I'm a human and I'm trying to have fun too



  • xRam40I9
    xRam40I9 Applicant Posts: 55

    The meta is extremely boring, most people would agree on that for both sides. That doesn't make a perk that has become common to abuse for an almost impossible to hook scenario is ok lol.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    Its a poorly implemented mechanic that can be powerful in certain circumstances.

    Its not a toxic attack on your fun and people aren't being toxic just becuase they use it.

    These survivors were toxic douche bags for taunting you in post game when what they are breagging about is using a busted mechanic to win.

    That sucks because ######### players are what ruin this game. Its a shame that strong perk combos are what ######### players use to enable them to be ######### players, it doesn't mean every strong perk combo is some ######### player trying to ruin your fun and its best not to take it personally.

    Report people for abuse and if you have a ######### game with ######### people then realise its because its random PVP and you sometimes have to play with ######### people, shrug and then move on.

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,445

    I feel you on this.

    I've played exactly one killer match since the update dropped. Last night, Artist map, 4 flashlights, 4 Dead Hard, several Boil Overs, a Break Out, several We're Gonna Live Forever, and one even had No Mither. 100% they were trying to make it simultaneously impossible for me to pick up and hook them and impossible for me to slug and bleed them out. Now I did end end up winning because of Agitation and I'm quite good at dodging flashlights... but that was my last killer match of the night.

    Playing against that garbage is possible but it is stressful as hell.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,087

    As I said, I only ran those Perks because they were the best I had at this time. I just run what I have when I prestige and I was lucky to have Ruin/Undying/Tinkerer. Which carried me a lot. And still carries Killer players nowadays.

    But if I can avoid it, I am quite off-meta on Killer, if you count Slowdown-Stacking as Meta. I use good Builds, but you wont see me complain about Killers using Corrupt Intervention (as an example), because I use it on almost every Killer.

    Same like you wont see me ever complain about the Survivor-Meta, since I either used said Perks before or am using them now (e.g. I will never complain about DH, because I ran it since Balanced Landing got nerfed until a few months ago, where I just stopped using it).

    But yeah, I think it is hypocrisy to say that one side doing very unfun things is a strategy while the other side doing unfun things is bullying. If someone defends playing as Bubba to facecamp the first Survivor they find, they should also be ok with not getting any Hooks due to Boil Over + RPD. Same vice-versa.

  • konchok
    konchok Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719

    Pig can actually counter boil over pretty reliably. Did someone position themselves in a way where you can't get them to a hook. Just put a lovely hat on their head and leave them on the ground. They'll be sure to visit some lovely tourist destination where you can pick them up and deliver them to their hooks.

  • Gigante
    Gigante Member Posts: 134

    Imagine killers have fun in 2022. Behaviour don't like this word for killers.

  • Oiry
    Oiry Member Posts: 218

    I would love to reply, but after you said "I won't watch the video btw" I don't think you are interested in a conversation, however:

    Ultimately, I do agree that Boil over is a strategy. You should not complain about boil over to players, only to the devs (if you want to complain).

    I do not agree about your argument that, I quote Killers can actually prevent survivors from playing the game I don't quite understand why you think Bubba facecamping is preventing playing the game. How is this worse than what the video shows, or any other miserable infinite survivor strategies.

    I assume you are trying to say that using boil over with RPD offering is somewhat of an equal thing as Bubba bringing agitation noed, deadlock, and "not playing the game". And I can agree with that to some degree. I still don't think either of these things should exist and promoted by changes. Also, the solution to having that Bubba example is not to buff Boil over in a way like this.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    Just play video tape pig and camp the trap, it's funny as hell regardless of survivor's skill level.

  • jinx3d
    jinx3d Member Posts: 519

    survivors always run the same perks- whatever is the meta. i go against killers with 0 meta perks all the time. killers play for fun, survivors play to win and then complain when killers do the same

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    That 25% will be nerfed to 10% perhaps.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    Eh, do you think a place where there is no way to hook with any normal means is intended?

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,702
  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    Oh cool, so avoiding something with I-frame is clearly unintended and exploit, right?

  • TheDarkTyrant
    TheDarkTyrant Member Posts: 2,074

    Other players don't care. Just like I don't care when 2 teammates DC because I downed them as Nemesis. I don't care. I just play how I want just like others can play how they want. No it's not mean. It's just neutral. It's not malicious for them to play like that because they want to.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,087

    According to the text of the Perk.

    Thats like saying Killers abuse BBQ to get more BPs.

  • Jonn
    Jonn Member Posts: 8

    U know U can just go and don't drop from hights?

  • Ruma
    Ruma Member Posts: 2,069

    Just because a perk isnt op, it doesnt make them a meme perk.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,164

    Right. Sure. That increased stagger threw me immediately off the Eyrie's walkway. You don't have to purposefully drop down from anything, that stagger throws the killer around like a mother##########.

  • Pizamo
    Pizamo Member Posts: 4

    Having the ability to never get hooked Is kinda Broken. I agree. Played asi Bubba on the artista map and someone with boil over kept wiggling out do I just slugged him the entire Fame. The only fix I can think ofnis to malé it 15% instead of 25%

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,176

    My experience and feeling is, that the big Boil Over storm just blew over. Not because the perk isn't strong and working exceptionally well or most survivors decided against using it because they want a challenge, but exactly because the perk IS working as advertised and you can sometimes even wriggle free on your own with propositionally higher chances when their survivor friends bodyblock the hook.

    Because of this a lot of killers (myself included) will just slug anyone who goes down in a remote area with propositionally higher chances if we spot that red horse icon in the lower right corner.

    It sucks, for me its probably just less unfun then for the slugged survivors, but this is 100% a direct response to the aweful first hours of the first contact with the new Boil Over perk.

    And now the question will be: will BHVR address the problem by tuning down this whole affair, or will they somehow devise a system that punishes killers for slugging too much?

    You always get he carror and the stick. But using the stick too much will not help you each and every time. Most killers would go for 12 hooks, if the game allowed for it, but unless you are fighting potatoes that's not going to happen.

    Camping, Tunneling and Slugging are all techniques that evelved directly in response to survivors getting stronger and better at looping. Just imagine a world without DH. More chases would end faster, killers could pressure more gens, less killers would see 2 gens pop during their first chase and would feel less pressured into tunneling.

    This is just a thought experiment, and of course tunneling would not got away entirely, but the Camping, Tunneling and Slugging epidemic that many survivors bemoan right now are to a big part happening, because the killers are figuratively with their backs against the wall. In order to get any measure of success they have to employ these tactics, and the more these tactics get employed, the more discontent and salty the survivor community gets.

    Circling back: with their backs against the wall you can employ the stick again and devise mechanics that punish killers for using these tactics, but if Camping and Tunneling and Slugging is taken away, what is then left for a killer to fight back? Eating 12 pallets and looping for two minutes due to second chance perks and other mechanics or... just leaving the game behind.

    Strong killer players can still pull of wins in todays environment, but we shouldn't look at Otz or Coconut or Tofu and balance against their skills. Don't leave your average Joe Killer in the dust, otherwise survivors queues will just rise more and more.