Any Other Killers Player Tempted To Throw In The Towel Right Now?

At least at night?
Seriously, there must be such a deficit of killers right now that as soon as survivor count reaches a critical mass, it's just...not fun anymore. Games will be ridiculous, unfun and I have to dodge multiple lobbies in a row to avoid crazy 3000 hour SWFs - which only makes the problem worse.
During the day, matches feel mostly even. I'll win some, lose some - but never feel like I have no chance. At night though, I can go from rolling over a team of newbies to sweating for my 2 hooks and getting teabagged all the way to the exit gates by a sweaty SWF with more hours in this game than I spent getting my Masters.
On top of this, everyone and their cat is running frigging Boil Over right now, and even when it's not being used to take the match hostage (which I've seen no less than 5 times in the last few days - as soon as it's RPD, I may as well just DC and save myself the headache of bleeding people out - and I save more time in the bargain) it's just annoying.
Honestly, I think that until the much lauded SBMM changes go live, it's probably going to have to be a hiatus again. Because this game is the opposite of fun right now - and I say that as someone who prefers SBMM to ranks.
because the main community of this game only the survivor, they cash cowing survivor by making more skin every month. Killer not really interested to buy skin, due to POV First Person , and they resolve this by making several legendary set skin with different radius terror song/sound.
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Not really and I only play killer at night because of long queue times during the day. I haven't played a match as killer during the day in a LONG time. I still have fun, though.
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I feel this I started playing late the last few nights and it hasn't been fun alot for prove thyself BnP and full meta. There was even a fee games were I got no hooks becausei couldn't get downs fast enough plus teammates body blocking mid chase and even when I finally got a down they were making sure I couldn't get to the hook.
Question why is it toxic to camp at 5 gens but ok to body block and hook sabo when the killer has 0 hooks?
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I switched to Survivor again, I went from a surv main to a killer main after 500 hours, and now after 2.5k hours as killer it's too much and I'm back to survivor again lol
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What queue?
Whether I'm on my 'good' killers or my 'bad' killers, my queues are now completely instant. Day or night.
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They are shorter than they used to be (since the event), but I still have to wait a few minutes to get a game. My survivor queues are still pretty much instant during the day (well at least faster than killer), so I play survivor during the day and killer at night. I've played this way for a couple of years now.
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Yeah we are likely either playing at very different MMRs or very different regions. My survivor queues are longer during the day - pushing well past 10 minutes at times. And I'm escaping...maybe 6 in 10 games, so it's not at any extreme MMR either.
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Nah, I like my instant queues, I do not care about anything but that. It made me a disgusting tank/support in Overwatch. You think some reject survivor mains are going to make me reconsider? Hell nah.
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I don't know why either of the player types have to be sweaty and toxic. Why do certain killer mains feel the need to not even play the game? Tunnel out each survivor. Face camp. Area camp? I prefer the area camp over just standing in front of the hooked survivor until they die or are saved by a fellow survivor who then is treated the exact same way. I am a survivor main but I do play killer on occasion. I see what you're saying about toxic survivors, but the same can be said for toxic killers. I'm just trying to play a fair game with friends. I don't need to win every match, nor do I expect to. But this game has become so toxic and unfun to play in the last say 6-8 months. It's a shame because it's really the only game that I can play with friends around the world. It used to be fun....
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Why do you 'have' to dodge? What happens when you loose? Asside from well... almost nothing....
also you should NEVER DC It is never the right choice.
If you care about points: A DC is always 0, playing is always more.
If you care about grades: A DC is always -2 pips and a bad loss is -1
If you care about winning: A DC is always 0%, playing is always higher than 0%
So no matter what DCing is a bad call.
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I dont play at night so I dont know.
Matchmaking for my killers is the same mess as always, either too easy games or too hard. No in between
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I'm being held hostage by a hacker but I can't DC :( how sad
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The 1 Toxic player per every 100+ non-toxic will never make me want to quit no matter how many trolls in comment seconts wil lie and say there are more than there are.
