Were Rank Emblems not supposed to go? Question/Suggestion

So you know how we used to display Rank on the endgame screen so we could see how "good" (supposedly) a player was? Was that not supposed to get out of the game? I do recall them being removed for a lil while and then came back. What happened?
Either way now we have Grades there, which I dont know WHY we have there, does it serve any good information?
Anyway, idd like to suggest that the Grade Symbol be removed and replaced with a portrait of the character the person played, that would be way more useful in helping me identifying who I saw do what in the games.
Yeah, I dont read and remember your name when I play Killer, I just smash and remember the Survivor I saw.
This would be really helpful for when I need to report people repeatedly getting in and out of a locker lol
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Just go to options and characters and you see who played who
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from the MMR Test