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General Discussions

Please don’t change Boil Over



  • Member Posts: 21,202

    I mean, they did have problems.

    Library, even before Boil Over, was a nightmare if there wasn't a hook. Same with the top floor of Thompson House.

    My issue is that the Devs move glacially slow on changes. It's way easier to killswitch Boil Over than it is to mess with maps.

  • Member Posts: 1,838

    True enough, on all accounts.

    It also does not help that the devs literally knocked 6.25% off the struggle bar with the QoL change (1 second is 6.25% of 16 seconds). Couple them together and the Survivors are basically being rewarded with 31.25% free wriggle progress.

    And the devs HAD to be aware of how many 'I was at 99%!' already happened in a normal game. Killers would have to be hooking people before Survivors hit 68.75% of the wriggle bar to hook them, now. The lack of a real 'minimum' fall for 'a great height' is not helping, either.

  • Member Posts: 6,825

    I’m fine with removing the 25% regression but leave the struggle at 100%.

  • Member Posts: 188

    boiled over with no mither soul guard in unhookable areas muahahaa

  • Member Posts: 4,167

    Fix it, it can be abused.

    Haven't seen ruin for a long time now, was a meh perk before the boon meta.

  • Member Posts: 499

    There aren't always hooks accessible when you walk down the stairs. In fact this is extremely common. You also get to fight the extra side to side the whole way.

  • Member Posts: 790

    A. You slug them, they run unbreakable/boon/no mither.

    B. You waste even more time walking down the stairs, which makes the wiggle bar go even more than if you just dropped down.

    C. Agreed.

    Don't nerf the perk though, just buff hook spawns. Make like 3 hooks on coal tower's second floor, 3 hooks on the second floor of the library, 3 hooks on the 2nd floor of Crotus Prenn Asylum, etc. Don't only put 1 hook on the second floors, because then they'll just be easily sabo'd, and the same stuff will happen as it is now.

  • Member Posts: 5,279

    Why would I change my builds when I can just leave BO nerds on the ground for like 4 minutes?

  • Member Posts: 334

    Killers haven't really learnt to adapt. They've just learned to come onto the forums and whine and the devs encourage it.

    It is, what it is.

  • Member Posts: 1,324

    You know if we use those perks the gens will fly in 4 minutes? No i refuse to play if i see survivors with boil over and abuse it. You can play without me i'll watch youtube while you do whatever. Enjoy the depips and low bloodpoints.

  • Member Posts: 5,762

    *insert survivor or killer* haven't really learnt to adapt blah blah blah...

    slugging is easy but easily counterable, nothing should require you to use perks to even play with it.

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    So killers have to choose between loosing all gens in 5 minutes (Agi + IG but no slowdown) and not being able to hook survivors at all (slowdown but no Agi + IG).

    Great way of getting rid of any incentives a player might have to play killer!

    Especially when considering that 4 survivor offerings always beat 1 killer offering.

  • Member Posts: 1,972

    The real issue is entitlement. Killer players think a down is a hook, but you still need to hook that downed survivor. Killers are not owed a hook until you hook. Every streamer I see crying seems to think that a down should be a guaranteed hook. You're owed nothing in this game! Also, have to love the emotion about how unfair it is when a Survivor allocates 75-100% of their perks for one moment and gasp when they are in that situation; they excel! Every time a perk is introduced or reworked, the sky is falling, seen this with Ruin, DS, Soul Guard, Power Struggle, Stridor, etc. It's always the dramatic skewed videos showcasing the perfect moment for perks, never the countless times these things don't work.

    And killers always slug so stop pretending slugging is new!

  • Member Posts: 8,266

    Agitation, Irongrasp, Oak offering for a single perk of 16: Boil over.

    Haunted ground, Thrill of the Hunt, Undying for a single perk of 16: Circle of healing.

    5 perks of 4 and an offering to counter 2 perks of 16....

  • Member Posts: 3,132

    On its own, I think it's fine. In fact, even as killer it always kind of bothered my that you could drop from the second floor of a building while carrying a person and it had no effect. Not that DbD is grounded in realism, but it just seemed wrong.

    That said, bad actors are going to abuse it to "have fun", so it probably needs to be nerfed. We can't have nice things without some people ruining it for everyone.

  • Member Posts: 231

    I don't care that it has the wiggle from drop, just make the numbers lower. 25% is too much, try 15%.

    besides the only people i've seen running it when i've played killer so far are people that run straight to a main buildings 2nd floor like Asylum and just sit up there whenever they get into a chase because they know i can't get to a hook with the Aura blocking AND the drop. And then they react in chat like 'lolz its just for fun!!'

  • As long as you're perfectly OK with killers choosing how they play around it, then we can leave it where it is.

    If you're not OK with that then theres a problem with your argument

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    This is the reason why D'Vorah kissed you

  • Member Posts: 5,762

    every down should be pretty much guaranteed hook because otherwise game just doesn't work, and game doesn't really work with boil over abuse.

  • Member Posts: 3,479

    They can fix hook locations so these things don't happen instead of nerfing BO.

  • Member Posts: 5,762

    Fixing a perk is definitely easier than fixing bunch of maps though...

  • Member Posts: 1,972

    If that were the case, a down would just automatically teleport someone to a hook. There is a reason for the gap in steps. Nothing is guaranteed but some steps do increase the likelihood that you'll be successful at a task.

  • Member Posts: 215

    Anyone playing normally would know that boilover has been given problematic buffs.

    And it is a problem not only with SWF but also with solo survivor.

    If you can't figure that out, then you probably don't know how to play the game.

    So, yeah, the devs are not playing DBD.

    Please get out of the debug map and play the game seriously.

  • Member Posts: 5,762

    There is a big gap between "almost guaranteed" and "guaranteed", there is a reason why "almost guaranteed" to get a hook when you down survivors.

  • Member Posts: 1,972

    Okay, I don't see how that changes anything. Nothing is guaranteed in the game until you actually perform it. So yes, you can power up the exit gates and at that point it's likely you will escape and you're close but it's not guaranteed.

  • Member Posts: 797

    It's just very repetitive and boring you know? Same power, same perks, same add-ons.

    You have literally just described the survivor role.

    I just feel survivor offers so much more.

    Right, because having 26(?) different killers, all with entirely different abilities, add-ons, designs and playstyle opinions offers far less variety than survivor does.

  • Member Posts: 1,985

    I’m a survivor main who wanted Boil Over to get a buff, and even I have to admit this ######### is busted RN. It needs to be toned down a smidge. IT should get you off the killer’s shoulder 25% of the time- not 50%.

    This is off topic but Dead Man’s Switch also needs a nerf. Busted as well.

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