A Potential Hex Mechanic Rework

I've been thinking a lot recently about how weak hexes are right now- not unusable by any means, but certainly flagging a little compared to where they could be. There are a lot of things that could be done to fix this, but in my opinion, there are two things that would be the best fix- one big fix, one small fix. Starting with the small fix...

Totem spots should be randomised at set intervals (once every few months or so).

Not only would this help to protect hexes from very experienced survivors who know all of the potential totem spawns like the back of their hand, it'd also encourage a shakeup to the meta as people would swap to bringing totem-hunting perks a little more often when they're re-learning the totem spawns. As far as I'm concerned, either regularly changing the totem spawn areas or just changing them once to make them a bit more uniformly balanced between both hexes and boons (as there are certain spots for either that are a nightmare for the other side) is unambiguously necessary, regardless of any other changes that get made. That's the smaller change, though- the bigger one is...

Hexes no longer light up until they've affected something, or after some other action is completed.

Over the course of my musings, I realised that part of why Plaything is such a fun and viable perk right now is because it can't be deactivated before it actually does something. So, what if all hexes followed a similar pattern? For some hexes, this would be pretty obvious- Ruin wouldn't light up until someone's let go of a generator and Ruin starts regressing it, Devour and Lullaby wouldn't light up until they gain a stack, Third Seal wouldn't light up until you've hit someone, Thrill wouldn't light up until someone tries to cleanse or bless...

Granted, this is slightly more complex for other hexes like Haunted Grounds or Undying, but I think it's still workable. My suggestion would be to give "trap" hexes like Haunted and Retribution some minor, small activation trigger, like hooking a survivor or damaging a generator, so that they still end up activating pretty quickly and people can still be drawn in to trigger the effect. Undying is a little stickier, but I think changing it to just light up a second dull one single time is feasible!

If more is needed, I think a very fair change would be allowing hexes to spawn over boons if no dulls are available- since hexes would only light up once, they can still be blessed over again if the survivors choose to.

With these changes in place, I think hexes would be a lot more stable- still a risk, as savvy survivors can still go check totem spawn points and cleanse it very quickly, but it gives them a more consistent base to work from.

What do you guys think?


  • ActualPainedFrog
    ActualPainedFrog Applicant Posts: 279

    Suggestion number 1 would only work for a few weeks until people picked up on it.

    Suggestion number 2 is how I always wanted hexes to work, I like the ticking time bomb element of them, but the issue is that most the time they don't even get a chance to put any pressure on the survivors.

  • Trwth
    Trwth Member Posts: 921

    Suggestion 1 doesn't seem necessary, but Suggestion 2 is literally the solution to hexes being destroyed seconds into the match and how they SHOULD work. I hope they come around to adding it someday.