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Red Enveloppes are making the game extremely toxic in the way they're designed.

I'm having way less fun in playing the game recently because of the enveloppes. Don't get me wrong, the bonus BPs are very nice and I'm so happy to get a lot of BPs in otherwise very bad games, sometiimes turning a 7k game into a 20k game.

However, I don't like how it's designed.

So, if I burn an enveloppe, my enveloppe will have its aura revealed to me, I can reveal it to others, awarding myselfs bloodpoints, and gettiing more BPs when someone else opens it.

Now, my problem is here: Someone else can steal it, and I get nothing out of it.

That means when the game starts, I HAVE TO immediately rush to my enveloppe and iif the killer finds me then I just keep running. I can't just play in a way where I can just take it later when I have the opportunity. And if I'm unlucky enough, it's on the other side of the map and someone steals it before I manage to get to it.

Cherry on the cake: Kiillers can grab you whiile you reveal or open an enveloppe.

Why is it even possible to steal enveloppes and deny BPs to others? I'm sure many who do that just don't understand that you should wait for an enveloppe to have its aura revealed before taking iit, II don't think a lot of people understand that and just take any enveloppe they see, thinking it's how it works. But I have a hard time not getting angry when I see someone steal my enveloppe iin front of my face.


    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    Blah blah blah TOXIC

    I immediately tune out when I see someone toss out that meaningless buzzword. Try framing your thoughts in a cogent fashion without leaning on buzzwords. I'm just not buying what you're saying otherwise.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,778

    I don't really have a problem with the event as it is now. If I could change one thing, I wish there was a way of making it clear when an envelope is yours. The specific situation I'm hoping to avoid is the one where two players are running for the same envelope, but one is trying to reveal it and the other is trying to open it. The optimal play is of course to let the person reveal it first, since that gives a lot more BP overall and only takes a second, but there's no way of communicating that now.

    One way of addressing this would be to make a survivor glow when they're within a certain radius of their own envelope or something.

    Or they could just do away with the reveal mechanic and just award BP to every player when any player opens an envelope. That'd be even better.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,136

    I don't like it when people grab my envelope before I can reveal it, either. I wish that weren't possible. The least the game could do is still give the envelope's owner all the points they would've gotten if they'd had the chance to reveal it, instead of just giving them the 4k for "sharing." I've seen people who end the match with 90k+ BP because they went around and grabbed everyone's envelopes, meanwhile everyone else's BP is low because all they got was the 4k and the BP for any gens that got done. That's rather suck.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,695

    This event is still going on?

  • konchok
    konchok Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719

    I don't give 2 shits if someone opens my envelope before me. Here's a pro-tip. You get points for completing a gen. Forget about the envelop altogether and just do a generator.

  • Xord
    Xord Member Posts: 517

    I mean, just one enveloppe awards an entire game worth of BPs. often more. Maybe you have thousands of hours and at this point you dont care about BPs, but I really enjoy the bonus BPs.

    I really preferred when BPs were a flat 50% bonus awarded at the end of the game.

  • Xord
    Xord Member Posts: 517

    The point is that if you see an unrevealed enveloppe, taking it means you deny ts owner BPs.

    Actually, you're not really stealing, you're straight up denying someone BPs without getting anything for it.

    I never said people were toxic to do that. It's the environment that is toxic. It allows people to troll others by reducing their end game rewards. Doesn't make much sense to me.

  • Avilgus
    Avilgus Member Posts: 1,261

    I think you should just play normally.

    I finished the event in 3 or 4 days without even paying attention.

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    Why is it so hard for people to grasp that you aren't owed anything when you toss in an offering? Especially in a game that's combative at its core.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,152

    I do think it would be good to either toss on additional BP to the envelope owner they missed out on from not being able to reveal or hide the envelope from others until the owner reveals it. I had many matches where I loaded in and was instantly sparkly because someone spawned next to my envelope and took it before I had a chance to reveal it.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    Since this event is all about bonus BPs, denying one from getting that is pretty stupid.

