Please don’t change Boil Over

It honestly doesn’t need any nerfs or changes. Whether it’s meta or not, you can adjust your build to play around it. You can use agitation, iron grasp, or a combination of the two. Just like how survivors get told to run Detectives hunch, or counterforce to counter ruin/undying/NOED you can do the same as well. I promise you’ll be fine without your Ruin, Undying, Pop, Corrupt, Tinkerer builds you use every match.
Do bones.
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I do boons.
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Play killer.
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Yeah the community is really overreacting about this one.
A. It tells you they have it when you pick them up
B. Just walk down the stairs, it's really not a big deal
C. I know there's an infinite but they could put a hook up there, it's not the fault of the perk
It's not a bad perk don't get me wrong but if you want any value out of it you have to make entire builds or play styles around making it work and that's taking up so many of survivors resources just for a chance to wiggle off. Not worth it at all.
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I do, every now and then. The role is boring.
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Sure, we can adjust our play around it. Then we waste everyone's time having to sit there and babysit a slugged survivor because that is the only reliable way to play around it.
So I guess if you enjoy "lying on the ground" simulator, feel free to keep Boil Over unchanged
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"Play around it" That one spot in the RPD library makes the survivor unhookable. If that's not broken then I dunno what to tell you.
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Exactly, you need to use at least another perk or 2 sometimes even another teammate to get good value out of it, and if the survivors keep going to the same spot they’re not doing gens or progressing the game.
Post edited by Mileena_Kahn on2 -
Mind explaining why? I'm curious! :>
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Just walk down the stairs 4head is as bad an argument as "face a wall, lul" when the game is as buggy as it is. Or more like generous. Your other points are fine, but you people are so disingenuous and/or do not play the game to believe the nonsense you argue time and time again.
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Iron Grasp, Agitation, Oak offerings.
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Agree. Don't think I'll ever use a build solely to attempt a counter to Boil Over. I mean I'm hearing Iron Grasp now meta!? Really?
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It’s just very repetitive and boring you know? Same power, same perks, same add-ons. As with survivor, you can experiment so much especially if you have friends, like doing locker saves, CJ’s, making a vault speed build, a stealth, build, a healing build, I just feel survivor offers so much more.
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Perhaps the issue is then with the map design philosophy that allows spots like to happen, not the perk itself?
They added a hook to the second floor of Thompson House for similar reasons, because Survivors could hide up there to avoid being hooked (until the realm was reworked to add drop-downs to the second floor, removing the need for a hook up there).
Why couldn't something similar happen to R.P.D and other maps people are complaining about? Why complain about a useless perk receiving a well needed buff that finally makes it stick out and be used?
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Hi Sluzz...oh wait. Just no.
I run Agitation on a lot of killers. You can still completely take the match hostage on at least 3 maps.
Killers shouldn't have to run two mandatory perks to avoid survivors just stalling the game out forever.
Boil Over is the worst sort of perk. It's not strong, but it's annoying to face and can be used to grief. Remove the % lost on drops, rework it into something both useful and healthy for the game.
Lol. If 3 perks are mandatory to avoid survivors taking the game hostage, that's a sign that something needs fixing.
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Repetitive and boring? Same power, same perks, same addons? You sure you aren't confusing the survivor with the killer role? Cause last time I checked all killers had different powers with different addons and also the same 4 perks won't work for every killer - unlike for survivors who are all basically just skins.
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I don't think Iron Grasp is meta, but I have lost a few carries to that huge stagger Boil Over does. In two or three cases the stagger literally kept me from being able to walk forward for long enough that I couldn't reach a hook. (I'm talking making me stuck against a rock unable to move for a good 5 or 6 seconds or more.) Fortunately most people still aren't running Boil Over, but if or when I start seeing most of the survivors using it I'll probably start throwing in Iron Grasp as my filler perk if I have it on the killer I'm playing that night.
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On a tangent, everybody is focusing on Agitation and Iron Grasp, but don't forget you can also mitigate Boil Over somewhat by using the Oak offerings that reduce the distance between hooks. (Of course on the flip side survivors can use Oak offerings to make the hooks farther apart so it does go both ways.)
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If it is not strong, it doesn't need reworked. No reason to complain about it.
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The Devs NEED to address either this perk, or these maps. The video above showcases why that is the case. Chances are, if a change is to happen, then it would probably be the perk that is changed because it'd be easier and quicker. So, please DO change Boil over.
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Think of it this way.
There's a perk that, while not very good, can randomly cause the killer to be unable to pick you up unless they are running Deerstalker and Distressing - meaning that all killers now have to run these two perks.
Do you think that perk is healthy for the game?
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Perhaps it’s the map designs that need fixing and not the perk itself.
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So basically, I have to sacrifice half of my perk slots on the possibility my opponents might be running a perk and map offering that lets them become literally unhookable otherwise?
RPD's not the only one, either. Eyrie, Asylum, Badham, and Dead Dawg all have trouble spots. It gets much worse when you add oak, sabo, and bodyblocking into the picture.
I don't need Detective's Hunch to counter NOED - I can learn where totem spots are all on my own. I don't need Prove Thyself to counter Ruin/Tinkerer. I need Agi/Iron Grasp to counter Boil Over.
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Thompson house needs that hook back imo
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I personally believe it is strong, I am tired of people downplaying everything because they are afraid of survivor mains crying and calling them bad or something. These builds are powerful even if they are not as strong as the holy quadruple second chance build.
