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Any Other Killers Player Tempted To Throw In The Towel Right Now?



  • Member Posts: 22,850

    No I'm having fun unless it's on Coldwind, then no I'm not. Mostly because EU has decided Boil Over strats aren't worth their time when they could stick to the cold consistent meta.

  • Member Posts: 12

    You ever consider if we care about having fun? Its not about stats dude if I'm going to find zero enjoyment playing (which is exactly what video games are for is fun) why should I participate in a game where I'm not even getting to chase people. I would rather get looped and out ran than these overabundant amount of people bringing RPD offerings and using boil over who just run to top of library so I physically cant get hooks. I know the admins are gonna punish me for saying it and honestly prove my thoughts but frankly with the current state of the game there are very rare exceptions where DCing is the right choice. Hackers, overly toxic players (im not just talking about t-bagging or pointing), and players who straight up exploit the games map designs and glitches.

  • Member Posts: 3,347

    Nah I'm still having as much fun as usual, and clearly it's more than enough fun because otherwise I'd just do something else.

  • Member Posts: 1,704

    Right now?

    Nah mate, i left 3 months ago already because it wasn't fun anymore.

    At least not for killers, i have switched to survivor only but that became so boring really fast that i decided to throw in the towel after being here since day 1 on the console release.

  • Member Posts: 9,713

    To answer your question, I think the old saying is “those who dish it out can’t take it”. People who taunt and t-bag and use annoying rapid fire flashlight macros and do tactics like doing the locker flashlight blinds over and over and swarming killers they think are weaker than themselves are also the ones who dc when downed early and call killers trash if they use a perk like NOED or down someone two or three times in a row. Bullies are almost always also sore losers.

  • Member Posts: 9,713

    I’m still having fun. 🙂 Sometimes I win, sometimes I lose, no big deal. I normally play around 7-8 PM when I have a new daily mission and generally speaking my match ups are probably in the 1-3 kill range mostly even when the survivors seem decent at running. And I had a bit of a win streak this week on a couple of killers so that’s always fun.

  • Member Posts: 2,267

    I stopped playing killer completely at this point, though don't think that survivor is necessarily a bed of roses if you play solo either. Killers are sweaty as hell and I don't think I have been hard camped and tunnelled out of matches more than I ever have recently.

    I get why killers are doing it but it does make the game very unfun on the survivor side plus killers spending most of their match standing in front of hooks is not really a fun game either.

    I sometimes wish I could communicate to killers that ultimately I don't care if I don't survive, I want chases until there are no pallets left on the map and then I could care less if they kill me. Not to be camped on first hook and tunnelled out of the game after that...

  • Member Posts: 1,838

    I stopped playing at all when the CoH 'nerf' dropped. The devs made it painfully clear they don't care about the Killer experience.

    1. Pentimento: A strong hex! Except it launches at literally the same time as Boons, which removes Survivors cleansing totems, which is what Penti needs. Clearly just a fake perk to appease Killers.
    2. CoH being OP as heck.
    3. The CoH nerf clearly being a hollow gesture to make Killers shut up without depriving Survivors of their OP perk.
    4. Boil Over being broken as all heck.
    5. The Quality Of Life wriggle change containing a Survivor buff because they literally can't alter anything in this game without giving Survivors something in return.

    During all that Survivor-favored stuff, what did Killers get? Dead Man's Switch. And I expect that will be nerfed hard while they continue to 'look at' Boil OPer.

  • Member Posts: 8,601

    There has to be a bug with matchmaking that they still haven't identified. I keep getting absolute babies at night and I have 3500 hrs. Those nasty 3k hr SWFs are usually something I handle really well. Those are what I should be getting and I don't understand why it won't match me with them.

    If I throw in the towel, it won't be because I'm having a hard time. It'll be because I'm bored out of my mind.

  • Member Posts: 867

    Not really. A skilled hacker running virtual machines can ruin several matches at once.

  • Member Posts: 7,669

    i threw the towel half a year ago and havent regretted that decision ever since.

    if a game is not fun for you, you shouldnt be playing it.

    there is no point in forcing yourself into it, all that achieves is frustration and annoyance - and at a certain degree it can even be unhealthy for your mental health.

    i have had a lot more fun playing online games in the last 6 months than ive had for a very long time with DbD.

    but besides all that, you achieve another thing:

    direct feedback to the Devs.

    there is no clearer way of telling them something sucks than when no one is playing it anymore.

    Because if you keep forcing yourself into playing it, the Devs wont really act. We can scream into the void that is this forum for as much as we want, as long as we come back to play the statistics are gonna say "no problem here, we got plenty of players playing", so they wont be very keen on changing things.

    so if everyone that doesnt enjoy this game anymore (for whatever reason) drops out and no longer plays it (and provides constructive feedback and critisism (you achieve nothing by being insulting or disrespectful) here on why they quit), the Devs are going to notice a decrease in playernumbers and will start wondering why people are leaving - which is the point time where they will be going on the forum (and other social media ofc) to check for the reasons why their numbers keep going down (and most importantly - act accordingly).