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Yeah the toxic players way outnumber the non-toxic ones friend. It's the new norm. This game is doomed if there's nothing done about it.
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This is faluse, you simply are not counting the non-toxic players. You play 5 or 6 games where no one is toxic and don't count the 20+ players in them... then have 1 game where 1 player is toxic and only count that.
You are forcing yourself to have a bad time. Stop equating 1 bad game to 9 good games. It only SEEMS like there are more toxic players because when you see a toxic player your mind goes +10 but when you see a non toxic player your mind goes +0.1
If you count both as +1 the non toxic VASTLY out number the toxic and you know this in the logical part of your mind.
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Did it near 2 months ago and have been far happier. It's pretty clear at this point that the only thing that will get the devs to fix killer is if the game literally stops functioning because the killer playerbase is extinct.
lol 1 per 100. Mate, every single game I play I see at least 1 survivor that is toxic, usually multiple. Every single game. A lot of it I have recorded, too, since I stream the game pretty much any time I actually do still play. I entirely stopped playing killer largely due to toxicity from survivors and how it was basically every game. If you don't 4k, you get taunted. Every. Single. Game. People ask why killers are "so sweaty for the 4k" it's because if even one survives, they will taunt and try to basically take your feeling of victory away, so killers feel they have to 4k so the one dude who escape doesn't get to rain on their parade and make them feel terrible despite 3k-ing or something. Meanwhile, I can't tell you the last time a killer repeatedly hit me on the hook or told me to kill myself in post game or blocked me in a corner. Denying the games toxicity problem doesn't help, nor does defending it as the community so often does.
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I'm just camping with leatherface.
Maybe ill do a killer that takes some effort every now and then; but why do that when survivor takes no effort? Facecamping takes about as much effort as holding M1 and hitting E so I think it's fair.
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No... its not every game. You simply refuse to remember the times its not.
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No that's not true. It's so bad that I have a three strike rule. I have had weeks where I only play 3 matches a night because of the toxic play. You are simply mad, most likely, because you are one of the toxic players.
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NO! If the hacker wants to DEFINITELY dont! They only do it because they know much of the players are too spineless to contest them. If enough people stop giving in they'll give up.
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Of course, let me sit there for multiple hours.
What a joke.
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Good to know you went through my vods and watched them all. It's every game. Sorry. Don't know what you want. Every game I see tbagging from 1 of the 4. You can't prove me wrong, so, not much to argue on.
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Encouraging positivity is toxic? I even recorded a video of OVER 50 end game chats that proves most games players don't even say anything...
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I was getting told to off myself in varying ways every other match on my Xbox One.
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I can't beilive you didn't realize this little detail: You also hold the hacker hostage... you forget that part, hu?
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Every other match that you bother to remember*
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That's not how it works.
I can't end the game except by DC'ing. They can make themselves escape whenever they want. I have no recourse except to wait or DC.
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Two possibilities!
- You all over exaggerate how often people are Toxic.
- I need to play the freaking lottery because I am impossibly lucky.
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Actually, not even close.
I made posts about it because it started to weigh so much on me mentally.
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I'm only playing for the Blight skin on the tome, as soon as I finish the set I am gone until there's an actual incentive to play the game, since fun isn't much of a motivation anymore.
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I am basically playing survivor. Sometimes I have this urge to play killer, but every time I actually imagine what awaits me if I try, I just continue as survivor... Fyi, I only play solo queue, even solo feels better, more chill, and it feels like what I do matters more. I don't blame boons, or MMR... If I had to blame something, I would probably blame survivors I go up against and the community. Props to good sports, there are many of us, but unfortunately the bad always leaves a deeper impression.
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"but unfortunately the bad always leaves a deeper impression."
and THAT is the handicap you all need to overcome! Once you count them the same you will enjoy the game so much more! Once you realize 1=1.
I know this is hard... its human nature to over-value the negitives and under-value the positives but you CAN learn to rig yourself of this limitation!
