Adepts and their Achievement Requirements

As it currently stands, Dead By Daylight Adepts are completely optional; However, the Survivor and Killer Adepts are not created equal, and have vast difficulties between each other.
The current Survivor Adept is escaping via exit gate or hatch with said Survivor's Unique Perks.
The current Killer Adept is getting a Double Pip (Merciless Victory) with said Killer's Unique Perks.
This post is mostly focusing on Killer Adepts, as they have a much higher base requirement than Survivor Adepts, as the Killer Adept is Tied to Rank/Grade and gets exponentially more difficult the higher you go up in grades.
Ash/Bronze Ranks require atleast 8 Emblem Points to Safety Pip, 9 to 13 for a Single, and 14 to 16 for a Double.
In Comparison, Silver and Golds Each Take atleast 7/8 to Safety Pip, 8/9 to single and 15 to 16 for a Double
Iridescent Ranks take 16 Points to Double Pip, or all Iridescent Emblem Qualities, requiring a 4k to Get Iridescent in all 4.
With the way the game is currently set up, there is absolutely no reason to have Killer Adepts still tied to the Grade/Rank System, as its making achievements more difficult for absolutely no reason and punishing the player for playing the game too much if they want adepts.
Is there any thought at all towards changing the adept requirement so theyre more in line with each other?