Fix Matchmaking

It is absolutely ridiculous that I go into a match as an Ash III killer and have to face off against all red-rank players. Vice versa. I don't find it fun to go against a killer that is significantly lower rank than I am and also plays like it. I feel badly for them as well. It's been said countless times and I'm sure nothing will be done about it, but I just find it absolutely unbelievable that DBD bosses won't invest the time and energy into fixing the matchmaking system. Is it because the community has already seen a significant dip in the player-base and poor matchmaking is the only way to have the game be playable at all? Whatever it is if you don't fix the matchmaking/ranking system I can confidently say that this game will be dead in 1-2 years max.

Stop releasing sub-par cosmetics for easy cash grabs and focus on improving the quality of the gameplay. It's a clear problem with a clear solution. Or has the passion died?