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Yeah, I did it for a pretty long time. Trying to get used to it. Here is an interesting observation I've made:
1) You win via huge survivor mistake. Like a survivor going down next to a hooked survivor. It's basically gg. And you don't really feel too good about it. They f-ed up and you know how to capitalize on it. Most survivors either don't like you, or ignore you in endgame chat.. no one cares, next game.
2) standard game. First chase, 3 gens pop, you hook, you defend hook / try to somehow 3gen with the remaining. Mostly standard game, which usually ends with you losing or survivors throwing themselves on the hook (altruism). if you play well, this is most of your games. They can say "gg ez", but mostly no one cares, move on
3) Amazing game. Somewhat of a back and forth, they do really good plays, come back reeeeally well. But you are putting up a great fight, trying till the very end. Many times these games happened with Oni. This back and forth craziness. Thrilling. Exciting. All players are WELL DONE! I go into the endgame chat with a big smile. These are the exact games people are toxic. Literally spraying vomit into the endgame chat. racial, homophobic slurs if you manage to win. If they win, they it's like 100+ messages of "you are so bad" "uninstall" "#########" messages. And im not joking, they keep writing. It seems like if my emotions are being transformed into respect towards my opponents, their emotions are getting into their asses, so they can then ######### it out. This is regularly happening exactly after the matches I seem to enjoy.
4) The worst of the worst. Not even gonna name these... basically abusing swf's that can abuse anything and everything. Maps, items, bugs, perks, locker flashlight, boil over, let's go to Haddonfield, let's hide and not to gens. all that jazz. They usually do not get excitement from doing great plays, their goal is to make your game as miserable as possible. Bonus points if they tbag. Flashlight macro is worth 2 bonus points. Endgame chat here usually doesn't matter, because they can laugh at you in their discord server, they don't need to write anything. Now, some people like winning against these guys... I don't. in fact, many times lately, I just decided to afk, watch yt. Even if I win, the experience is already negative. I play these games if I feel like there is something more to learn. But if they abuse the saloon lockers with flashlight against my Pig, for instance, I won't learn anything. Why bother?
As you can kinda see.... 1 does not seem to be equal 1. And worth adding that more than 80% of the games is from the first 2 categories. And in both you are ON THE EDGE. as killer, you have to be on point. Well, at least they do make a mistake. Even if I go into a game as huntress just to train some hatchets, it's still much more stressful, than survivor.
Ohh, and the boon sounds... aaaaaah, [VERY BAD WORD]
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I'll dodge with a totally clear conscience, considering that maybe 80% of these groups are toxic as hell. I have no problems losing, but I dislike being gloated at and disrespected, so thanks - but no thanks.
I'll also happily DC on RPD if someone has Boil Over. It's not a matter of winning or losing, it's a matter of people knowing that if you have BO, you are unhookable from certain points of the map, and the second they are losing survivors will just sit in that location and force you to bleed them out to be BM.
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- I don't.
- A sample size of less than 30 in a game with hundreds of thousands of players...what exactly do you think this shows?
In the last...say 50 games I've played on killer, maybe 1/3 of the games have had a survivor being toxic in some fashion and 1 in 10 had someone holding the game hostage with Boil Over.
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I'm a pig main I can't play against Swfs anymore man I always back out. Thankfully it's not to hard to find out who's a swf or not. Games are alot more close usually getting a 2k or a 1k and when I win it comes down to the wire.
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Yeah, when I play nights these days it's Hag, Artist or Demogorgon. Killers I can mostly hold my own with against very annoying groups.
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Look, ik where you're going with this, just counting the bad people and psychology how we only focus on the bad or whatever, but i HIGHLY doubt there's only one toxic survivor for every "hundred"
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Yea this ######### is definitely not fun, bro. Whether I play killer or survivor. Even if I 4K as killer it’s not that much fun any more because it’s sometimes a chore to get the job done. And it’s worse if I get stomped.
Solo survivor is such a ######### crap shoot now what the hell?? 123 FML
I’m a cosmetics guy, and those are no longer “doing it for me” right now (kind of excited for the leaked Valentine”s Day skins though lmao).
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I still feel like I’m having fun.
