Survivor and a few Killer Perk Tweaks? Auras Colors, Offerings and Onscreen icons etc.

Could we add something in the game where if someone has a plundering perk, and they walk up to a chest someone else is opening, the survivor can see their perk in the bottom right corner the same way Leader pops up when Dwight is nearby? That way, if someone has Ace in the Hole or Plunderer's Instinct I can get off the chest so that they can open it instead. It would be really helpful.

For Technician, wouldn't it be cool if they buffed it a little where it applies to the entire generator? It feels pointless to use it when my teammate is blowing the gen up next to me even though I'm able to hit my skill checks LOL. If it protects all of our skill checks that would be cool but only on the gen that the person with Technician is on. Perhaps for a certain amount of time and it comes and goes. It could be changed to being token based so survivors have to pick and choose when it's best to use a "token of Technician protection" (say that 5 times fast) in intense situations.

I feel the same way with Distortion too. I've had situations where I've used it and I'm healing someone across the map. The killer has BBQ, I am protected by one of my tokens but the person I'm healing is still seen. So even though the killer can't see me healing them, they know at least two people are there because they see the injured person being healed with BBQ. If I'm touching someone, Distortion should apply to them as well the way Bite the Bullet makes both people quiet during the healing action. Yes Shadow Step could protect the auras, but I'm suggesting it for Distortion because Distortion isn't used as often as SS. Maybe this would make it more desirable just a tad. It would be cool to earn tokens back for Distortion like Stakeout but with a CAP though. Maybe earn back two tokens max and you have to earn them by getting in a locker or something.

Can Pharmacy just be medkit focused? Tier 1 guaranteed at least a yellow. Tier 2 50% chance of green or yellow. Tier 3 50% chance of purple or green on the first search. Then any search after that will just give you a yellow or higher medkit. I used to love using Pharmacy but I don't rock it much anymore. It would be nice if it could just be medkit focused for every search instead of just the first search. Might see it used more often.

Hear me out... Appraisal could let us escape with TWO items, BUT we can only equip one at a time. Idk how you'd make that happen but that'd be cool. Maybe pick up one item and with the secondary action button, you pick up the next one, but the last one you pick up is the equipped one that you can use. Then another button to swap them around but you can only do it while standing still or not in chase or something. Just an idea.

Franklin's I liked before personally. Either make it so that we still drop our items after being hit, but lose a little big of the percentages with each M1. Maybe Built to Last can counter it where if we have it equipped, we still lose charges but don't drop it? Or if we have a white ward, it can't get knocked out of our hands but still loses charges through the match with each M1. Might force some different builds into play more often if we can shake up how perks work. Even with Lightborn, maybe the blind can still happen but it's different timing. That way survivors have to readjust depending on what the killer has. Fire Up pickup timing, Iron Maiden timing, Lightborn timing etc. Perhaps the blind can happen with Lightborn but the stun is shorter and the killer still sees the auras of the survivor who did it after it's done? Killers are good at picking up at crazy angles so most survivors will fail the flashlight or flashbang save anyway but it's funny to see them try; unless gen-rushing every match is the only way they should play. Something to work for both sides? It's just frustrating to have finally got enough points on survivor, (we know how hard it is to get points unless you're bringing Prove Thyself every match which is pretty meh) to bring a medkit into a match and it gets snatched away or a toolbox that I wanted to use for maybe a sabo play and it gets snatched away after you spend your hard earned points on it. I'd at least like to use what I paid points for. I have a different idea for bloodweb changes but I'll put them in a separate post.

OMG coin offerings! If I bring a yellow or purple coin offering to add extra chests into the match, can they PLEASE be highlighted to me at the beginning of the match in blue or something. For the next 90 seconds, only I can open them. The extra chests I brought are locked to me and me only. So many times a purple coin is wasted because someone else is opening the extra chest that I brought into the match. It sucks. Or instead keep the extra chest locked to the coin bringer the entire match and they have to go to the box and "release the chain" so that someone else can open it if they want to be generous or it's available for others to open AFTER the coin bringer dies on hook. Something please lol. I'd love more offerings in general. Some we just never use and

Aura colors: can we make them specific to survivor or killer? How will someone know the difference between someone who has Situational Awareness vs. a killer using Trail of Torment if both gens are yellow. Maybe Situational Awareness can be green instead. We have white auras for Repressed Alliance and Rookie Spirit, the regular gen aura for maps and for the killer's POV can stay red. It doesn't happen often, but some killers will kick a gen with Trail of Torment AND have Insidious (a bubba played this in a very slick way on Gideon) so my Kindred did nothing for the team LOL. It was a way for him to Insidious camp OUTSIDE the basement which was pretty crazy to see. If the gen he kicked was a different color from Situational Awareness, that would alert the team that he was last seen in THAT area. Would make solo queue a lot smoother in situations like that. So yellow for Trail of Torment, green for Situational Awareness and Repressed and Rookie Spirit can stay white. Just a slight tweak.

Idk just some ideas to throw out there. I hope I explained the ideas well; it'd be cool to see them tweaked/added. 😁