CoH Nerf!

Heal speed is 75% now.
What do you think? Is this enough or CoH is still op?
Good start.
We'll see if it's enough, I think it's not, but I'm willing to wait and see.
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Wont prevent Killers from mass-opening Threads to nerf every Survivor-Perk in existence. :]
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One more useless perk for survivors, hooray! Back to DH/DS/UB/BT meta, folks
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Oh no instead of healing in 8 seconds everyone can self care in 10 seconds with a medkit.
The 2 main issues: Stacking with medkits and the absurd self care heal speed aren't addressed so no not a big enough nerf.
50% would be fine.
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lmao that is true but on both sides
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God watch the stream with no audio, just look at chats reaction and you don’t even need to hear their answer lol
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5% sounds even better. And everyone inside the boon radius should receive Exposed status. That would be more fare and balanced.
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Honestly yea now I can take "Using circle of healing means you're trash" out of my bio thank god.
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being reduced to 75% is nice, but I still personally think Boons in general should have changed overall as the concept itself is problematic due to time restraints on both sides, but this is my opinion
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Wait twotch barely works on a phone what's going on
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That's a good nerf at least. Still would like to see the snuffing mechanic get addressed because it's not really enough counterplay towards boons.
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Its not enough for so long you can use the perk an infinite amount of time CoH will never be fair because its affect the entire team
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I'm good with 75%, it's what I suggested so.
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Well I never thought CoH was as big of a problem as everyone else but I did think it needed some tweaking so this makes me happy so far
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This sounds fair to me. It definitely needed this, but it really doesn’t need much more other than possibly removing med kit stacking
One perk dictates the quality of how a wide variety of survivors play? Don’t killer mains usually use “valid tactic” as a comeback whenever survivors whine about perks or playstyles too?
What a weird and irrational take. You sure told them though lol.
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Nah it's just a meme because the people who use overpowered perks are always the most salty ones. I could make an entire archive of salty COH users it's insane,
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Devs said boons are fine and not op and have no plans on making changes to any boons any time soon. But they are still gathering data
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I don't think it'll be enough. 75% is still a huge increase that you can have pretty much anywhere, any time, on top of being able to heal yourself at a fast speed and giving the Killer a new objective that they can't really deal with on account of how ready it is to use and reuse at all times.
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So that makes healing 20 seconds?
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It makes healing others about 9.5 seconds
And self heals about 19 seconds
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Doesn't actually remove any of the things that are problematic, it just slightly reduces the actual end healing speed. Which... is something? But we're still stuck with the infinite use/goes through floors/stacks with other healing/removes any need for Survivors to work together/Self Care for everyone bonanza.
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I still be believe the better change would be to cap the perk at a 50% increase, and make a universal cap that healing can't be increased past 100% with multiple factors.
But hey, down to 75% is a significant small change compared to what were used to when it comes to changes with Survivor.
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I think the better tweak is removal of the stack ability. Leave it at 100, remove stacking with any other perk or item. The problem is not that the survivors can heal. The problem is that they can heal very fast in my face.
I'd even be ok with it being non stackable, 50% and map-wide. Heck, throw in the ability to build the totem in various spots so it is not part of the killer's totems.
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I'm not remotely convinced this will actually be enough, but at least it's something.
Still sounds way better than any other healing perk in the game.
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Well, i don't think a minor speed nerf would actually solve the issue it has.
The problem is that it has 2 combined effects:
- It gives self care
- It gives 100% speed buff
if it had only 75% speed buff it would still be selfcare with 90% healing speed.
In my opinion to fix it without completely breaking one of the effects you either have to nerf both of them at once in a non numerical way (because of the effects is a non numerical effect) or make both effects not affect each other.
So, i know of 2 possible solutions that might work without breaking this perk completely:
- Make speed bonus not affect self healing either at all or self healing that was made possible by boon itself (you get healing speed buff, if you have a selfcare or a medkit).
- Make effect scale with distance from the boon, making it more beneficient to heal closer to the boon also making boon more vulnerable to be found by the killer.
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I came up with a really nice idea to change CoH and they just came up with a 25 % nerf 😐️
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...How on earth is that useless? It's still a souped up self care for the entire team, for the price of a single slot.
CoH, Dead Hard, probably Iron Will. I don't think I've seen many threads wanting to nerf much else.
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It's nothing and won't affect the perk at all
Post edited by Murgleïs on1 -
hmmm yes putting an 8 second heal to 10 second = useless
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It does make placing the boon and self-caring less efficient than just self-care. At least if you only self-care with the perk that one time and no one else uses it.
It still will be a problem as free infinite healing will always be a problem.
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That 25% nerf doesn't make it anywhere near useless
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It's a start, but it's not enough. You still can cover a good chunk of a map with one well placed totem, even more on multi layer maps. Survivors can still can just relit totems if they're snuffed.
If the killer could actually break the totem, instead of snuffing it, I'd feel better about it.
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Sure.. because a 25% its a "huge" nerf 😂😂 meanwhile it can still be combined with other perks, medkits and it can be infinitely relit wich is the MAIN issue of this broken perk. Poor, poor survivors.. they are a little less broken now but still broken 🤣
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For self healing it would be still 87.5% healing speed... a very minor nerf...
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Sure, but that's if nobody else uses it. The killer rarely has the time to keep on top of boons, much less hunt them down, so that's rarely the case and generally relies on the survivor placing the boon in a stupid spot.
It's still way, way easier to activate its conditions than virtually every other healing perk that isn't self-care, and it's a perk for the entire team at the cost of one player's perk slot.
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but its still gonna stack with medkits so instead of a 16 second heal going down to 4 seconds its now gonna be 6 seconds ish.
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I still think the perk should've been removed entirely and replaced with a new perk, but meh, we'll see how this one goes.
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It's a good start, we'll just have to see if it's enough.
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Well it’s a good start and a step in the right direction. I suspect that it’s not enough, but let’s see how it goes when the change goes live.
For comparison:
Old COH: heal a teammate in 8s, heal yourself in 16s
New COH: heal a teammate in 9.14s, heal yourself in 18.29s
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This is absolutely nothing, and they know it. Just throwing the bare minimum to killers.
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I mean, it's like 21 ish seconds right? (16/(1-.25)) with just the perk itself. Like everyone else, we'll have to see. It's interaction medkits I'm not really thinking about because medkits have been busted just by themselves for a while.
What's really sad is how perks seem to always fall into either the 'pointless' or 'oppressive' category.
Edit: actually, I think @sizzlingmario4 is right. I forgot that the bonus effect is tacked onto the base selfheal speed of .5 for 18 ish from (16/((1-.5) x 1.75))
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They nerfed it...?
But not the actual problems with it...?
Like unlimited use no cooldown and stackable buffs..?
Just a 25% slower heal..?
From an almost instant heal...?
25% of basically nothing is still basically nothing...?
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This is better than nothing I guess...
I was expecting to a removal of the stacking effect with the medkits along with the healing speed.
At least Sloppy Butcher will be a little less useless.
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I don't understand why it needs a healing speed buff anyway... isn't the fact that it provides self-care to the whole team for the cost of one perk enough??
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I know you aren't implying that CoH wasn't an issue.
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Healing speed wasn't the issue to me. it was this perk combined self care and faster healing speed together. CoH should be either self care for everyone or faster healing speed. I make the same argument for the other boon perks.
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I would have nerfed it differently.