Boil over buff shows killers are hypocritical

Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

If anything the perk is too situational and not really helpful in most situations. It went from being completely useless to maybe helping in rare situations. I QUIT using it! I used it for 3 days and only got off a shoulder one time.  These kind of perks are HORRIBLE when it comes to sheer luck. 

Killer complaints about Boil Over are not justified when they say they can’t rarely do their objective in rare situations. It is hypocritical for killers to complain about Boil Over when they bring in the most OP things in the game. Multiple slowdown perks that “prevents” the survivor from doing the objective. You know what killers tell me when I complain about Ruin? You have perks for that. Well, I have news for killers: You have perks to deal with Boil Over. Use them. Oh, or is that only for survivors?

Take off your sweaty builds and use Iron Grasp. You do not have to use the same perks every game. 3 and 4 slowdown perks are completely unnecessary. If you do not like Boil Over, bring a perk to counter it. This is what is told to survivors when they don’t like certain things.  “Bring a map, bring Counter Force, ….”

And lastly, Boil Over is no stronger on a SWF than Ruin is on an OP killer like Blight. I would say Boil Over is still weak and too situational.

I played against a Blight that used the new overbuffed Dead Man’s Switch and Scourage Hook: Pain. Nobody could do the objective. He easily won with several gens remaining because the survivors COULD NOT do the objective. This is beyond broken but lets sweep this under the rug and talk about Boil Over? 

We need to stop balancing around high profile survivors in edge cases and leaving broken killers and perks unchecked. Killers win way too much and it is unhealthy for the game.



  • Trickstaaaaa
    Trickstaaaaa Member Posts: 1,267

    Right people are using it to be frivolous. It's all a gimmick that 95% of survivors won't even use next week. It's not worthy of making the perk useless again. Plus it can be countered by slugging.

  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,167
    edited January 2022

    I find that killers drop off of 'heights' quite a lot because they need to cut corners to make hooks due to many of the maps layouts

    Boil over wouldn't bother people as much if "great height" wasn't such an overstatement. The truth is the height is nowhere near great

  • Xendritch
    Xendritch Member Posts: 1,842

    I don't know that anyone is calling it OP (if they are they're wrong) it's very beatable it's just the way you beat it is incredibly boring.

    People hate twins because they encourage slugging and that isn't fun but then survivors put on boil over and go "it's not OP just slug" like we don't know that. We do we just prefer not to and thought you did too considering all the Twins bitching but okay I guess that was wrong.

  • WeenieDog
    WeenieDog Member Posts: 2,184

    I'll tell you what really hypocritical.

    Them reworking balanced landing because of some problematic drops but releasing boil over as it is now.

  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,177

    I don't play these so-called "sweaty" builds so I'm still allowed to complain that Boiled Over is OP and that the devs are insane for thinking that this was an OK thing to release, right?

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,063

    Why do people act like slugging fixes Boil Over when the teams that use it will pick up the player as soon as you leave and they'll return to contributing (and running straight back towards the trouble area when you arrive on the scene), if they didn't just bring Exponential anyway?

    When dealing with a player abusing Boil Over, and the team isn't crowding around like a bunch of hungry spectators, you have to throw the whole game to be able to kill them. Otherwise you can't do anything about them unless they screw up or you're Pyramid Head - perhaps Trapper as well, if they're not careful or their team doesn't help them disarm the traps. It's either a losing situation or a "I can bleed them all out, but it'll take the better part of an hour to do it." To that end, I don't see how "you won't encounter it much once the shiny new gloss wears off" is a good argument to keep things the way they are. They fixed Soul Guard/WGLF abuse and Breakdown abuse despite those being a rarity to encounter, because it turns out having that kind of broken interaction in the game isn't healthy even if it's just a few people running it for the purpose of being annoying. There's no reason for Boil Over to exist in its current state except to fuel trolls. Because when you're not using it to abuse map design, it's still a really bad perk that nobody is going to want to run over actual consistent and helpful effects. It's unfeasible for it to trigger on most maps, it tells the killer that you have it, and the drop still won't get you free if you don't orchestrate the situation or your teammates aren't there to block the killer. It's arguably the worst kind of perk - virtually no honest uses and plenty of scummy ones. I'm a little reminded of Insidious, but Insidious is easier to deal with once you know it's there.

