COH Rework Idea

Pandamonium31 Member Posts: 25
edited January 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

So there's obviously a lot of turmoil in the community lately about the recent Q&A, COH, No ED, etc., so it got me thinking on a rework for COH.

While No ED can be annoying to play against, it can be countered pretty easily by cleaning all totems throughout the game, or one totem in the endgame, and specifically only in the endgame.

So I just thought, "why not apply a similar principle to COH?".

Each survivor can bless only one totem per game (should they have the perk equipped), and once the totem is snuffed out, that's it. The trade of is that the healing rate goes back to the original 90%/95%/100%, and the killer won't be able to hear the humming noise it makes when nearby the totem. The killer will however still be able to hear the thundering sound when the totem had been blessed, indicating to them that a totem has been blessed on the map.

Maybe only one totem can be blessed per perk aswell, and at any one time? So only one COH totem, one ShadowStep totem, etc. This would make survivors rethink equipping all 3 of the current Boon perks as once their totem has been snuffed, that's 3 of their perks wasted.

At the same time, it requires the killer to 1. Have a good sense of awareness as they traverse a map, noting where dull totems are, and keeping an eye out throughout the game, and/or 2. learning common totem spawns for each map, both something survivors already have to do.

I think this kind of implementation will induce more thoughtful perk choices, risk vs. reward factors, killer awareness and attentiveness, and survivor strategy, at least adding to the dynamic of the game.

Anyone agree? Think a couple things should be changed around? Disagree completely? I'd be interested to hear!😁

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • deKlaw_04
    deKlaw_04 Member Posts: 3,660

    might as well throw the perk in the trash. And who would use exponential and shadow step for a one time use. I just think cool down after it’s snuffed would be better

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564

    If killer can destroy boons forever, then boons will need buffs.

    First: CoH will be 100% heal speed again.

    Second: Boons will not be loud anymore, they will be quiet like hex totems.

    Third: Range should be larger.

    And i am okey with this change. And killer should destroy totem itself. So with this way, killer will have chance to use Pentimento

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    The boon system in general where they can be relit is fine, it works perfectly ok with Shadowstep and Exponential for instance. So whatever rebalancing CoH needs can be done by just adjusting its specific parameters. That’s why the devs are reducing its healing speed this pass, they’re hoping that a 25% reduction in speed is enough to bring that effect in line.

    Maybe 25% is enough, maybe it isn’t, who knows? Either way though if it ends up still being too powerful they can just either further reduce that healing speed parameter and/or adjust how fast people can self-heal using COH (since as far as I know there’s no particular reason the perk needs to give the same healing speed boost to both self care and to one player healing another player). The goal is simply making the healing fast enough that a survivor wants to use the perk but not so fast it’s overpowered compared to other options.

  • AngyKiller
    AngyKiller Member Posts: 1,838

    Second: Boons will not be loud anymore, they will be quiet like hex totems.

    No. The reason Boons are loud is because Killers don't have a 3rd person, 360 degree camera that can look around corners at all times. The sound is to offset the tiny view Killers have.

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564

    If they keep them loud, breakable effect will never add to boons buddy. This is how to works. Imagine you have boon totems. It is loud and killer is destroying it forever with 2 seconds. Who would bring boons anymore?

    But BHVR should add Small Game totem find effect to killer's base-kit if they do this changes. So killer can check when they got warning.

  • AngyKiller
    AngyKiller Member Posts: 1,838

    Asking to remove the noise is like saying Boons should be invisible towards Survivors, buddy.

    Killers don't have the view, or the time, to hunt for a stealth boon. While Survivors can see a Hex totem glowing from halfway across a map.

    The sound offsets the Killer's lack of a 360 degree camera, so it can't be removed. Sorry. Removing it would make boons stupidly OP, regardless of any nerfs added..

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564

    I don't like CoH and it was one of the reasons i stopped play but you are just overreacting. They needs nerfs but you want to put them on useless perks category.

    Boons will be loud, killer will get warning when someone bless totem and killer will destroy them with 2 seconds forever. Nobody would use this perks. Your opinion is just not makes any sense to me, sorry.

