Balancing Boon Totems Suggestion

My suggestions and thoughts from A to D
A token system might be (a) solution but I also have different ideas for it:
(A): Blessing a totem comes at cost of a token, you get one token (at the start of the trial?)
(A2): No matter how many Boon Perks you have, you can stack up to 2 tokens in total ( e.x 4 Boon Perks, but only 2 tokens )
(B)Doing Gens, healing survivors, rescuing safely grants hope for your comrades and you! Doing so blesses you with unnamable power granting you the ability to bless a totem! ( So the boon perks are charging up when progressing the game, but there are still counters for killers
- Counter and reward:
- (C)Another idea could be to lock the blessing power of a boon perk, once it's set and until the boon totem got whipped by the killer. If so, the killers see the aura of all totems for 5 seconds ( so survivors have to think twice, where they set their "boost area" )
A token system in combination with a charging system for progressive gameplay incentivizes game health while also reducing the frustration for killers to lose all their game pressure by just one perk ( looking at you, CoH )
--> giving them aura reading and blocking the boon perk for a couple of seconds as a reward!
- Quality of life suggestion:
(D)What I'd really like to see would be a bigger hitbox for killers, snuffing boons. You really have to hug the totems, give them a 1m bigger hitbox would be cool as a QoL change!
But what do you guys and BHVR Devs think about it?
BHVR Devs could care less about nerfing actual problems within this game. I personally like your solutions but they make too much sense which is why its impossible to see it implemented into the game. Killers get the short end of the stick time after time and it doesn't matter what killer mains say, devs don't make the changes needed.
Another solution is limitation on boons. I understand 4 different people can use boon totems but having 3-4 boon circle of healings around the map is straight up horror and insanity for the killer. The killer can only do so much in a 4v1 game mode where gens are flying. There's multiple games where multiple healing boons are around and hit and run just isn't an option anymore- which also absolutely destroys legion.
I think you have good concepts, until survivors understand the unbalance of these things, asking the devs to do this is probably a waste of time.
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Some possible nerfs I could suggest:
Boon Totems have their aura revealed to the killer within their area of effect.
This would reduce the amount of guesswork for killers who don't have an eidetic memory of the map's totem spawn locations.
Boon Totems have a token system like you propose and consume a token to boon, and you gain additional tokens by unhooking a survivor (or alternatively, by completing a gen) but can only ever hold one token at a time.
This would mean that Boon Totems that get snuffed out cannot be readily replaced without having to do some sort of objective first.
Boon Totems gradually decay over time, reverting to their prior state over the course of a few minutes.
This means that even a boon set in a safe location will still require being rebooned a couple of times per trial.
Boon Totems that get kicked turn into Hex Totems that have the inverse effect, Circle of Healing becomes a hex that reduces healing speeds by 75%; Shadowstep becomes a Hex Totem that reveals auras in a 12 meter radius around it; Exponential halves the recovery rate of survivors in it's effect.
This means that there's a real benefit if the killer snuffs a boon, and reckless booning of totems can cripple survivors.
The act of booning a totem gives a loud noise notification as to the totem's general location, rather than it being a generic noise that could come from anywhere.
This just lets the killer get a better idea of where the survivors are going to retreat to, or attempt to loop at.
For Circle of Healing Specifically some other options:
Circle of Healing no longer grants the ability to self-heal without a medkit.
This change would make the perk act more like a single really strong perk rather than a really strong perk and a mediocre one.
Circle of Healing only applies to healing other survivors without a medkit.
This change means that medkits and syringes don't heal at insane speeds that can be done in chase.
Circle of Healing reduces the consumption of medkits rather than increasing the healing rate.
This change means that running Franklins can counter Circle of Healing without directly kicking, and doesn't make the team heal faster than normal; just heal more times per trial.
Obviously only one of these would probably be necessary.