How about banning perks system?

PrincessBubblegum Member Posts: 27
edited January 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

Hey, everyone!

How about the idea for a banning system like in "League of Legends". Would there be a Normal/Ranked mode. That in ranked mode that each survivor can ban 1 perk from the killer and the killer ban 4 perks of the survivor.

It might help to get rid of "Unbalanced-/OP Perks" that some think. I guess it would help to give the community more comfyness in gameplay and bring some new perkbuilds, it's a simple idea, maybe they're simple problems about that.



Jane Romero, Dwight Fairfield, Feng Min, Jonah Vasquez joining the lobby. Killer [Nurse] joins too. They have to push "READY" if they're all ready. Survivor and Killer have 30s time to ban perks, if the 30s pass, it got revealed which perks are banned. Then it's the usual 60s times to prepare.


Thanks for reading the post, please suggest your opinions in the comments. :)

(Sorry for my bad english, it's not my main language)

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • foxsansbox
    foxsansbox Member Posts: 2,209

    It increases lobby time and guts certain killers. Gotta pass.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    I think it would be kind of funny. Imagine all the survivors that would suddenly suck if DH was turned off for a week?

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,762

    When the killer bans BT, DS, and IW and goes to town as Spirit and as payback the survivors ban Ruin, Pop, Pain Resonance, and Corrupt and bring Prove Thyself + Built to Last + stacked toolboxes.

    I don't think banning perks is the way forward- sorry. Banning maps I could absolutely get behind- the survivors and killers can pick one map each to vote on being banned, with the killer's vote counting for 4. The map with the highest votes is banned, and if two maps each have 4 votes then they're both banned.

    Alternatively, choice-limiting perks to other perks and powers is something else I feel like could help the game, even if it is a bit late to implement it. Decisive Strike cannot be run with Unbreakable, for example, or Borrowed Time and Dead Hard. You can't combine Ruin and Tinkerer together, either- nor, in fact, can you use Monitor and Abuse on Deathslinger (who's Terror Radius becomes 24m again).

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    (I don't think banning perks is the way forward- sorry. Banning maps I could absolutely get behind

    I would absolutely ban RPD.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,762

    My vote would go to RPD or DDS every game without failure.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    and badham. Literally every time I find a survivor they run to the damn school.

  • PrincessBubblegum
    PrincessBubblegum Member Posts: 27

    tbh, I don't think it would increase the lobby time, espacially like I said I would split it trough Ranked and Normal. It's kinda boring for me as Killer to see Survivors always taking BT, DS, DH, IW, Circle of Healing etc. and I'm bored as Survivor to take these perks. It feels like running in circles choosing perks. You could change at Killer banning perks that they could just ban 1 Perk of every type like 1 Exhaustion Perk, 1 Healing Perk, 1 Second Chance Perk and 1 Item Perk or smth like that. It's possible too for survivor. I just think it's feel like by choosing perks "You HAVE to take this perk or you lose"

  • legrosporc69
    legrosporc69 Applicant Posts: 250

    It wont work and the survivor will be far stronger i did think about that some time ago. 4 survivor will ban 4 gen regressing perk the killer will ban 4 second chance perk. The thing with that is on paper this look great but the killer cant defend his gen with perk anymore so survivor will smash those gem like its nothing.

    Another thing is survivor have better perk overall compare to the killer so the game will be in a worst balance state

  • Yatol
    Yatol Member Posts: 1,956


  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,291

    Ban DS and tunnel off hook, survivors literally can't do anything about it anymore.

    I agree with @GoodBoyKaru , but rather than going for 'most voted map is banned' while tallying the killer as 4, both the killer and the entire survivor team together get to ban one map each. Survivors have to vote in their own pool and whatever map gets picked by their votes is banned as well.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    "the survivors and killers can pick one map each to vote on being banned, with the killer's vote counting for 4. The map with the highest votes is banned, and if two maps each have 4 votes then they're both banned."

    Doesn't this mean in practice that only the Killer's vote matters unless all Survivors vote for the exact same map?

  • foxsansbox
    foxsansbox Member Posts: 2,209

    This game does not have a population that can support dividing it further into two different queues. Time increase 1. Time increase 2 is you literally adding more seconds to each lobby for the banning phase. I already have 20+ minute queues as Survivor, and this would hurt killers more than it helps them, meaning it would not alleviate the killer deficit we already have.