  • AngyKiller
    AngyKiller Member Posts: 1,838

    Oh boy! The Killer would get a thunderclap telling him a Boon is lit.

    But without the SOUND OF THE BOON; He does not know WHERE. And he has to waste more time hunting it while 4 Survivors do gens.

    You are not understanding WHY Boons make noise, and I've said it twice now: Because Killers don't have a 3rd person, 360 degress view camera that can look around corners and over walls.

    Survivors can see a boom while walking AWAY from it. Or over low walls. Or around rocks. hence why Hexes are quieter.

    Killers can only see a boon if they are in front of it and nothing blocks it. Hence why Boons are loud.

    This is not hard to understand. Boon Sound makes up for Killers crappy camera. You remove that and boons are all but invisible to Killers.

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564

    And again, i am asking same question.

    Killer can find boons so easyly because they are so loud. We are agree this part right? Because while i was playing killer, i had not hard time to find boons. Infinity part was annoying.

    And we are nerfing boons, they will be breakable now. So killer can find them so easyly and then killer can destroy it with 2 seconds. And survivor will lose their perks. Who would bring this perks anymore? You are just making them trash tier perks and this is not makes any sense.

  • AngyKiller
    AngyKiller Member Posts: 1,838
    edited January 2022

    So killer can find them so easyly and then killer can destroy it with 2 seconds. And survivor will lose their perks. Who would bring this perks anymore?

    That's literally how Hex perks work. They make their own noise (even if it's quieter than Boon totems), glow, and can be seen by Survivors using a 3rd person camera.

    So making Boons make noise while they can be perma-removed literally puts them on the same footing as Hexes. So why is it so fair that Survivors can see, and hear, 1-time-use Hexes, but Killers should not be able to hear 1-time-use Boons?

    Why do Boons get to be, effectively, invisible to the Killer?

    Remember: The Boon is louder BECAUSE the Killer lacks the 360 degree, see-over-anything camera Survivors have. So removing the noise is like saying 'Hex totems should not glow. And should be smaller. And blend in.' Because you're removing the Killer's only cue to find a Boon through a wall, while Survivors can look OVER that wall and see a Hex.

    Edit: typos

  • xoMadii
    xoMadii Member Posts: 16

    I disagree with it, for starters to make it even remotely balanced, it would need to spawn in randomly just like hexes, and it would need an increased time to snuff, not an instant snuff. They would also have to give survivors their own unique totems because there aren’t enough totems to support boons, and hexes at once, especially if one Boon perk could only go on one individual totem.

    A one time bless would take away all the value to survivors, and it would barely be used as the risk outweighs the reward by a long shot.

    Forcing killers to have to seek out and snuff a boon, would also add another objective on the killers plate. Time is already so incredibly valuable to killers, and having to devote time to snuffing multiple totems at an increased time to snuff just gives the survivors free time to rush gens. They would be better off leaving the boons up rather than wasting time seeking and snuffing a boon.

  • Pandamonium31
    Pandamonium31 Member Posts: 25
  • Pandamonium31
    Pandamonium31 Member Posts: 25

    I never said the survivors start the trial with a boon already active.

    Also, you said survivors wouldn't waste time blessing a totem when they could do generators, but then in the next sentence you said the killer won't look for the boons as survivors will gen rush. Do doesn't that mean if the survivors spend time blessing a boon, they can use the time the killer is searching for the boon to do gens?

    Think about it. 12-14 seconds for one survivor, while the other 3 do gens, is not a lot. Now imagine the killer having to find that boon, and snuff it out. There's one killer. One. That means while the killer is searching for the boon, there's no other killer to go after survivors. So that's where you have to make the choice. Will I go for the boon or the survivors? Will I go for the boon or for the generators?

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    If the totems didn't make any noise, you'd never find them. Default killer fov is way too small.

  • Pandamonium31
    Pandamonium31 Member Posts: 25

    Maybe it's just me, but I never really have an issue spotting totems, and you have a fair idea of where totems spawn anyways.