to gen-tappers) which is still an improvement.

  • tesla
    tesla Member Posts: 446

    It doesn't even make sense to hit skill checks after leaving the generator. Also, overcharge is a joke.

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    And missing skillchecks you physically cant hit because you never saw it makes perfect sense?

  • DarthNipple
    DarthNipple Member Posts: 22

    In my experience of hiring, we always check skills through multiple 4 factor verification checks.

    1: Asking

    2: Asking twice

    3: Previous Employer

    4: Hidden cameras (like prank patrol (IYDKYDK)

    5: Whether they can fid wally or not

    We carry these thorough protocols and checks before hiring for positions whether its for a Shower assistant, baseball coach, eraser, or a pancake mix chef.

    If the process is upheld and consistent there will be minimal retardant embodying persons passing through to your employee ranks.

    Kind Regards,


    HR department,


  • tesla
    tesla Member Posts: 446

    Maybe not, but the solution suggested is not very good. I would be ok if they added a little delay beetween the warning sound and the start of the skill check, so it would be less likely to let go the generator and explode it, but it would still explode if the killer comes and you don't have time to hit the skill check.

  • LeFennecFox
    LeFennecFox Member Posts: 1,233

    There is a thing called waiting a little bit for the next skillcheck

  • RakimSockem
    RakimSockem Member Posts: 1,986

    I think this isn't the same thing OP is referring to. Most of the time when this happens to me, it's not about pressure or the killer but maybe I see a totem I want to break or a teammate runs up and needs healing and the "instant" I commit to letting go, the skill check sound (and following explosion) simultaneously go off with no chance for me to hit the skill check.

    And some people may ask "well how often does that happen" and to that I will say literally almost every game (between 90-95% of my games)

  • AngyKiller
    AngyKiller Member Posts: 1,838

    And some people may ask "well how often does that happen" and to that I will say literally almost every game (between 90-95% of my games)

    And that's what makes me so sure it's purposefully weighted to explode if you leave a gen except soon after a skillcheck; if it was random, it would not happen as much as it does.

  • urnotverysmrt
    urnotverysmrt Member Posts: 2

    bruvs do you think that they coded the game so that the skillchecks are psychic and can predict the moment you get off gens? You're arguments are flawed because you view these impossible skillchecks as rewards to the killer. I am a killer and survivor player and these skillchecks happen to me atleast once a game. Even if it is intended, it is completely stupid and I don't see a point in punishing players who would rather do a different objective. I sincerely hope you don't complain about gen rushing, because you're only solution is that survivors should stay on gens instead of doing something else.

  • AngyKiller
    AngyKiller Member Posts: 1,838

    What? Psychic? No.

    I'm saying the game could be programmed to literally roll 0-100 for a skillcheck if you hold shift while leaving a gen. If it gets a 41 or higher; the gen pops. That would be a 60% chance to cause a skillcheck if a Survivor 'hastily' leaves a generator.

    But it could be programmed to only do this if it's been 5+ seconds after the last skillcheck. Thus; leaving right after popping a skillcheck won't pop a skillcheck. No psychic powers needed.

    Even if it is intended, it is completely stupid and I don't see a point in punishing players who would rather do a different objective

    And I see it as punishing Survivors for leaving the gen in haste. Sorry, but your point of view does not make mine wrong.

  • urnotverysmrt
    urnotverysmrt Member Posts: 2

    I don't think that you understand that the skillcheck noise plays like .5 seconds before you leave the gen. I never hear the noise after I leave a gen. I don't see a problem in finding a way to allow the survivor to still hit a skillcheck that unfairly hits them because they have bad luck? It is not like you are removing the skillcheck entirely, or even allowing the survivor to avoid them. The skillcheck will still have the same repercussions (gen explosion) when missed. You are assuming that the survivors are leaving the gen in haste, which is damaging to your point of view. The game does not know that i have sent the neurological message to let go of the gen, I am just unlucky. Waiting for the skillcheck has also been explained as not viable because of the chances of just not getting a skillcheck for a long time.