Recent End Game "Tech"

Rogue11 Member Posts: 1,307
edited February 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

I don't know if a popular streamer invented this but I've encountered it a couple times today. I'm not sure if it's something that needs to be fixed in some way or if there are some counters I haven't thought of. It's kind of funny when it happens but also might be a bit broken.

A killer runs Noed, Remember Me, No Way Out, Bloodwarden. The killer opens one gate the second the gens are done. This starts the 2 minute end game collapse timer. The killer then stands guard over that exit with Noed.

If it takes 10-20 seconds for a survivor to touch the other gate handle, No Way Out activates for another 60 seconds. By the time No Way Out ends, the end game timer is now down to ~40 seconds.

Remember Me makes the 2nd gate take 32 seconds to open, giving a window of less than 10 seconds for survivors to escape through the 2nd gate before everyone dies to end game collapse.

I think if a fix is needed here, it would be making No Way Out activate when the killer opens an exit gate.

Are there any suggestions for how to counter this strategy as survivors, particularly without comms (solo queue)? The only thing I could think of is deliberately having someone get downed/hooked to slow the timer. But realistically, I don't think we can expect that kind of coordination in solo queue. And even with that strat, the killer could keep someone slugged until No Way Out ends, and then trigger BW.

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