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I think it is important to find a killer you relate to and have fun with unconditionally. You have so much passion for Spirit and I am certain there is a correlation there. If they ever made it so that I couldn't enjoy Bubba even under the worst circumstances, I have to admit, perhaps I would be a negative Nancy like a lot of other killers. It is important to find your bae.
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Because losing a game that's lost from the lobby, and may be drawn out by people who want to do victory laps or some dumb #########, is boring. It's not an exciting loss, and unlike a long lobby queue you can't tab out and do something else. Nope, it's 5-15 minutes (or more), depending on efficiency, of being obliged to play along despite it not going anywhere.
For instance, there's a reason I tend to stop playing for the day if I wind up on The Game. I've probably been playing someone who can't quickly bypass pallets, and I don't play ranged killers. All it takes is a basic bit of game knowledge and even matchmaking, aaaaand I've just spent ten minutes of my life playing Pallet Smasher Simulator. Kills the motivation to continue, that.
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IT isn't so much that we remember the bad. It's that in this game the "good" matches are clearly full of potato players. The good players show that nothing you do as killer ever determines the outcome of the game and that the survivors are in full control.
Assuming you are not a god tier stretched res full filter blight/ nurse.
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This is pretty wholesome and I can relate. You got your Bubba, Gannman got his Spirit, and I ... I am still on the fence, I play lots of Legion, Oni, Pinhead and Nemesis, but my two most played killers are definitely Pyramid Head and Demogorgon. Gosh, Demo is just so awesome, with all the fun noises he makes and the extremely fun shred ability and then PUFF you disappear off to the complete other side of the map to chase someone off a near forgotten gen. And when you are fed up with a string of bad games you just slot in his double iris and go as toxic as it gets, hunting down all those survivors hiding behind flimsy bushes and dumb walls and flimsy colums.
But I still consider Pyramid Head my main. I just love his aesthetic and while his kit is a bit finicky to use, survivors are so scared of your big sword that they basically run through any pallet without throwing it down. And if you feel like it you can play as toxic as you want and avoid all the fun little perks. I mean, its just lore-accurate roleplaying, the game describes him as "a sadistic and merciless executioner", so thats what I do.
Both this killers speak a lot to me, and with Demo-boi I am pretty sure that they wont suddenly nerf him brutally ... but never say never!
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Also, just for the topic, I already quit and I have zero regrets so far.
I've played one game since I quit (after the newest patch) and was immediately sent to RPD. No regrets leaving Killer.
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It's definitely not a good time to be killer main, and sbmm is the main reason
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How's that?
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Im having fun, mainly playing the Artist right now, and consistently getting 4ks with and without sweat. Im having more problems with the occational god-tier soloQ looper than with the over alturistic SWFs.
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Absolutely, unfortunately.
Here's something I just posted on another thread which is more appropriate here:
Well just played a single game as killer in order to get a tome challenge.
As expected, a throughly frustrating experience with all the usual crap mixed in ("pro" loopers, "pro" flashlighters, "pro" bodyblockers etc).
Turned it off. More than enough for today.
I have all the previous DBD trophies on PS4, and as much as I like the Halloween and Saw franchises, I'm thinking about reducing my commitment. Trophies mean nothing, I just bang through the needed achievements to appease my completion OCD.
I'm not that bothered about non-licensed cosmetics. I share a prime account ans have been giving my amazon codes to someone else in the family.
Games are supposed to be fun, and with DBD I just don't get that anymore. It's one of the rare games I can get quite annoyed with. And the cause? Players. Not players playing well, just players being purposely annoying.
I recently purchased the Return to Arkham Batman games on psn. Used to love them on PS3. Now these are fun games. Not games that hate you with a greedy grind. True, they're not online based and are a totally different type of game, but they do what a game should do: be fun.
DBD isn't it. It's just a horror genre game with a couple of my favourite movie franchises included. That's it.
I'm quickly falling out of love with it and I've been playing since PS4 launch.
It just feels like a irritating waste of time.
And breathe.
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Which killer are you having fun with btw?