    I could perhaps live with current Boil Over being a permanent addition to the game if they fix it so that every single trouble spot is now guaranteed to have a hook - second floor Asylum, RPD library balconies, second floor Eyrie, Thompson House gen, Badham two story house, Dead Dawg saloon, Grim Pantry main building. And those present their own issues, because several of those hooks could be bodyblocked by the killer (which is currently an issue with one of the possible Eyrie hooks, iirc) and there's still the problem with that hook being consumed if several people are abusing the area.

    To the argument that Sluzzy brought up, since I've seen a few other people who aren't just baiting echoing it: Stuff like maps or Small Game are training wheels for learning how to deal with Ruin. Those things make it easier, but the main point is that they'll help you learn the map spawns so that you can deal with hexes on your own. Same if you're dealing with a Blight with Tinkerer - Prove Thyself or BNP will help you, but teamwork fills in the gaps just fine; have one guy distract the Blight with a promising chase and have everyone else pile on the gen, and commit if the Blight comes back. Perks make it easier, but game knowledge fills in the gaps. Meanwhile, those perks and items are good enough (or the things they counter are common enough) that they're often worth bringing anyway. For instance, Small Game will help you place boons without wasting time and will work to counter any hexes the killer might bring, especially NOED.

    You can't do anything about Boil Over abuse without the right perks. It doesn't matter how well you understand the situation. Either the whole team crowds around for saves and you can kill them if there's no No Mither/Exponential shenanigans, or you're helpless. Needing a perk to deal with another perk is terrible design, especially when the counter-perk is nearly useless on its own. Do you bring Calm Spirit every game on the possibility you might be facing a god-tier Infectious Fright Nurse? Why not? Perhaps because Calm Spirit is close to worthless otherwise and the odds of you facing that particular scenario is quite low, so it's better to bring perks that will always help you?

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,303
  • Junylar
    Junylar Member Posts: 2,005
    edited January 2022

    Survivors: Hey, killers, your hex perk is too strong!

    Killers: Just do bones!

    Survivors: Okay...

    Killers: Hey, survivors, your boon perk is too strong!

    Survivors: Just do bon-

    Devs: Nerf it to the ground!

  • Alphasoul05
    Alphasoul05 Member Posts: 601
    edited January 2022

    Basing your entire argument on "whatabouts" rather than presenting an argument based on the perk that is the problem, Boil Over, makes your arguments pretty irrelevant. Any time you argue against one thing, like Boil Over, then randomly try to justify arguments made against it by bringing up four other perks, again, makes your argument irrelevant.

    And for the record just because something does exist to counter something else does not mean that the perk is balanced due to it having a counter. There were plenty of perks that existed to detect totems yet people constantly complained about Ruin. Old Enduring countered old DS, but then they nerfed Enduring not to. You could list lots of more examples.

    It's a perk that is terrible in general but is just annoying and frustrating when 4 people use it to abuse it, then alter their build to deal with the counter itself, which would be slugging and bringing Soul Guard/Unbreakable. That's rare so it's whatever. And lastly.. when you see nothing but every killer streamer using multiple slowdowns and everyone playing the game as a killer in general using at least one or two, as you can probably tell us when every game you play has a killer with slowdowns, your argument for not needing gen defense, based on statistics, looks pretty wrong. Or maybe you just know something every killer player doesn't.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    Funny enough I said to wait a week for Boil Over to be what it is

    And yes Boil Over does need a build around it to work out... Just saying

  • Junylar
    Junylar Member Posts: 2,005

    Yeah, because 14 seconds of cleansing is the same as 1 second of snuffing, because 0.5 meter sound radius of hex is the same as 16m radius of boon's sound. We've heard all this before, these gymnastics never change.

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    Is it really 1 second tho? If Survivors are using CoH, the only unbalanced Boon, it's never a 1 second snuff. It'll most likely be on the opposite side of the map, costing the Killer about 30 seconds to go snuff, which would be 30 seconds on 2 different gens minimum. Boons are never worth snuffing as they can be indefinitely reblessed

  • Junylar
    Junylar Member Posts: 2,005

    I play killer more often than survivor since MMR came out, so your ad hominem misses completely. Try playing soloQ survivor yourself once in a while to see the whole perspective instead of being a "main" who only sees everything from one side.

