What Determines Base Speed Differences?

I've been playing for a long time and I always thought I understood the reasoning for base speed differences. Ranged or on demand movement usually equaled 110 (Nurse even less), while others that didn't quite fit into those areas were 115.
I was looking at the killers though and, what even determines it anymore? Why is Spirit 110 but Blight 115? Why is trickster and Deathslinger 110, but Nemesis or Pyramid Head is 115? I know you can find the reasonings between them, but it doesn't feel like enough to justify some of these changes. I mean, blight has much more on demand movement and map pressure than spirit, but is also 115.
I'm not saying any of these killers need them changed, I am not suggesting any nerfs or buffs. I am simply wondering what determines the movement speed in the first place, some of them feel a tad hypocritical.
Historically, short-ranged killers (or anti-loops) are 115s, long-ranged killers are 110. Artist is an oddity in this regard and I don't really understand her placement - it feels like either she should be a 110 or Trickster should be a 115 (as they can both tag at long range but can't damage at that range unless survivors misplay badly.)
Spirit's a 110 for the same reason Hag is - she has a power that lets her traverse very quickly, and she's meant to rely on that in chase more than just running around. I think Nurse used to be a 110 a long time ago on the same design philosophy, but that was nerfed because she was (understandably) way too strong.
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Yeah this is about my same viewpoint as well, it just still feels odd with how they released Artist, but other killers that are worst at ranged are still 110.
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Pretty sure there isn't a standert anymore and they are judging it from killer to killer now
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On a tangent I’d love to see one killer who has 120% base movement speed with some other minor ability. Clown is almost like that with the yellow gas, but not quite.
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The way they are doing it now, it just seems like they are doing it based off what feels right for that killer, I would love if they got more creative and made some new killers have more unique speeds like nurse.
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To confirm what others are saying, there is no hard-set rule for base movement speeds, it's decided on a per-Killer basis. Sometimes it's part of the Killer's core design (e.g. This Killer should be fast and agile), and other times we ask questions like, "Does this Killer need to be slower to offset their power?" and "What kind of effects would that movement speed have on their power?"
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But like, why do some killers have lower movement speed when their power is extremely similar or even just worse than others that are faster?
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Maybe blight is 115 movement speed because his power was not that helpful in loop during testing.
Deathslinger and trickster are 110 because they can hit you up to 18 meter compare to nemy were he can hit you up to 6 meter if you tier up that not a lot compare to the range killer same with ph its only a 8 meter.
Spirit its probably because her power is really strong in loop so they remove some movement speed to compasante
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Blight might have the best mobility, but if his power is used without exploits than he's okay as an 4.6 m/s Killer. Tbh, with all those exploits it wouldn't hurt to make him 4.4 m/s. You don't even have to reduce his Terror Radius because Deathslinger also moves at 4.4 and has a 32 meter Terror Radius.
Spirit can zip in and out of reality with high speed and without any control restrictions, you can just move normally and really fast. Her power is really strong so that's why she is 4.4.
Huntress and Trickster can damage Survivors really quickly, really far with barely a cooldown. Those rely on their powers to get downs, which kinda hinders them with Perk selections. Since they're 4.4, they can't really use any basic attack Perks.
Deathslinger needs 4.6. There is no reason why he shouldn't.
Nurse is explained by itself.
Hag has a similar power as Trapper but MUCH stronger if used correctly. She also doesn't need to pick up her traps. She is meant to play defensively so 4.4 doesn't hurt her to much. It just sucks for those who like chasing Killers and that's why those people never play Hag, because she can't chase.
All the others who move at 4.6 have enough power restrictions to warrant that speed. PH might be the closest one to have a strong enough power, but his power makes him really awkward at times. Also, he is harmless from a range and is only a threat if you're close to him. So he kinda needs his speed to catch up.
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And while we’re down this rabbit hole, how about a perk that gives a minor passive movement speed increase? So it just gives you +2-5% extra movement speed all the time. Right now for comparison the only killer perk that only gives a movement speed increase is Play With Your Food, and it can go up to +15% increase for short durations. So a 2-5% permanent increase isn’t as noticeable but would still impact close chases.
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Just out of curiosity, has that always been the case or is that a more recent (relatively speaking) development? It did feel like things were more standard earlier on, though that may have been because more of the killers coming out were M1s and there wasn't as much reason to take movement speed on a case-by-case basis.
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Ok so based by your very own reply, Artist 110 when? 🙂
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She is fine, seeing as you can instantly repel crows with lockers before she can long range damage you from hitting a second crow on you after cooldown.