  • Member Posts: 3,546

    That means NOTHING.

    that is based off of YOUR experience, over a small sample size.

    Let's say a match takes around 10 minutes. 50 matches would give you around 8 hours and 20 minutes of gameplay that you are making this incredibly massive generalization off of.

    How dare you say that the game as a whole, that has millions of players, hundreds of thousands of them having upwards of 1000 hours put into this game, isn't toxic based off the results of only 50 matches?

    And your advice when people are toxic is to just "be happy"? That's really not how it works. It's actually pretty hard to ignore someone who WANTS your attention and WANTS you to feel bad. It's not such a problem if you don't play a ton, but it really does add up over time, especially over a single long play session.

  • Member Posts: 5,762

    You should DC at loading screen when you saw map offering, it's almost always trash map and has perks to abuse it.

  • Member Posts: 1,093

    It must just be you and me then, lol -- I'm still having fun as well.

    Is COH annoying as heck (and possibly still broken -- by the stats I've been keeping, I see it in 91% of my matches, and multiple Boons in 40%+)? Yes -- but I manage to play around it well enough, and it's not necessarily costing me matches.

    Is the new Boil Over potentially busted, and something that probably shouldn't have gone live with the number of maps that have locations it could be abused in? Probably, but again, I've only run into a handful of squads with dedicated builds to make it work as a team -- while I've seen the perk a TON in my matches, for the most part, I've adjusted my strategy to work around it.

    Are SWF's still problematic? Sure -- but that's not going away, nor should it.

    Is toxicity bad in this game? Absolutely, but I thankfully have to deal with very little of it, as a console player who has messages off and who doesn't get to see any nonsense that shows up in any post-game chat. I feel for those who are hit with hate messages and worse -- the offenders in those cases should be punished, as there's no place for those type of things over a video game.

    I do pretty well playing killer, far more good results than bad ones, I get tilted at times over what I consider "bad sportsmanship" (classless winners and sore losers), but I try and tell myself that the person acting that way is probably under the age of 18 (or has the maturity level of someone that age) and isn't worth stressing over (again, this is referring to in-game activity, and not the post-game/out-of-game stuff that, as I said, deserves a ban hammer for the offender).

    I enjoy the game, flaws and all. I understand that other people are frustrated for different reasons, and I sympathize -- in those instances, stepping away for a while is probably the best course of action, as no one should do something they're not enjoying. Maybe I might reach that point in the future, but for now, the game is more fun for me than it has been at any time since I started playing 2 years ago, even if that puts me in the minority.

  • Member Posts: 6,825

    luckily my killer queues are instant all day. Guess it’s different for everyone.

  • Member Posts: 8,077
  • Member Posts: 4,082

    I keep going normally it’s my fault for a loss. A survivor gets boring a lot more quicker

  • Member Posts: 1,243

    I do feel like there are less and less killers,because playing killer is so frustrating and you feel under so much pressure,because you're on a timer since gen rush is a thing,cant have fun when you're rushed.

  • Member Posts: 245

    Over 50 games my luck should have evened out... I can admit maybe I can get lucky for 5 games or 10 games even... but if the community is as bad as people say, then then chances of over 50 in a row is EXTREMELY low.

    Many people say its more than half... but lets pretend its exactly half. Exactly half of matches people will send toxic insults in the EGC.

    Well if that were the case, if it were exactly half, then the odds of 53 games in a row where I did not receive any would be less than 1 in 1 quadrillion. in number form that looks like this 1/1,000,000,000,000,000 again thats the odds if exactly half of matches have at least 1 person being toxic. Yet people claim its higher than half.

    Now you are with in your right to say 1% is the limit or 2.5% is the maximum toxicity or maybe you want less than .1% of a community to be toxic... but over 50 matches in a row demonstrably proves it cannot be close to 50% and I can tell you from knowing human nature no community will be 0%

  • Member Posts: 8,077

    Then you are absurdly lucky or are playing at a very different MMR, possibly even a different region to myself.

    I can tell you, as a fact, around half my games as killer have at least one of the following:

    • Someone rage DCing.
    • Someone lurking in the gates to teabag or act the fool.
    • Someone teabagging or spamming their flashlight to be annoying.
    • Someone being a jerk in postgame.

  • Member Posts: 245

    Different region maybe. Because i'm of the camp that MMR has no effect what so ever on match making unless its extremely high or low.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 2,252

    same, killer has been an insanely unfun experience and i already finished all my killer challenges, after i'm done with the survivor ones i'm out til the second part releases

  • Member Posts: 960

    My matches as killer

    Dcing 10%

    Someone acting like a jerk 50% (55 if I win)

    Tbagging and flashlight spamming 75%

    Lurking around gate and acting like a toddler almost all the goddamm time.

  • Member Posts: 795

    "They are just trying to protect there teammates." YEAH OK. This is literally trying to shut out a killer from playing the game when they do this. Body blocking, sabo, and stuff like this is ok BUT not when it's ALL GAME to the point that the killer has no gameplay. That's bullying and abusing game mechanics. Of course this is also usually done by full meta swfs so you can't slug cuz unbreakable and a variety of second chance junk stacked. You manage to hook someone it won't matter as they will all have DS and body block you into BT saves.