    BHVR is not very good at making games, I guess.

  • Smeagolthevile
    Smeagolthevile Member Posts: 175

    They should never have changed this event from being a simple blood point stacking bonus.

    Also to FrenziedRoach, you ARE owed something when you make an offering. All offering give you a bonus of some kind, either taking you to a map, or giving bonus blood points, they only ARENT, when someone brings something specific to counter it. This is one of the few instances where in game you can lose it. I dont understand where you are getting these weird ass wrong facts that 'we dont get the benefit from our offering' or that we are not entitled to it.

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,687
    edited February 2022

    You get points when someone else opens your envelope the score event is called "generous soul"

    On top of that, burning an envelope increases bonus BP gain from lunar celebration hooks and lunar celebration generator score events tremendously and these bonuses go over the cap. And In addition to that the envelopes are extremely plentiful so there's no reason not to use them since they're only usuable during the event, so I think the event is actually done really well, providing a lot of BP without just increasing your number at the end of the game while not being disruptive to the gameplay in any major way.

  • Tiufal
    Tiufal Member Posts: 1,252

    The Lurking Stripes Event was probably one of the most frustrating events so far. Nearly every game you threw in an envelope was a struggle against 4 other players. It was always like this: Match starts, you take a look for your envelope, see its on the other side of the map, so you start running straight to it and thats whats happening (from survivor perspective):

    1. One of your "teammates" "steals" your envelope cause they spawned nearer than yourself
    2. The killer "steals" it, cause obviously he spawned there
    3. You get into a chase far before you reach your envelope which leads to - A) the killer downing you before you get it and the killer "steals it" - B) you commit to your run for it and get downed after revealing it (having bad impact on the match) - C) you commit to your chase and someone else "steals" it

    None of this feels like a reward for throwing in an envelope. You potentially miss out on an horrendous amount of bloodpoints by revealing it. Also other players that didnt throw in an envelope are rewarded for being greedy as hell. Sometimes there were players just running around and taking all those envelopes for themselfs and then literally going afk. I even had some streamer tunneling me, just because he knew i would go to my envelope, so he could deny it (he didnt even take it).

    Another really annoying issue was, that the image of the evelopes stayed in place for some more seconds, so it wasnt that rare that you were running towards an envelope someone else already claimed. So you just wasted your time.

    I have no issue with giving other players the opportunity to get some more bloodpoints, BUT in first place its MY offering and I should get rewarded for using it, not some randoms that are just greedy.

    Hopefully next year this mess wont show up again. What needs to change?

    1. It should be quite easy to make the envelopes only appear to others after revealing them. That would lead to no more "steals" and to the point you could commit to your first chase and still be able to reveal it at a later point. As for killers not having to go out of their way for it.
    2. There should be some kind of system that prevents players from greeding all envelopes so that everyone gets a fair share. This would probably be a bit more work, cause you would have to depend on the number of envelopes used and who touches which envelope first.
    3. The randomness in bloodpoint gain should be deleted, getting sometimes 2k and sometimes 8k just feels like lottery with "losing" if you get the minor points. This can be compensated with point 2.
    4. The envelopes shine in a different colour if theyre going to be touched. this signals "dont waste your time to run here for nothing". Also the afterimage doesnt appear anymore.
    5. Envelopes spawn near their owner, e.g. in a 12m radius.
  • TeabaggingGhostface
    TeabaggingGhostface Member Posts: 3,108

    Imo envelopes shouldn't disappear if claimed, instead they should be available to everyone

  • Hex_Llama
    Hex_Llama Member Posts: 1,818

    I liked this event. Personally, I was glad people could still get my envelope even if I didn't reveal it, since it wasn't always practical to get there and it meant that, if someone just happened to pass by, we both got points.

    My fear was the people would refuse to take the envelopes just to mess with you, but every game I played, somebody picked it up, so it was fine.