  • Tubby_Squirrel
    Tubby_Squirrel Member Posts: 245

    Not exactly a 1 to 1 cpmparasin. To deal with totems your side only needs to designate 1 or 2 of your combined 16 perk slots. We would have to set aside 1 of our total 4 slots.

    That said boil over is really only effective on maps with a strong central structure that has verticality and the map is small enough that you can resonably get to it every time. Its one of thoes 'use with a map offering' perks imo on the same level as head on... super annoying when it does cost you a play, but the coordination and planning required means it will rarely happen.

  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611

    The issue isn't the perk itself, but because Boil Over can be abused on most maps and be used to hold the game hostage. In some areas of certain maps you can't even hook a survivor because there's no hooks around the area. And survivors are purposely abusing it, pairing Boil Over with perks like No Mither/Flip Flop/Exponential/Etc., And bringing map offerings to RPD, Eyrie Of Crows, The Game, and other maps where it can be outright abused.

    So yes, killers have every right to complain about it.

    On top of all of that, the 25% bonus wiggle progression is too much, especially paired with the bonus wiggle speed from hitting great wiggle skill checks. If it was at 15% or something lower than what it is now, it would be more balanced.

    One solution to this would be guaranteeing a hook spawn in the areas where Boil Over can be abused. Another would be to nerf the 25% bonus wiggle progression, because that's the main issue.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,232

    Exactly. The only time Boil Over has been an issue is when I have to take a drop down. I run Agitation on pretty much every killer for efficiency reasons, so I barely notice when I survivor has Boil Over. Just minor corrections by tapping A and D on the keyboard while I move the mouse. It's always going to be a challenge for the devs. Analog sticks aren't great for precision, unfortunately. The best way to bridge the gap between platforms would be to enable M+K for console, which they haven't shown any desire to do.

  • Junylar
    Junylar Member Posts: 2,005
    edited January 2022

    If "you never play killer" is your only argument, then you have no arguments at all, because your ad hominem "assumption" about me is completely wrong. As I said, I mostly play killer now, because soloQ survivor after MMR is pure hell. At this moment I'm in a lobby as Bubba. But I see you are not up to a constructive discussion, so I don't feel like explaining and proving anything to a wall.

  • Trickstaaaaa
    Trickstaaaaa Member Posts: 1,267

    You could just let them play their slugging simulator? I played vs. a bill and dwight that ran the full boil over, and tenacity with no mither, spine chill build. And they sent me to the raccoon police department, and they keep running up to the library when I keep getting close to the middle. So you know what I did? I downed them and they keep getting up. So I just went after the other two teammates. And then I slugged them properly since they where just up there being frivolous goofballs. And I don't blame people for slugging in this case, since the survivors are clearly trolling. But even with that I rather the perk stay strong to give us who are playing normally a chance to escape the killers grasp. But if you guys believe the perk needs to get nerfed. Then why don't you guys tell me how to nerf it in a way for the perk to remain useful. But I think the solution is to add hooks on maps, such as what you suggested. Either way I play killer and this is not happening in most of my games. I seen some people use it, but they rarely escape. So I think people are exaggerating the power of boil over.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    When did devs nerf overused killer perks? Ruin, BBQ still not nerfed. Killers get new strong massive slowdown perks with no nerfs.

    Survivor perks like CoH already nerfed twice. Survivor perks are always nerfed, while killer perks are not touched.

  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,167

    But it is abuse to be put in a situation where you either can't hook a survivor or have to waste time bleeding them out.

    If it's one person doing it sure you can just ignore them and chase somebody else but if multiple people are doing it, what are you supposed to do

    It doesn't promote healthy gameplay, not because it's a strong perk but because it forces killers to have to bleed people out to get kills - which is not the way the game is meant to be played.

    Also Boil Over can be used to take the game hostage because No Mither and Exponential exist - perks that allow survivors to stand up an infinite amount of times.

  • RainehDaze
    RainehDaze Member Posts: 2,573

    You do also get the complaints that noed is blanket OP because it can get "unearned" kills in otherwise 4E situations, though, so not just the camping/slowdown scenario. Same way half the DH complaints are still about validation one way or another.

  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,167

    Actually Sluzzy if you remember - original ruin was nerfed because it was being used too much and made newer players miserable.

    And to be blunt for a second - BBQ is never going to be nerfed, deal with it - it's perk people use for BP, the info is just a bonus. Most people prefer Tinkerer these days anyway