However, if I am wrong and this perk is genuinely bad, it doesn't deserved nerfed. That simple. Targeting perks just because they frustrate you when you admit they are weak is extremely poor argumentation and far more unhealthy for the game longterm than people having fun with a bad perk.
Either they are abusing a strong perk that needs addressed, or they are using a casual fun build that should be left alone. Nowhere in between is there a compelling argument to change it just because you do not like it.
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Most of the dedicated bully squads abusing Boil Over+No Mither will use 1 RPD, IWOD or Eyrie offering and 2-3 further hook offerings.
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You realize on most maps its best on "walking down the stairs" gives the same amount of wiggle progress compared to if you just dropped down? Also on RPD or disturbed after that hook is gone it just turns back into an infinite.
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It actually 2 perks and a offering. That's still really expensive to counter 1 perk plus I've seen alot of oak offerings from survivors lately as well.
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Why is this an argument in the first place...
Boil Over is a terrible perk. It's just a niche perk... Except when you want to use it in a bully squad. So, why not change it so it finally gets to be an actually useful perk without being only useful in bully squads. Not to mention, it promotes garbage gameplay where survivors end up being slugged for several minutes.
- It's useless in solo queue
- Only really useful for bully squads (I'm pretty sure this isn't the type of gameplay BHVR wants to promote)
- It makes for boring gameplay because killers will just slug (which is something survivors have been complaining about for ages now)
I don't see any point in keeping it this way...
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How did I just know this would be Mileena?
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How is it useless in solo it takes no team effort to pull off?
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I got no use out of it zzz
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If you are forced to use these perks to counter one specific perk that the survivors may not even have, and that specific perk has no other realistic counterplay given the right map, then that perk is a problem.
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It's far from useless in solo, but you need a map offering for sure, because your teammates won't help bodyblock, sabo, or bring corroborating offerings and perks. If you bring it in solo queue and have no map offerings, it's a joke perk. Really, if you bring Boil Over and don't run into an unhookable spot, it's no better than it used to be - it might occasionally push the killer into a doorway and annoy them, but that's it. It would be more accurate to say that in normal gameplay, it's a worthless perk. But when it's Asylum map offerings and Flip-Flop/Boil Over/Tenacity/Unbreakable... that's not normal gameplay.
That said, when these two things are in play, I've been able to do entire generators by myself because one player was abusing a Boil Over spot.
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Mm. Plus, at worst - NOED makes you win. It doesn't let you basically stall a match out forever because you feel like sulking.
That's the core issue. Boil Over isn't a strong perk. It's just a terribly designed perk that allows people to take a match hostage.
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Then you don't play Killer that's obvious if you say it's boring.
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On one hand, we have a solution that requires BHVR to change multiple maps to negate griefing with one perk. It took them literally years to fix the spots on certain maps where survivors could crawl to be invulnerable to pickups, and there are still some in the game.
On the other hand, we have 1 change to 1 perk.
Which do you think is a more reasonable solution?
(I swear, this is people demanding to keep boon aura stacking all over again. Just play Plague or play an instadown killer! Sigh).
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Boil OPver is broken as all hell. I can see why Survivors will cling to it and scream that it's 'not that strong' as loudly as possible.
'Play around it, like Survivors have too with NoED'
Oh sure, let me find the totem giving you Boil OPver and turn it off before it ever comes into play-Oh wait! I CAN'T. I would have to assume you have Boil OPver and hope you can't scurry to a hook-free area with a 3 inch drop to trigger it, only to leave you slugged when you do, and then you get up on your own.
Boil OPver is as broken as my hopes and dreams that the devs will one day NOT give Survivors everything they want to bully Killers. 🤡
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"Dont fix it just use perks" is that the gist of it?
Cause if that is I guess no one should care anymore about game balance and just leave and never come back.
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I literally just said I play killer, just not as often. It is boring in my opinion so…
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"Useless" might be an overstatement but it's extremely niche. I never made it work in soloqueue, but in SWF we managed to pull it of multiple times. There was Breakout in play, the Unbreakable Boon, Sabo, toolboxes, ... . It's also just a matter of being able to get the killers attention much better when there's no one actually playing the game and everyone is just in the library.
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True but why does it need to be a thing in the first place? That just like the same thing as any other problematic perk it shouldn't have existed if problems like what is shown now are being questioned.
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Thats the thing if you bring it and a map offering your pretty much good. You get to the right spot and you become unhookable no sabo or body block need. You can bring an oak offering and probably still get value off the new stagger plus wiggle buff.
They just need to adjust the hight that's considered great and lower the 25% a bit that 4 seconds off plus the wiggle buff.
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Really? I was expecting Sluzzy.
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boil over is fine, the maps are the problem.
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Mileena has worse takes
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I would say it can be abused in solo but is absolutely busted in SWF.
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And as someone else said your reasoning is flawed and makes me say what I said. The reason we are in this mess is because the "DEVS" wanted to "CHANGE" the meta because survivors use EXACTLY the same builds once they have all the perks for it. Not every Killer is the same so you saying the same power over and over again is another point that made me say it's obvious you don't play Killer.
Survivor is the most boring role to play because most of the game your just sitting on Gens to repair them. The only time it changes is if and when the Killer finds you and chases you. There have been matches where I never found or saw one survivor because they were never where I was patrolling, so that survivor did nothing but sit on Gens. I have played survivor matches where I never saw the Killer or if I did once I hear the "Cats Bell" I just hide and wait for them to leave and I go back onto the Gen.
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The second floor of Ormond's Mansion too.