Quick Fix: Addons

Addons. First let's figure out what they are. From the wiki;

So, to summarize, Addons are items that Survivors and Killers use to enhance their gameplay that are obtained via the Bloodweb. Survivors use them in conjunction with items to increase that item's power in various ways, while Killer's use them to enhance their abilities or give themselves different effects. Survivors can keep their Addons and Items so long as they Survive the match without using the full amount of charges, while Killer's use them up regardless of the outcome.

Some important things to note however are; Survivors can find Items from chests on the map, using the Perk Plunderer's Instinct they can obtain higher rarity items more frequently, and using the Perk Ace In The Hole they can obtain items with Addons attached. Below are the perks in question;

Another important thing to note is that there is no method in which the Killer can enter a match and come out of the game having obtained new Addons, nor keeping the ones they used, aside from using a Black Ward Offering, similar to how Survivors can use a White Ward Offering.

So, adding it all up we are left with a slightly balanced yet moderately unbalanced system in which Killers are losing their Addons each game while Survivors are able to not only keep them but obtain new ones within the match itself. This is most likely not a common occurrence, yet still one that I'm sure occurs and it is the possibility itself that matters.

As one could likely surmise, I find this balance slightly in favour of Survivors while leaving Killers in the dust and forced to obtain more and more Addons via their Bloodweb, something which ends up costing quite a lot. The main problem with this is that while Survivors function just fine without Addons or even Items themselves, simply being more or less enhanced in efficiency by them, Killers on the other hand thrive off their Addons and need them to properly deal with the Survivors. A Doctor with no Addons vs a Doctor with Addons is a night and day scenario, simply put you cannot expect a Doctor with no Addons to win against the Survivor team unless they royally mess up or lack in skill.

This disparity between Survivor and Killer Addons in how they're used, along with how they're gained, is then an issue that should be addressed. To that end I have a few ideas to share, some which were discussed in other threads and some I've been fiddling with in my head.

The first idea is a recycling system and one I mentioned in another thread. I would dub it something like "The Pool of Sacrifice", a murky pool of dark mist in near the campfire that calls to Survivors and Killers as it hungering for sacrifices, items that are important to them, and in return it offers them another chance at hope, or murder. The mechanics are simple, for every six (5) Common (brown) rarity Addons (or Items and Addons combined in the case of Survivors) The Pool of Sacrifice will form a random Uncommon Addon (or Item) out of its foggy substance. The further up in rarity you go, the less items it requires, and this is due to price differences.

5 Common (Brown) Addons/Items = 3000 * 5 = 15,000BP for 1 Uncommon (Yellow) Addon/Item
4 Uncommon (Yellow) Addons/Items = 4000 * 4 = 16,000BP for 1 Rare (Green) Addon/Item
3 Rare (Green) Addons/Items = 5000 * 2 = 15,000BP for 1 Very Rare (Purple) Addon/Item
2 Very Rare (Purple) Addons/Items = 6000 * 2 = 12,000BP for 1 Ultra Rare (Pink) Addon/Item

It's important to understand that this would help Players use up their more useless Addons/Items that they simply don't want to use (Looking at you "The Serpent" - Soot and "The Beast" - Soot, both Addons that are very counter to how a Wraith should be playing). This would allow Players obtain Addons they desire rather than simply what the Bloodweb gives, but at a large cost to them, essentially costing multitudes more BP than a simple Addon within the Bloodweb does.

That is what I would call a Quality of Life update, but a balance update would be this next idea. If a Survivor escapes they keep their Item/Addons, but a Killer loses theirs completely no matter how well they do. This shouldn't be the case, and so what if a Killer is rewarded for each successful sacrifice they make with a 40% chance to keep one of their two Addons (chosen at random). Essentially it would go;

1 Successful Sacrifice: 40% | 0%
2 Successful Sacrifices: 40% | 40%
3 Successful Sacrifices: 80% | 40%
4 Successful Sacrifices: 80% | 80%

Thus if a Killer successfully gets a 4K they are rewarded not only with glorious BP but a chance at walking away from the game with their Addons intact. This would allow Killers more games with their rarer Addons that they need to perform well.

Another more simple idea to use instead of the performance chance idea would be to give Killer Addons durability and allow them to last over multiple games, however this would cause a more messy inventory experience with differing levels of durability used to show up side by side. Even if it's only 2 uses that'd still potentially double the size of a Killer's Addon inventory. One could circumvent this however by locking the chosen Addon in the Killer's Loadout until it is entirely used up, or allow them to unequip it early but destroy it in the process.

Well, those were just some thoughts in by far my longest post. Any constructive criticism or other ideas are welcome, let's just keep it civil.


  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559

    Killers get noticeably more bp on average than survivors if the killer does well compared to when survivors do well, not counting BBQ and Chilli. Killers also play less games per hour than a survivor if that survivor is bad and is killed first every game. Therefore, killers have the bp to get more addons used for longer over less trials. The perks you mention I consider to balance out this inequality. Also, survivors lose their item and both addons when they die whereas the killer only loses the addons.

    It would, however, be cool if there was an in-game secondary killer objective that allowed killers to keep addons.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    @Kind_Lemon said:
    Killers get noticeably more bp on average than survivors if the killer does well compared to when survivors do well, not counting BBQ and Chilli. Killers also play less games per hour than a survivor if that survivor is bad and is killed first every game. Therefore, killers have the bp to get more addons used for longer over less trials. The perks you mention I consider to balance out this inequality. Also, survivors lose their item and both addons when they die whereas the killer only loses the addons.

    It would, however, be cool if there was an in-game secondary killer objective that allowed killers to keep addons.

    Do keep in mind though, many killers are quite addon dependent as well, while most survivor items are just luxuries. Many times you can be out of a survivor match and into the next match much faster as well. This also doesn't take into account short survivor que's.

    Just some other things to keep in mind. I like his idea as well though.

  • Aerys
    Aerys Member Posts: 179

    Like Blueberry said, Survivors have very short queues (pretty much instant) whereas a Killer can sit around for ten minutes after a match waiting for their next one (sometimes longer). I won't disagree that Killer's earn more BP on average per match/per hour and I've made a thread trying to equalize that slightly too, or at least give Survivors a bit more bang for their buck, because it is indeed lame that playing as a Survivor nets me a lot less points than Killer.

    Also, you said Survivors lose both their Item and Addons, but often like Blueberry said (and I did in my post, maybe you missed that though since it is a rather long one) Items (and their Addon enhancements) are more of a luxury for Survivors whereas Addons for a Killer are more often than not needed to perform well and be viable at all, and some Addons simply don't help that Killer either. Beside a rework of those Addons that aren't useful and Addons in general, giving us to at least recycle them would be nice, and for some Killers a much needed resource.