  • Member Posts: 2,657

    Exactly I've had games where I got no hooks because of the sabo bodyblock right away. Plus your taking my bbq stack away and that's what really makes me mad.

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    Of course there is deficit. they keep nerfing killer every single patch. According to Patrick and Peanut, they said that they do not balance killers for SWF because they say that they tend to be too strong vs solo. conversely, that means that its fine for killers to be complete crap and have auto-lose matches. So take that for what you will.

    I think you should look to find killers you enjoy losing with given that dev don't really play the game and work off low/new player mmr stats to balance the game. Its good to be making these posts for their attention, however there won't be anything changing for killer until June.

    I do not think they understand that when 100 killers stop playing the game, that is 400 survivors that suddenly have to wait, where as if a single survivor stop playing, Its not changing a whole lot in grand scheme of things. Also, when good killers stop playing the game, it has poor trickle down effect on matchmaking where lower bracket killers now have to be facing those swf and eventually those players leave, so its just one massive snowball rolling down cliff.

  • Member Posts: 286

    No surrender, no retreat but you don't have to stress yourself out, are still doing the challenge you instated?

  • Member Posts: 3,611

    Yes. Playing killer during the night is awful because all I get is bully squads and sweaty try hards. And most if not all of them are now bringing Boil Over with certain map offerings just to abuse it.

    Most of my games I have survivors like this: Borrowed Time/Dead Hard/DS/Boil Over with Flashlight and Map Offering (Usually to The Game or Eyrie Of Crows).

  • Member Posts: 1,503

    I'm not going to throw in the towel per say but I do try to avoid playing at night if I can. even during the day I can see how tough it is on killers.

    The amount dead hard I see used in builds is pretty sad. Even if it's not intended to be used this way dead is used as a middle finger to killers. I'm glad they say they're working on it. I don't mind baiting out a dead hard but when is multiple times a match because the consequences for misusing it are nothing. it can get annoying.

    and yeah survivor teams play like if they lose then they're really going to die. I feel bad when I play killer sometimes because some of the challenges in the tomes can force you to play like a total ass to get them done. I had to do it to finish the first page today and I gave the last person the hatch because I knew I was playing like a jerk.

    I don't care if I lose a game as a killer but I do care when they games aren't even close to fun on either side. If you're sabotaging a hook and you're right in front of me. the weapon shouldn't miss, but it does.

    I don't like survivors D/C if they screw up. example I was playing a game where someone was going in for the insta grab not realizing the person I was putting on the hook was dead. they went in. I downed them and they D/C I hope enjoyed the penalty on that one.

    To end on a positive note, playing as killers has taught me killer tactics and how to counter them when I play against them as survivor because I know what I would do playing as that killer and I can predict it a little better. Playing both sides is worth it and I understand the frustration of both. No killer likes to be treated like a joke and now survivor likes being tunneled out of a game in 5 minutes or camped to death.

  • Member Posts: 2,055
    edited January 2022

    Threw in the towel about year ago

    They gotta do something pretty big to make me come back personally. Just feels like no improvements have been made to the game as a whole, just a lot of change for the sake of change instead of for the sake of creating a better experience for both sides.

    It's pretty disappointing at times, I really do like the game, but it just isn't it anymore.

  • Member Posts: 2,917

    Being honest given that they can't read their own stats to save their lives...

    They'd probably just twist low killers numbers into an excuse to nerf kills even more.

    I mean just look at the Twins' nerf for a prime example of this:

    Where the Twins are played so little that only mains play them and have a good KR with them.

    So they are nerfing the Twins constantly as a whole because of the 2 twins mains left in the world are good players not because the Twins themselves are good.

  • Member Posts: 5,762

    No worries, they will keep facecamp bubba in some way so killers can still secure kills!

  • Member Posts: 7,669

    just to play devils advocate here:

    the pick rate of a character has very little to do with the actual player numbers.

    in theory, the Devs couldnt care less if one specific character is picked a lot or not, as the overall amount of players would remain the same, just distributed differently to the other available characters.

    but if people quit the game entirely, that is a very different story - because now they are actively losing players and therefore losing revenue, so they will want to do something to avoid that.

  • Member Posts: 800

    Well, kinda but not entirely. I'm taking a break until ringu chapter comes out. The reason for said break is nothing in this mid chapter interested me, mostly nothing burger changes, nonsensical nerfs to nemesis and twins and a weird buff to his exposed iri addon which...afraid to say still sucks because most survs vaccinate when injured anyways and it can only happen a specific amount of times a match anyways.

    So all that and some burn out...oh and dying light 2 and horizon forbidden west comes out soon and that will take my attention for a bit.

    Off topic but @StarLost what killers do you run and what builds? May try them out some so I have something to mess with when that ring chapter comes out. Tho I'll mostly be playing her if she's fun.

  • Member Posts: 790

    Same here, at day time or at night, the queue times are completely instant, at least here in NA.

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