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Lurking stripes Cosmetics

Is the event not working for me? I’ve noticed the past 8-10 rounds that I’ve used a red envelope and somebody opened it I did not get a cosmetic. I saw they’re only for a few characters but I don’t know if it’s a full set for each. I have the head for Kate, the pants for David, the shirt for Jane, the dress for nurse, the head and dress for the artist, the head for clown and the weapon for trapper. Does anybody know all of the cosmetic items available? Or where to ask the game support people?


Best Answer

  • EQWashu
    EQWashu Member Posts: 5,105
    edited January 2022 Answer ✓

    Hey there!

    There are a total of 10 items to earn by the Red Envelopes; 8 character cosmetics (which it seems you have all 8 of them) and 2 Charms (that are for both Killer and Survivor).

    Survivor: Striped Top (Jane), Striped Punk Pants (David), Claw-Marked Beanie (Kate)

    Killer: Festive Gown (Nurse, Body), Savage Smile (Clown, Head), Golden Stinger (Trapper, Weapon), Glaring Blood (Artist, Head), Entrancing Gown (Artist, Body)

    Charms: Lunar Tiger, Courageous Tiger